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Schturman's Avatar
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Today I noticed a new icon in app screen

This Icon not active, if I press on this, nothing happens.. I also can't remove this...

I did 3 things today:
1) update for "App. for Meego" app...
2) Disabling Skype and editing of some contacts (only birthday), after that I applied this contact in MeeBirthday app to adding them to calendar
3) played GOF2 (10min) and at the end the game crashed..
I open the app screen, scrolled down to open this game again and here I saw this Icon...

I tried reboot, and after this Icon is changed to this one:

And still, I can't remove this, and Icon is not active..

I tried disable and delete my Facebook and Skype accounts, because this Icon looks like from Availability, but no result...

Can someone know what is this and how I can remove this (I don't want to reflash again ) ?


SOLVED: if you see the green icon, just go to: /usr/share/applications and remove the file named:

Last edited by Schturman; 2011-12-31 at 23:40.
F2thaK's Avatar
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odd. looked like the feeds update picture in first pic...
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In a file manager go to /home/user/.local/share/applications

look through that file, see if anything looks out of place... that's where all desktop icons are kept...
Arie||Nokia N9 64GB x2|Nokia N950


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I got the same funny icon after I updated Apps For MeeGo. So it must be something related to that. Also got the green one after rebooting.

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msa's Avatar
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i dont have a n9 and have no idea about this, but maybe its an indicator that shows if the device is downloading updates?
diegofigueroa's Avatar
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That happened to me too... F*cking green icon....

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benny1967's Avatar
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The green squircle you have now seems to be what's displayed when there's a menu entry defined, but the actual PNG file for the icon is missing. (i got it several times when i experimented with my own entries in the application menu.)

there must be something fishy wrt how such icon files disappear. a friend of mine has all the bookmarks he created from the browser displayed as such green squircles. he thought it was the correct behaviour because for him, it was never different.

so what could have happened is that something went wrong during the update, preventing the old icon from being removed completely while the new one is already there.

anyway, I'd just go for the manual solution suggested by Arie. There has to be a *.desktop-file in your ~/.local/share/applications folder that has been changed recenty and, when examine it, lacks lines such as "Name=" (or the name is empty). Delete/move it and the ghost should disappear.

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diegofigueroa's Avatar
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Hey guys, i followed Arie's and Benny1967's instructions, but it seems my installed apps are placing menu items at /usr/share/applications instead of ~/.local/share/applications.

There i found, which i deleted, then reboot, and the annoying green icon is gone!

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Posts: 345 | Thanked: 100 times | Joined on Nov 2009
The response is in this thread :
Originally Posted by X-Fade View Post
Well that is up to you

That is the part of the client which listens to the ymp mimetype and installs the app when you click on the website. On PR1.0 it is somehow visible, but on PR1.1 it isn't.

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Schturman's Avatar
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Originally Posted by diegofigueroa
Hey guys, i followed Arie's and Benny1967's instructions, but it seems my installed apps are placing menu items at /usr/share/applications instead of ~/.local/share/applications.

There i found, which i deleted, then reboot, and the annoying green icon is gone!
Thanks, problem solved

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