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I've been going the internet-only plan with VoIP route and Google Voice since I rarely make calls.
However I have not been able to find a VoIP provider that is usable...

Sipgate has good call quality over wi-fi (not so good over 3G but usable for brief periods) and is otherwise usable except for the fact that it makes my phone have a battery life of ~6 hours on 3G.

Sipsorcery is no longer accepting new signups so I can't use that anymore to get TCP access with Sipgate.

I tried PBXes + IPKall which worked well for two days. Then after that I would get "trunk outage" notifications, and when I do what it says to get my trunk online again I get another notification in ~20 minutes.

I heard rumors that Pidgin works with Google Talk + Google Voice on Ubuntu. If I install Ubuntu 9.04 mobile on my n900 will I be able to use Pidgin to call with Google Voice? Or alternatively can I just install Google Chrome with the GV plugin on that?

Are there any other VoIP providers that people use that work?
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Skype works fine, and the video works too as long as the other end is using the latest version, which only exists in Windoze.
I also use google chat video conf and audio and video works great too. (google recently released the browser widget for Linux OS, FF and Chrome, which work great)

Originally Posted by feuxfollets View Post
I've been going the internet-only plan with VoIP route and Google Voice since I rarely make calls.
However I have not been able to find a VoIP provider that is usable...

Sipgate has good call quality over wi-fi (not so good over 3G but usable for brief periods) and is otherwise usable except for the fact that it makes my phone have a battery life of ~6 hours on 3G.

Sipsorcery is no longer accepting new signups so I can't use that anymore to get TCP access with Sipgate.

I tried PBXes + IPKall which worked well for two days. Then after that I would get "trunk outage" notifications, and when I do what it says to get my trunk online again I get another notification in ~20 minutes.

I heard rumors that Pidgin works with Google Talk + Google Voice on Ubuntu. If I install Ubuntu 9.04 mobile on my n900 will I be able to use Pidgin to call with Google Voice? Or alternatively can I just install Google Chrome with the GV plugin on that?

Are there any other VoIP providers that people use that work?
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Philadelphia
Skype can't call phones though unless I pay for the skype in number and stuff.

I don't really care about video stuff.
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Originally Posted by feuxfollets View Post
Skype can't call phones though unless I pay for the skype in number and stuff.

I don't really care about video stuff.
Skype can call any subscriber phone line from the moment you put some credit on your Skype account.
The "Skype in" number is optional and meant to receive phone calls from mainly classic telephones and is not required for calling out.
Skype to Skype as from or to computer or pocket computer or Skype enabled phone is (still) free over any kind of internet be it 3G or Wifi or ethernet connected broadband.
Skype over 3G can possibly yield amazing, better than telephone quality. I have tested it.
The video chat function can be fun to surprise some people who are still in the Skype happens on my computer only phase with your outdoor location.

Using the built in SIP client with one of the many available SIP providers works great for me.
You can use different suppliers for different destinations.
Some of them will allow you to call out to fixed numbers (almost) for free.
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Philadelphia
If I'm using Skype with Google Voice then I'll need a Skype-In number.

And I've been using the built in SIP client but I have not been able to find a SIP provider that is usable. What provider do you use?
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Originally Posted by feuxfollets View Post
I've been going the internet-only plan with VoIP route and Google Voice since I rarely make calls.
However I have not been able to find a VoIP provider that is usable...

Sipgate has good call quality over wi-fi (not so good over 3G but usable for brief periods) and is otherwise usable except for the fact that it makes my phone have a battery life of ~6 hours on 3G.

Sipsorcery is no longer accepting new signups so I can't use that anymore to get TCP access with Sipgate.

I tried PBXes + IPKall which worked well for two days. Then after that I would get "trunk outage" notifications, and when I do what it says to get my trunk online again I get another notification in ~20 minutes.

I heard rumors that Pidgin works with Google Talk + Google Voice on Ubuntu. If I install Ubuntu 9.04 mobile on my n900 will I be able to use Pidgin to call with Google Voice? Or alternatively can I just install Google Chrome with the GV plugin on that?

Are there any other VoIP providers that people use that work?
I have gizmo5 (no new signups possible) and sipgate. On wifi both are very capable once the call is established. Gizmo behaves flaky every once in a while. Sipgate is much better in that respect. Skype also works, but its useless if you want to send DTMF tones (touch tones).

Both work well on 3G - when that 3G actually _is_ 3G. What I mean by this is using 3G frequencies does not automatically imply better speeds. Tmobile (or any other telco) seems to have many pockets in which 3G signal is superb, yet the speeds are dismal. I checked this with speedtest as well data transfer rates over my personal vpn.
What I found was that if the 3G data rate of a specific location is good, then voip calls are good (well duh!).
For bad rates, sipgate and gizmo were about equally flaky, but Skype was flakier.
In 2G / 2.5G, sipgate was the only one that actually worked well enough to have a decent conversation - but that was just one time. In every other place where I have attempted a voip call over 2/2.5 G, both parties have failed to hear anything.

I also found that any other process that eats into the n900 processor will cause weird (interesting) audio artifacts in a voip call. This includes the web browsing, getting another call or text while talking, playing Angry Birds...
Opera browser is more of a processor hog than MicroB and so attempting to browse in Opera while on a voip call is the best way to shorten the conversation and battery life.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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Posts: 223 | Thanked: 52 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ West Kirby, UK
I use SIP + SIPGATE, a pretty solid combo.
In dog years, I'm dead.
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Philadelphia
Well as I've said I've been using SIPGATE and it's been working fine apart from the abysmal 6 hour battery life I get... if I turn off my sipgate account my battery life immediately goes to 18hr+.
6hrs is just not acceptable.
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I use CallCentric at home and on my N900, it works fine!

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