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Presently, I am utilizing Nokia N800 with OS2007. Recently, I installed Canola2, which is "working well", however, in "Installing" the "YouTube" Icon for Canola1, it "searches" perfectly, with displays of "YouTube Searches", however, because of "Adobe", or the "current display progam" for "Video Display" in my Canola2 program, I am unable to "Play/View" any designated "Search Item" of "YouTube" in Canola2. Are you aware of any "update" for the "Adobe Flash" that is applicable, in Canola2 "YouTube" that will allow "Play/Display" of any "YouTube Search"???? "Many Thanks" for "Your Help"!!! naylord urshel, as, Date: November 22, 2011
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Originally Posted by naylordurshel View Post
Presently, I am utilizing Nokia N800 with OS2007. Recently, I installed Canola2, which is "working well", however, in "Installing" the "YouTube" Icon for Canola1, it "searches" perfectly, with displays of "YouTube Searches", however, because of "Adobe", or the "current display progam" for "Video Display" in my Canola2 program, I am unable to "Play/View" any designated "Search Item" of "YouTube" in Canola2. Are you aware of any "update" for the "Adobe Flash" that is applicable, in Canola2 "YouTube" that will allow "Play/Display" of any "YouTube Search"???? "Many Thanks" for "Your Help"!!! naylord urshel, as, Date: November 22, 2011
I'm "confused". Is this "a new" kind of spambot?

Joking aside: if Canola1 works well, why not stick with it? I'm not sure how much help you're going to get for N800 issues at this stage (hey, I'd love for someone to prove me wrong!)
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Last edited by shallimus; 2011-11-22 at 16:57.

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