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i used to be able to connect to my msn and yahoo messenger accounts when im online on my n900.
not sure what happened but i cant even find those acounts and it wont let me create a new account bec yahoo and msn dont come up anymore. only icq facebook ovi etc.

how can i return these services back to my nokia n900?

mhamza's Avatar
Posts: 35 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Oct 2010
Originally Posted by moester76 View Post
i used to be able to connect to my msn and yahoo messenger accounts when im online on my n900.
not sure what happened but i cant even find those acounts and it wont let me create a new account bec yahoo and msn dont come up anymore. only icq facebook ovi etc.

how can i return these services back to my nokia n900?

As far as i know msn and yahoo are not supported inherently in n900 and requires protcol application to get them up
here you can find it:

Didn't try it on PR 1.3 yet, good luck
Posts: 38 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2010
im not talkin about messenger.
im talking about being online and being signed in to yahoo and msn. it was present on my phone then it dissappeared. now all i have is skype. and when i go to add acounts yahoo and msn are not there.

sorry if im not explaining this so well.
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Posts: 176 | Thanked: 33 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Netherlands
just like mhamza said.. u must install msn or yahoo plugin again.. how did it dissapeared ?

otherwise install the plugins again via ur app manager, the settings of it are still on ur n900.
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