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Posts: 124 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Nov 2011 @ Edmonton Canada
Anyone else have issues streaming audio to the N9 over wifi? I find it constantly cuts out and it's nearly unlistenable. In contrast every other device works great for this in my house.

96kbps or 128 it doesn't matter. Constant cut outs regardless of the app (MeeRadio, Internet Radio etc).

Any thoughts or ideas what could solve this?

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 104 | Thanked: 74 times | Joined on Nov 2011
This may sound a bit odd, but give it a try.

Go to Nokia store and install SimpleIRC. Start it, set up a server and channel to autojoin (I suggest the Ubuntu channel). Then connect to the server and idle in the channel. Do not close SimpleIRC, just swipe it to the background and start the Nokia Internet Radio app. Connect to yout fav radio station (Pianorama ) and let it play.

Then tell me whether you are still getting radio stream interruptions or not.
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in another thread there is a post where someone sates that the N9 always has wifi in powersaving mode and has a code snippet to switch to normal. I remember though that it falls back to powersaving after a while. Ssh is also painfully slow
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