I'm looking at a Droid Pro as my next phone, bellow are my thoughts, but I'd greatly appreciate others views(especially those who have used a Pro).
Some back ground info:
I have an N900, and have loved it
Tmo doesn't do 3g in my area, I don't mind so much being on edge but it is a down side
I like physical keyboards either sliding or portrait
I want to be able to customize my phone to some extent but I'm no programmer. I like being able to do some minor mods but they aren't a must.
Android has commercial apps that I would like to have
I don't have the time or interest to game actively
Verizon and AT&T are the two best options for me carrier wise
Anyway, looking at 2010 generation phones versus 2011 generation phones, I don't know if I even care about the spec upgrade. A Droid Pro runs a 1000 Mhz processor, I'm having trouble seeing how a dual core processor is going to change dailly use. As stated above I don't game actively so huge specs aren't a must. All I'm really looking for are some commercial Apps that just aren't showing up on Maemo.
Also all the 2011 gen phones for Verizon and AT&T haven't had physical keyboards, so I'm almost wondering if its even worth waiting for them since a physical keyboard is more important to me than a dual core processor.
One concern is Android 2.2 versus 2.3. Right now I'm sorta waiting to see who does what with the 2.3 upgrade, but is it even worth it? Getting to the point, I like the Droid Pro keyboard, I don't think I'll mind the reduced screen size, and I think I'll like the apps. However, I do know that cell phones can have random built in deficiencies that you really might not notice till you have used them a lot, so if anyone has an opinion on this phone I'd love to hear it.
I'm looking at a Droid Pro as my next phone, bellow are my thoughts, but I'd greatly appreciate others views(especially those who have used a Pro).
Some back ground info:
Anyway, looking at 2010 generation phones versus 2011 generation phones, I don't know if I even care about the spec upgrade. A Droid Pro runs a 1000 Mhz processor, I'm having trouble seeing how a dual core processor is going to change dailly use. As stated above I don't game actively so huge specs aren't a must. All I'm really looking for are some commercial Apps that just aren't showing up on Maemo.
Also all the 2011 gen phones for Verizon and AT&T haven't had physical keyboards, so I'm almost wondering if its even worth waiting for them since a physical keyboard is more important to me than a dual core processor.
One concern is Android 2.2 versus 2.3. Right now I'm sorta waiting to see who does what with the 2.3 upgrade, but is it even worth it? Getting to the point, I like the Droid Pro keyboard, I don't think I'll mind the reduced screen size, and I think I'll like the apps. However, I do know that cell phones can have random built in deficiencies that you really might not notice till you have used them a lot, so if anyone has an opinion on this phone I'd love to hear it.
Sorry for rambling. Thanks in advance!
Last edited by dmberta; 2011-01-27 at 12:13.