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I know its been talked numerous times and I think I have gone through quite a lot of them if not all after my phone stopped booting up since yesterday. I was using power-kernel45 and there was no any problem just the battery was low and I left it to charge for around 10 minutes and when i tried to turn it on from the sleep mode, it just didn't. So I turned it off and since then it hasn't turned on just does the blinking of 5 dots and thats it. When I tried to turn on immediately after the problem, it was only showing weird lines across the screen. Its after leaving the phone for an hour without the battery and turning it on, I get this never ending blinking dots.

Firstly, I tried just reflashing the firmware with the latest 1.3.

Secondly, I tried reflashing both the frimware and the emmc as stated in the wiki without any luck.

Thirdly, I tried to flash with enabled rd mode as I read that the device will try to fix itself but it still couldn't get through the blinking dots.

Final one is I'm just repeating this process hoping to get lucky.

So, if there's anything else I'm missing plz let me know. I'll be grateful. Thank you.

Posts: 265 | Thanked: 96 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Sydney, Australia
u could try reflashing just the kernel?
i had a problem with booting and it ended up being just the kernel
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What do you mean by yout tried to flash. Why it failed?
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Thanks guys for the replies.
@flipalong: I reflashed the firmware 1.3 and the emmc so the kernel should have been flashed but the problem still persists.
@slender: I reflashed the frimware and emmc successfully, but the problem didn't go. So, I just flashed doing this:
$sudo flasher-3.5 --enable-rd-mode
It set the device in RD Mode and I tried boot up, but again stuck in the same blinkings.

EDIT: Also after some time in the blinking loop, I find the touch vibrate on as if everything has loaded in the background like after a new reflash but desktop is not loading???

Last edited by jaeezzy; 2010-11-21 at 02:50.
Posts: 309 | Thanked: 115 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Malaysia
quick question..might be silly....

did you restart in between flashing the firmware and emmc?

if you are planning to flash both, u need to exclude the "-R" from firmware flashing, and add to emmc flashing..
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Originally Posted by one1002 View Post
quick question..might be silly....

did you restart in between flashing the firmware and emmc?

if you are planning to flash both, u need to exclude the "-R" from firmware flashing, and add to emmc flashing..
No. Flashed firmware without -R and emmc with -R option. Three times now.
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Something like that has happened to me from nowhere too [here], but, then I removed the battery, waited for about 8-10 minutes and then, I was able to boot the device.

But in my case, I wasn't able to boot the device, was like it was without a battery... I suspected something got inverse powered (once my led got weak, and the screen was weird, sometimes normal and sometimes without light).

But in your case... I have an idea: Have you tried to power it and look against a strong light source? If the problem is with the backlight, you will be able to see if the screen is working.
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Are you confident that your battery is fully charged? There is a pretty long history of people who had problems with low battery and their flashing didn't work and since people often don't have a spare battery they never got things working right.

That's one reason why it's nice to have a fully charged extra battery. You specifically mention leaving the battery to charge for 10 minutes. 10 minutes is pathetic, frankly, it needs to charge for hours to be fully charged, and the documentation specifically mentions that it needs to be fully charged to flash properly.
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Thanks guys for the response. As I dont have another device to check the battery level, I am definitely not confident about the charge level of my battery. My friend got N900 I'll check in his and do everything again making sure the battery is full.

But for now, I reflashed the firmware and emmc without any reboot in between and tried to boot after, but got stuck in the same blinking dots. I then turned it off. Then flashed as "sudo flasher-3.5 --enable-rd-mode" again and took the cable out and booted. I'm still stuck in the same thing. Now, when the keyboard is slidedout and the display goes off (though the display is only of the blinking dots), my left side of the keyboard where there are "Ctrl" buttons, the backlight blinks quickly and continuously and the right side keyboard backlight stays lit. Does it mean anything coz it should serve some purpose as its in R&D mode?
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try this site reset to factory defualt

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