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The websites that I create now aren't fully compatible with the phone I had then.
That more or less sums up why I'd call it "old hardware".
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The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to magick777 For This Useful Post: | ||
, 23:01
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Your question totally makes sense. What do new smartphones have that older ones didn't have? No crucial improvements since like 2-3 years. If you have WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth, front facing camera, blablablabla... what does a brand new, Q3 2011 device add to this, hardwarewise? Nothing. A fast dual-core CPU, 1GB of RAM, some would say. Woooow, great, and how do I use all that stuff? If you are selling me fancy hardware and that is your main selling point, at least let me use it the way I want, that is, give me the drivers and all the other stuff I need and let me install GNU/Linux or whatever I want.
I guess it will take another couple of years for the manufacturers to adopt that approach. Then, it will totally make sense to ask for more RAM, a super-duper CPU, or a HDMI-out that you could use together with a BT keyboard/mouse to turn your phone into a real PC when necessary. But until then, they will keep ripping us off for some ridiculous "innovations."
, 23:07
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HDMI , 1GB or more RAM and a fast CPU are important for a Q3 2011 device
Why do people prefer new hardware instead of having a nice device to learn and play with?
For example I use my daily 9500 that is 6 y old but it has perfect battery life and perfect keyboard and does ( for work ) all what I need, there are NO devices like that one actually but everyone says it is oldie.
My n900 is perfect and it doesn't feel old for my appreciation.
This post is to say that I don't know that obsession to have the last device...
Why having the last if it is not the best?
Sorry for the brick...