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Greetings Everyone:

Ok, don't get excited about the title of my post.

Would anyone know how many users world wide use MSN?

Ok, if anyone knows the answer, do you think Microsoft would not attempt
to intergrate MSN with the Nokia N800?

OK I can see that all you Linux programers jaws just droped to the flloor.

From January 2007, when the N800 was announced this device is quickly becoming very popular.
So tell me everyone if you were Bill, wouldn't you at least consider its potential if MSN would be installed on it.

Also, those of you who have installed Gizmo project on the N800 and some of you say stated that you can intergrate your MSN contacts into Gizmo.

Can you show everyone some screen samples.

Regards Robert
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I don't use it myself, but from what I can see the gaim client has an MSN plugin already, so you should be all set. That's chat, I assume.
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Use GAIM (or pidgin as I think it has been renamed). It is very good and allows use of several different networks. I personally prefer it to the MSN messenger M$ made in the first place. I however use kopete on the desktop as I run linux.
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Posts: 108 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ France
You can even use the default IM client with your Jabber account and the proper gateway. I use that every day to chat with MSN contacts.
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Posts: 230 | Thanked: 35 times | Joined on Mar 2007
Yep, both solution work perfect. Besides, desktops Linux distros are more popular than maemo and MS didn't develop a version for them...

So.. use GAIM it works like a charm
Posts: 87 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on May 2007
You can use Pidgin, set up to use MSN account and it will work.Tested at least for messages.But actually MSN is pretty sucking protocol with brain-damaged design.It has nice features like custom smiles, avatars and other extras.But this is worth of nothing when protocol may fail to deliver message from Alice to Bob without letting Alice know delivery has failed so she thinks Bob just ignores her messages.There is really better alternatives in the world.MSN is only popular just because nasty MSN client is built in into Windows by default (and even pretty hard to remove even if you don't like it) and people are not aware of better ones.That's how abuse of monopoly works :\
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Well, unless Nokia were to pay Microsoft, it is unlikely Microsoft will develop one for Maemo on their own initiative. Afterall, there wasn't MSN messenger for Linux in the first place.

But even if that were to happen, it would no doubt be a binary blob, and could very likely be a badly done wine port too.

Either way, we're better off using Pidgin (or GAIM, if you live in a cave).
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I use Gaim 2.0, but find it sometimes annoying using the N800's keypad to chat, I'm more use to using the full size keyboard as I'm a fast touch typer.

I think there is a way of enabling you to use the default IM app on the n800, for use with MSN/WML I lost the link though
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2007 @ Canada
"..I think there is a way of enabling you to use the default IM app on the n800, for use with MSN/WML I lost the link though.."

I saw a really nice folding bluetooth keyboard for 100$ !

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Originally Posted by rheve View Post
You can even use the default IM client with your Jabber account and the proper gateway. I use that every day to chat with MSN contacts.
And what would that gateway be? Very interested here.

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