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N770 running latest 2006 OS from MMC

Go, download TVersity, installed in a laptop, started as a UPnP server; installed media streamer (probably already in your appl manager folder), started media streamer, it immediately recognized TVersity on my home network! WoW! no setting to monkey with. It took me less than 5 min to set it up and it already talking to each other. I am impressed. Ironically it took me half an hour to figure out how to use these two pieces of software, I am listening to my favorite tune 10cc "I'm not in love" while I am posting this. I am excited. I can listen to all my home music collection while I am at work! I dont even have to put my music on my N770!

a proud owner of N770 for a week. itT rocks!

Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
I am a totally network ................. ignorant. Would some of you senior members or network guru point me to a direction or walk me thru, how to set up so that I could see my home network at my office with some sort of password? My experience is limited to setting up a home network running window$ XP. I knew router port setting is very painful and has not learned it yet.

Thanks in advance, heading to work now

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I would like to see more feature on the player, so I also installed canola. My boy, what an install, takes quite awhile to finish. The canola has prettier interface and probably more sophisticated and flexiblity. Again, just a plain install, follow with the canola config, just type in a username and password, and watched the youtube manual part 1+2, and fire up the canola, it detected the TVersity without a glitch. Both media streamer and canola does not come with an equalizer, quite disappointing. anyway, still looking forward to how to config either one so that I can play my media over inet. Any guru out there? TIA

Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
To see your own server via inet, I did it, use the command,
(desktop) Http://ip address:41952/flashlib/

(Nokia N770) Http://ip address:41952/lib/

Step by step:

see above post, install TVersity on any desktop/laptop (I use an old one that even a 7 yr old kid would not touch!), choose all defaults. start TVersity, add share file to library. Be careful, one has to wait till the flashing circle on the right hand corner finished flashing before browsing. Flashing circle means it is doing its 'business' (indexing database?), if browse at this moment, the library corrupted and needs to be rebuild (a software bug and they are working on it). If you do not know how to repair the corrupted library or to delete a library, like me, I uninstall TVersity and start over again. For a 25G music, the initial catalogue may take more than 15 minute. Again, do not interrupt.

Now you are done with the server, at least for the starter.

On your N770, type http://192.168.#.#:41952/lib/
replace 192.168.#.# with your real ip address
presto, you logged into your own server, wherever you are, as long as there is inet.

If you want to try on a desktop first, type
replace 192.168.#.# with your real ip address
bingo, you logged into your server now, wherever you are as long as there is inet. And of course, I notice on the desktop, there is very little wait on refreshing the server list when compare to the N770.

One little caveat, music has to stop and then 'buffering' before able to pick another song. It is quite annoying. I wonder, in future development, or maybe there is such feature already, music should continue while one browsing the library and getting ready to pick the 2nd song. For the time being, I AM HAPPY. Pls, post your experience, tips, and use of this UPnP server/media streamer/canola system, tips and uses are much more easy to 'digest' then boring user manual.

Now playing Styx: Babe I love you


edit 9/14/2007
The above works ONLY in your home network. To access over the web when away from your home network, you need this,

enjoy, almost 2 months later.............


Last edited by bunanson; 2007-09-15 at 00:45.
Posts: 162 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2007
I like it for internally but externally I cannot get to it.
Posts: 16 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Originally Posted by jrock2004 View Post
I like it for internally but externally I cannot get to it.
You should look at Orb Networks--"access your media from anywhere" i.e. anywhere you have web access. I believe I've seen one other program of this nature but can't remember where atm.

For anyone just interested in music, a very nice app is Twonky MusicServer--around 700kb and uses only 3Mb on your PC when running. As small a music Upnp as I've seen, and nice looking. You might have to search hard for it as Twonky Vision no longer makes this exceptional (free) sw available.
Posts: 162 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2007
I will look. I also have to remember that my internet connection is slow. 1MBPS. I have a mail and ww server running. Oh well
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2007
TVersity is really cool! I installed it on my pc and followed bun's step-by-step and got it to work on my 770 in no time.

I can also access those media files on my pc anywhere there's a web connection. Just enable port 41952 on the router.
Frankowitz's Avatar
Posts: 218 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ localhost
TVersity is too buggy when you have a very large database like I have. Sometimes it completely lockes up. Tried it on different pc's with the same result.

Like the concept tho.
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Posts: 2,142 | Thanked: 2,054 times | Joined on Dec 2006 @ Sicily
What software could I use as a server on a linux ubuntu machine?
EDIT: Self-answer: mediatomb

Last edited by debernardis; 2007-07-27 at 16:51.

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