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WidgetCanvas is an application to bring desktop widgets to Harmattan. It does not add or edit any system homescreen, so it must be kept running and will be shown in multitasking view.

It has 5 desktops which can be customized at will with any of the available widget. To change desktop, simply swipe it away left or right: since it uses a ListView, it's not possible to move from desktop 1 to desktop 5 and viceversa, but there is a scroll bar in the toolbar to instantly to the desidered desktop.

Wallpaper is a 1200*818 picture. There is a parallax effect to move it according to current desktop.

It is possible to show the application whenever the screen is unlocked. In case of a call and triggered proximity sensor, there is a failsafe control not to overlap call screen.

Widgets know if the application is the foreground one and if the current desktop is the one they're in, so they behave accordly without wasting cpu.

Current Available Widgets:
  • Analogic Clock: a simple analogic clock. Has option to choose color, show seconds and moving animation.
  • Application Shortcut: shortcut for applications. It has an alpha black background.
  • Backlight Control: widget to pick backlight level (5 values).
  • Borderless Application Shortcut: application shortcut which does not show any background
  • Digital Clock: a digital clock.
  • Fast Note: a quick space to put notes in.
  • Flick Random Image: a random flickr image. Click on widget to refresh it.
  • Internet Radio: your favourite internet radio available with a tap.
  • Uptime Label: shows the current uptime of device.
  • Web Bookmark: a web bookmark which updates its miniature directly from the web page.

Download version 0.0.2 here.

Last edited by gionni88; 2012-01-22 at 10:07.

The Following 33 Users Say Thank You to gionni88 For This Useful Post:
Moderator | Posts: 6,215 | Thanked: 6,400 times | Joined on Nov 2011
now only if more widgets are made... it'll be a good screen to have open in the multi-task view.
Posts: 55 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Dec 2011
this is pretty nice app, could you make it so that you can also add the links of the websites you have made, i dont see them inthe list wher you can choose appz.
HtheB's Avatar
Moderator | Posts: 3,718 | Thanked: 7,419 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Bize Her Yer Trabzon

It's atleast one step forward of having widgets on our harmattan devices...

I have a great Idea of having this working "properly"

Once you start the Widget app (Call it: Desktop), be sure to disable the Swipe.
but if you swipe (doesn't matter from where you start, just like the N900) you can change the desktop view (I always used 2 desktops but I'm sure there are many people that uses more desktops.)

You can assign a button to put the app in the background, (Like the N900 has on the top left) to bring up the original Menu.
Once you're done, you can switch back to the "Desktop" app.

This idea should work fine.

To make it even better:
Is it possible forcing to run the Desktop app once you unlock the device from it's lockscreen?
If this can be achieved, then I think we already have a winner!

I don't know if this idea is possible, but if it is, it will be even more awesome!
Please donate if you think I'm doing a good job.

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cddiede's Avatar
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Gionni88........ I think I love you.

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Posts: 705 | Thanked: 300 times | Joined on May 2011
it is a very cool app, it becomes cooler with more widgets

is it possible to add widgets to the events view just under the calender and accuweather widgets?

Last edited by youmeego; 2011-12-21 at 05:33.
Mr_NkStyle's Avatar
Posts: 36 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Dec 2011 @ Milan,Italy
very nice!!! good work! thank you
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Originally Posted by Lovsan View Post
this is pretty nice app, could you make it so that you can also add the links of the websites you have made, i dont see them inthe list wher you can choose appz.
I wanted to keep the applications menu filled just by applications. I plan to show websites somewhere. By now my plan is to add bookmarks creation, putting them in a page accesible from 2nd toolbar icon, the problem is user will have to copy and paste urls there.

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to gionni88 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 435 | Thanked: 769 times | Joined on Apr 2010
@ HtheB: I have chosen a long vertical flickable widget desktop because it was different than Maemo5 and Android one (and simpler to manage widgets on a single canvas, since I must be able to recognize each widget from another one, even the ones of the same type).

Showing the application whenever lock is removed is possible, will add that to settings as an option, thanks.

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Posts: 435 | Thanked: 769 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Originally Posted by youmeego View Post
it is a very cool app, it becomes cooler with more widgets

is it possible to add widgets to the events view just under the calender and accuweather widgets?
Event views is only accesible by Nokia APIs, and you can only put notifications there, not widget.

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