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One big reason I prefered N900 over N8 was not only it has a better OS but I was looking for a device with touchscreen and a physical keyboard. With on screen keyboard you can't type that fast.

The biggest implementation of a deivice with physical keybard is while surfing internet and chatting. I love using my N900 for instantly noting something instead of using a paper and pen. But what my experince is, its keyboard is good but you cannot type as fast as in the case of a PC keyboard.

So my question is how many of you use N900 for immediately noting something instead of pen and paper and are you able to type that fast as in the case of PC keyboard?
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Yes I type as fast. It really depends, because sometimes my rhumbs are more tired. Then I can't type as fast. I'm quickly typing this up right now without looking at the keyboard in a college class right now. I don't regularly note things, but when I do, I'm not averse to using the N900 over paper. Depends on what's closer. I've also written full essays in FreOfifice on my N900.
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faster then i can flap
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While I'm not as fast on my n900 as I am on a proper keyboard it's still pretty fast, I don't find it a huge handicap. I get around 40 words per minute on a keybard, I'd guess I'm around 25-30 on the n900. I use my n900 for programming a lot and often I find myself typing pretty much constantly for 4 hours or more, word auto-completion helps a bit. Often I find myself using the n900 at home instead of powering up my big noisy PC which sits idle in the same room. Similarly with emails, unless I'm going to be writing a couple of thousand words or more the n900 is what I use. The small screen size is much more of a limiting factor. I've posted this from my n900.

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Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
So my question is how many of you use N900 for immediately noting something instead of pen and paper and are you able to type that fast as in the case of PC keyboard?
I love using the N900 to take quick notes if I'm, say, in a car, or at a restaurant, and pulling out pen and paper would be a real pain. But no, I've learned how to touch-type on standard PC keyboards, so there's really no way any cell-phone sized keyboard could ever be as quick or comfortable for any serious writing. (I really need to find me a good bluetooth keyboard for my N900...)
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I type pretty quickly on the N900 keyboard, actually quicker than on a normal pc one because I can't type well anyway. Thumbs rule!! Also, the boys at Nokia did a fine job with this keyboard - the E75's keyboard was great to type on but couldn't process the letters quickly enough and so I made lots of errors. Not so with my N900
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Quick-note - touch-typing in above post means typing without having to look at the keyboard, right? I get about the same level of proficiency with it as on normal keyboards... Although if you lose the two homerow keys with bumps (F and J), it's more of a crapshoot because they're so slight of bumps, so it takes some focus to feel them out.

Also, I think what really makes the difference is what you have mapped to your keyboard. I could never make do without Tab, ^, <, >, {, }, [, ], %, and the Page Up/Down and Home/End keys. I also have Delete as well as backspace, which is convenient too. Etc.

The full range of buttons I have is pretty ridiculous. (~, |, and Esc help greatly in X Terminal.) Just about every key is mapped to have some Shift+Fn special symbol, and Backspace handles Delete for Fn and Esc for Shift+Fn.

If I had the regular keyboard mappings that came stock, typing would soon get annoying for any serious work.
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I cen du abbot 45 works pee minurt.

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Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur View Post
Quick-note - touch-typing in above post means typing without having to look at the keyboard, right?
I basically mean I'm using all my fingers when I type; that is, on a full-size desktop PC keyboard. (I think this is what the original poster was talking about...) Since your hands are covering the keyboard, you really can't look to see which keys they are hitting. But, of course, you can't do that with any cell-phone sized keyboards...

BTW, my absolute favorite keyboard is the Kinesis "Contoured" keyboard -- it has a very different layout of keys, and allows you to use your thumbs for more than just hitting the spacebar:

Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur View Post
Also, I think what really makes the difference is what you have mapped to your keyboard. I could never make do without Tab, ^, <, >, {, }, [, ], %, and the Page Up/Down and Home/End keys. I also have Delete as well as backspace, which is convenient too. Etc.
Hey, how do you map keys on the N900? I'm always bringing up the extra characters screen in xterm, I'd love to get some of those mapped to the physical keyboard. Thanks!
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Originally Posted by Copernicus View Post
I basically mean I'm using all my fingers when I type; that is, on a full-size desktop PC keyboard. (I think this is what the original poster was talking about...) Since your hands are covering the keyboard, you really can't look to see which keys they are hitting. But, of course, you can't do that with any cell-phone sized keyboards...

BTW, my absolute favorite keyboard is the Kinesis "Contoured" keyboard -- it has a very different layout of keys, and allows you to use your thumbs for more than just hitting the spacebar:

Hey, how do you map keys on the N900? I'm always bringing up the extra characters screen in xterm, I'd love to get some of those mapped to the physical keyboard. Thanks!
Yes but with Desktop keyboard we use multiple fingers just like piano in order to type faster. However with N900 we use those fingers to hold the device and type using thumbs. So how is typing fast possible

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