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Hi guys,

I am considering taking the plunge to the N9, but since its price is considerable, i am trying to convince myself into selling my N900 to help me afford the N9.

Since my N900 is almost new, with no problems whatsoever, no USB problem, no screen scratches, etc., and always kept inside a case (will give them away also) and with zagg screen protector, how much you think i might get for it? And if i eventually decide on putting it up for sale, anyone here might be interested?

The other day i tried an N9 at a nokia store and i, well, i kinda fell in love with it, sealing my fate..and purse. :-P One tiny piece of information rose up from my talk with the store girl, though:

- "Nokia will ship other devices with meego" - she said;

I found it odd. Didnt bother to refute or discuss, but it stuck with me on how nokia tells store people to use this argument for selling phones.

Android has been a bag of mixed feelings. Generally speaking, i find it boring. The hardware pron of some of them appeals to me, but still..meh. Sure it has tons of apps, fancy stuff, doesnt excite me. Still have to see what ICS will bring, particularly on the multitasking front, which would be a huge table turner for me if they do it right (as in right = N9/N900 way).

Also getting a tablet for my commuting so android will be on that. The N9 will be for everything else.

Being so used to hardware keyboard and my N900, and before i decide on anything, i am putting my SIM on a nexus S for a few days to get a feel on how the keyboardless experience might be. I more than understand its far from using an N9, but its all i can do for now.

What i would appreciate are some thoughts on all of this. I understand its a matter of opinion, and i have already read some here on this forum. But still, any help or insights would be valued.

Oh, to make things easier:

1. How much would i sell my N900 for? (read above for details)
2. Nokia releasing any other meego/harmattan phones?
3. Android ICS multitasking ever getting close to N9/N900 multitasking?

Posts: 5,795 | Thanked: 3,151 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Agoura Hills Calif
$200. I won't go higher.
All I want is 40 acres, a mule, and Xterm.
pusak gaoq's Avatar
Posts: 723 | Thanked: 519 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ Kuching:Malaysia
your making a huge mistakes if your sale your n900...find another way around to buys n9....

your n900 is now categories as In Danger Species in market....rare & hard to find a new device or secondhand (working device) in market these days...
My Phone Evolution : Nokia 3650-Nokia 6600-Nokia 6630-Motorola Rizr-Sony P1i-Nokia E63-Nokia X3-Samsung E980-Iphone 2G-Sony W595-Nokia E71-Nokia 5800-Nokia N900-HTC Hero-Xperia Mini Pro
Posts: 70 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Jan 2010
@pusak gaoq

i do know that and what i wrote is an extreme measure if it ever comes to that. Been reading a lot about the N9 and although it looks great, i still dont consider it a good trade for the N900. For all it means. :-)

In a perfect world, i will keep the N900. Actually, with values like the one @geneven mentions, i will surely keep it.


Thought i would get some replies like that. :-)

Cant find anything reliable and serious about android 4 multitasking. Is it a marketing hype? I mean, "it multitasks", "fixes have been added to android multitasking", but no one actually sees or comments on them.

Ah, good old N900. :-)
Posts: 323 | Thanked: 116 times | Joined on Jul 2010
I did the inverse:

Everybody want's a N9 (I don't know why.)

Because of this the prices of the N900 are falling.
So I've bought a second N900, new for a very good price (146$).
Now I've got two!!! (When the main one will break I will have a spare one.)

Last edited by gerdich; 2011-11-15 at 10:03.
Posts: 70 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Jan 2010

Very good point. Its been always my idea to keep the N900, but i honestly think the N9 is stalking me. On my commute, driving, walking in the streets, i keep seeing outdoor ads with the N9 on them. Full color, full beauty. :-P

If it wasnt so expensive, i would just get it, but i think i will wait for now.

As for selling my N900 - i did some searches on ebay, other sites and the price its being sold is ridiculous considering what it is. And i know, its outdated (well, not really, maybe hardware wise), its been a couple of years it came out, etc. but it has a special place in my life. So, no N900 sale. Will have to find some other way to get the N9. Considering selling my body. ;-)

Like i mentioned, still have to see multitasking on the android 4. So...will wait for a while to see what the market brings out and hope the N9 stops stalking me. :-)
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2011 @ Bangladesh
im also thinking of buying another n900, currently there are 4 of them selling online here in my country, at cheap rate. after n9 the prices are slighly decreasing, so its a good buy imo

and with the work on Nemo and More CSSU updates , N900 still has more tricks to show us imo
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I just bought a better battery for my n900. Not planning to get rid of it any time soon.
Posts: 502 | Thanked: 366 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ /dev/null
Initially I have been tempted to buy N9 with my tax return (for those whom read that I was planning to buy my third N900 with my tax return, that never happened. I bought it with my savings). Though I have had heard nothing bad issues with N9.

Not only does it not have hardware keyboard for starters, you cannot pair bluetooth keyboard to the N9. This is not the same for N950 which is a huge shame. Even if you can get USB hostmode to work on either N950 or N9 you still cannot get N9 to function with the USB keyboard because it lacks the necessities.

This really made me reconsider seriously on whether or not should i still buy N9 despite this huge drawback. The latter news sealed the deal for me to completely forgo getting N9. That is, you cannot copy and paste lines into terminal.

What prompted to make nokia do this other than potential `DRM' issues it may cause is well beyond me but I now no longer have interests in N9. As nice as the device (N9) is overall, it really is hardly any improvement to N900 apart from updated hardware and more of nokia's paranoia.

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