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acydlord's Avatar
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I don't know how many people in this community use so I figured I'd just come out and ask if anyone knows of any twitter apps in development for maemo. Also I'd like to know if people would be interested in one and if so what features would they like to see?
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jul 2006 @ Norway
Its been a long time since this post, but one can send Twitter updates via chat to ;-)

And using the browser if the MicroB engine is selected. (check using about: )


Last edited by cintra; 2007-11-19 at 08:49.
zerojay's Avatar
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There's a significant portion of tablet owners on Jaiku because of the Mauku client for the tablets. If anyone needs an invite, let me know.

So far, I haven't heard of or seen a Twitter client though.

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The Mauku clinet is great - and I was on Jaiku even before I got the Tablet, so Jaiku and Tablet integration has been great.

Would be good to have a Twitter cleint too - for all those on twitter.
I think you can bring in (import) your Jauku's into Twitter and Vice-versa - so maybe you could use Mauku on Jaiku and then import all those into Twitter (online import) to keep abreast of your Twittering.
johnkzin's Avatar
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I thought microb was the twitter client?
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jul 2006 @ Norway
Originally Posted by zerojay View Post
There's a significant portion of tablet owners on Jaiku because of the Mauku client for the tablets. If anyone needs an invite, let me know..
Hei zerojay

I would certainly appreciate an invite.. I thought new membership had been put on hold while things are sorted out with Google, but if you can pls let me know and I'll PM you my email address etc.

zerojay's Avatar
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Send me an e-mail address in PM.
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I'd like to see a dashboard/homescreen app for OS2008 that allows you to update your Facebook status, Twitter status, Jaiku status, etc. I think it's possible, and I'm envisioning something like the search box that already exists. Instead of launching a browser though, it should just update the status(es). When it starts up it should pull the current status and display it in the box. (It could either poll automatically or offer a refresh button after that.) It could either post the same text to all the services, or allow you to select, as the search box does.

I've avoided Jaiku simply because all my friends (we're in grad school) are using Facebook for status updates. I don't really use Twitter, either. But I think a single solution for all of them would be nice, and the tablet is perfect for this sort of status update. I don't want to load an app, either. It would be great to just have the status sitting on the home screen all the time, waiting for updates.

What do you guys think? Could someone take a shot at making this? :-)
tobiasj's Avatar
Posts: 241 | Thanked: 74 times | Joined on Jul 2007
I would like a twitter client as well, there is a python client available already but it uses TKinter and at that point I gave up trying to make it work. (it is called pwytter)

There are a number of Linux clients that might be able to be ported, but well, I really don't have any idea how to do that (just got the SDK and scratchbox installed Friday and I am still reading/playing/learning) You can find them at

Twitter offers an API to use so if someone had to, writing one from scratch should be possible (though, again I could be full of it as I have NO idea what would be involved...)

Certainly, the web browser works (especially with and available) and im's from CHAT to work as well, but a client would be nice.

ninjatuned's Avatar
Posts: 41 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2007
I concur that there should be some sort of Twitter/Facebook/MySpace universal app that posts across applications. At the moment I'd settle for a Twitter client

Looks they're being worked on:

But nothing yet...

My 2 cents (not being a developer) - for a dedicated Twitter client I'd love to see something that lived in the status bar. When it's clicked it pops open a window that has an input field and the last 3 or 4 tweets from friends. And as long as we're dreaming, it would be great if it notified you when someone posts something new.

For the moment, there is a Facebook app that will sync your status on Facebook with Twitter. It's appropriately named Twittersync. At least with that I only have to update once.

*edit* Ok I stand corrected. After a little more digging it looks like Gwibber is still in the alpha stage but getting close, and you can download the source from svn. The dev is actually a writer for Ars Technica and mentioned Gwibber in his review of the N810

duh ... can't believe I missed that one ... ars was one of the reasons I got turned on to the Tablet in the first place.

Last edited by ninjatuned; 2008-02-18 at 04:07.

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