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After compiling it again today...I figured out how run it in fullscreen...
but get a black screen.
got it to run 720x512 in window mode, 720 is the exact length but 512 is a little way too long for the n800 in window mode.
I'll compile with different options later to see if i can get the fullscreen working once I do, I will release it.

Till then sit tight....

if you havent seen it..check out
I have a video running it..
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Posts: 231 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on May 2007 @ Singapore
For the uninformed (me, previously ):

Basilisk II is an open source software emulator which emulates the 680x0-based Apple Macintosh computer on a variety of operating systems, including BeOS, Linux, AmigaOS, Windows NT, Mac OS X and even on the Sony PSP.

The last version of Mac OS that can be run within Basilisk II is Mac OS 8.1, the last 680x0-compatible version. Newer Mac OS versions aren't compatible with Basilisk II because those newer versions require a PowerPC-based processor, which can't be emulated by the program. To run such operating systems, emulators that can emulate PowerPC-based processors, like SheepShaver or PearPC, are needed. Alpha versions were available from January 1999 with the first non-alpha release in October of the same year.

Since the new Macs that use the new Intel chips cannot run in Classic mode Basilisk II is valuable as an alternative for users who wish to run programs that would previously have to be run in Classic mode.

[quoted from wikipedia]
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Sounds great!I can't wait to see it. So, on the other bug issue, are you having the stuck mouse click problem I am, I'm curious what's up with this.

Keep up the good work!
Posts: 330 | Thanked: 57 times | Joined on May 2007 @ BKNYC
while compiling the source..I notice you can compile using different features.
i uploaded 3 so far....
basiliskIIGS--->sdl/gtk/fbdev...not sure what the issues is with it but the screen is all screwed up.... ./BasiliskII --screen dga/0/0 start in fullscreen.

basiliskGTK--->works nicely....

and BasiliskIISDL-->works nicely...does 720x480 which is the best screen res I've use so far on the emu. And is also the version that requires command line parameters. ./BasiliskII --rom /lo/ca/tion/of/rom --disk sys/tem/dsk --disk hdd/dsk

compiling basiliskIISDL and BasiliskIIGS with the --enable-XF86-dga does the fullscreen...but when it goes into fullscreen its starts up, but the screen is black. ./BasiliskII --screen dga/0/0

another issue notice with the dga/0/0 when it does go into full screen sometimes require a reboot to get out.....I advice you to install MPV, so the need to turn the device off won't be needed.

The "video mode" is one of the following:
Color display in an X11 window of the given size. There are several
resolutions and color depths available. The set of color depths
depends on the capabilities of the X11 server, the operating system,
and Basilisk II compile-time options, but 1 bit and the default depth
of the X11 screen should always be available.
[if Basilisk II was configured with --enable-xf86-dga]
Full-screen display using the XFree86 DGA extension. The color depth
(8/15/24 bit) depends on the depth of the underlying X11 screen.
"width" and "height" specify the maximum width/height to use.
Saying "dga/0/0" means "complete screen".
dga/<frame buffer name>
[if Basilisk II was configured with --enable-fbdev-dga]
Full-screen display using the frame buffer device /dev/fb. The color
depth (8/15/24 bit) depends on the depth of the underlying X11 screen.
The "frame buffer name" is looked up in the "fbdevices" file (whose
path can be specified with the "fbdevicefile" prefs item) to determine
certain characteristics of the device (doing a "ls -l /dev/fb" should
tell you what your frame buffer name is).
Best result so far is to run BasiliskIISDL and when the emu starts go to control panel and monitor settings and do 720x480.

Now I guess hacking away at the source would be a good thing....but don't expect miracles from me, and If I do walk on water then be happy...
Posts: 330 | Thanked: 57 times | Joined on May 2007 @ BKNYC
I was told that the N800 doesn't have framebuffer....guessing thats why when it goes into fullscreen it goes black. No framebuffer support.
OSEmuTech's Avatar
Posts: 466 | Thanked: 142 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Temple Terrorist, FL
I managed to (finally) track down an IRC chat log to find your ports.

Thank you very much for your work on this.

Posts: 8 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2007
where we can download this ?
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Posts: 466 | Thanked: 142 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Temple Terrorist, FL
I don't know if unique311 wanted it public yet (it's been 3 months), but I found his 3 builds on this page:

The BasiliskIIGS is probably the best one to use to setup the .basiliskii_pref file as it uses a GUI. I think it requires sdl (libsdl-net1.2_1.2.5-7_armel_bora.deb) and maybe GTK+ installed.

You need xkbd installed, which currently doesn't have all keys mapped. I had to go into red pill mode to install libxpm4_3.5.4.2-3_armel.deb before installing xkbd_0.8.15m-1_armel.deb (from ArnimS's page).

As with all Basilisk II builds, you will need a ROM image file from an old 68k Mac. I bought 7 on eBay over the past 9 years in order to play with Basilisk II, vMac, Mini vMac, Fusion PC, SoftMac (and bought PowerMacs to run SheepShaver ... an open source PPC emulator that can probably be ported over to Maemo too).

Threads on this forum about Mini vMac on Maemo:

Another person who was developing a port of Basilisk II but hasn't released anything public:
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Posts: 466 | Thanked: 142 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Temple Terrorist, FL
Ha ha!

I noticed when compiling Basilisk II JIT, SheepShaver (a PPC emulator), and PearPC (a G3/G4 emulator) from the latest CVS source on Scratchbox that JIT could not be enabled on the armel hardware platform for any of the emulators.

As I've been a big Basilisk II fan since 1999, I knew that "Basilisk II JIT" is even slower than the older "Basilisk II" if JIT is not turned on.

Here is a screenshot of Basilisk II "JIT" running a non real world benchmarking program as compiled by unique311.

Here is the version I compiled today using the source tarball from Christian's site (the original author of Basilisk II, Frodo, etc.). The whole thing seems faster too. (The black square is an unfortunate artifact from the screen capture menu.)

BTW: Here's an attempt at running Mac OS X on my N800 using the PearPC Macintosh emulator. I think it would take a day or two to boot up and I can't be without my N800 that long.

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Originally Posted by OSEmuTech View Post
BTW: Here's an attempt at running Mac OS X on my N800 using the PearPC Macintosh emulator. I think it would take a day or two to boot up and I can't be without my N800 that long.
You have to get the version of OSX that the iPhone runs, obviously.

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