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Yesterday at evening I fully charged my N900 and I have not used it since and now bam! - battery is on 40 %!.

There is no SIM in it, no data connections are active, bluetooth off, automatic Wi-Fi search off. There is Calendar Widget on the Home Scree + Date Today Widget, Nameday Widget and System Info Widget which shows 3-5 % CPU usage.

After restarting the device I see 17 % battery. Firmware is 1.3.
Any tips?
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Throw it against the wall continuously, then drown it in heavy water before drying it off and torching it with a flame thrower.

Thats how I feel sometimes with the battery life. Then I remember it's my only friend and I plug it in to charge it up.
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That's some innovative talking, but I prefer N900 to be my faithful servant rather than a friend
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The possible reasons and thus solutions to resolve the battery problem have become increasingly complex with the move from phone->smartphone->internet tablet. The effect of which is the introduction of further complex applications/programmes which operate in tandem with our increasing demands for a device that does it all.

So while you can search and try many things, the days of "get a new battery" are over. I know this doesnt help, but it's just my observation from this forum
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I had been previously thinking, that the problem is clear - battery has a low capacity for all day 3G, Wi-Fi and phone calls. But WTF is -60 % battery while doing nothing? This way the N900 will go to desk drawer in better case, to another unfortunate owner in the worse case.

On the other hand the hardware is quite nice, so it would be a shame :-/ But what to do with a nice hardware, when software... now I'd better hide before Linux geeks will hunt me down... running away shielding myself with my slow, obsolete, but sturdy and solid WM device
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I've noticed, that if my internet connection goes down, the device is trying to connect back online and therefore causing battery to drain fast.
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Thought i was only one with this issue. My phone lasts 4 hours max, i have lowest brightness setting on. However my desktops are riddled with widgets...this is probably the reason i suspect.
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Do you swap batteries often?
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Originally Posted by Cue View Post
Do you swap batteries often?
Great pick up line.
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I will post the only solution that actually worked for me. Download and use the 2g/3g switcher. Using the N900 (always connected) on 2G got me 10+ hours of battery life with email/IM/light web browsing. 3G is a killer.
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