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In an effort to provide increased transparency of the operation of Council, meeting minutes are being provided via the Community Council blog. Future meetings will also have full web transcripts via the maemo-meeting channel auto-logger.

In an effort to provide increased transparency of the operation of Council, meeting minutes are being provided via the Community Council blog.* Future meetings will also have full web transcripts via the #maemo-meeting auto-logger.

Council Meeting on, channel #maemo-council

#Meeting called to start June 1 @18:06 UTC
Rollcall:* Estel_, Nieldk, Ivgalvez, Woody14619

Summary of items to be discussed introduced by chair:
  1. IRC bouncers
  2. Councils inaugurating blog entry
  3. CA Awards
  4. Q&A for packages
  5. Misc and sidebar returns
Topic 1:
  • Council interested in having connect-through logging, etc, should chat with DocScrutinizer.
Topic 2:
  • Topics are still due for blog entry.
  • Estel_ takes the AI1 for crafting and posting opening blog.
=== Sidebar: Why are we not in #maemo-meeting?
  • Future meetings will be held in @maemo-meeting for auto-logging and the like.
  • Woody takes AI2 to produce minutes and put them on council blog after review.
Topic 3:
  • A motion has been made to start the process of "weeding" entries early.
  • Concerns are raised and discussed; a compromise of unanimous elimination is reached: The list will be broken into "those still in the running" & "those no longer in the running".
  • Ivgalvez takes AI3 to craft his list first & mail it through for up-ticks from other council.
  • All others take AI4 to review this list and reply by Monday so the wiki can be updated.

=== Late arrival: SD69* (pause to catch up on meeting back log & comments)
Topic 4:

  • Discussions on problems with dangling packages revisited (TMO discussion is on-going)
  • Ivgalvez has a list of well tested packages from test-team that needs promoting.
  • Ivgalvez takes AI5 to re-contact maintainers to push packages where possible.
  • If maintainers are not reachable, one idea would be to take ownership and push.
  • The idea of using a common account for ease of recognition and paperwork is agreed on.
  • The idea of requiring code review before push is rejected due to lack to resources.
  • The idea of enabling a single account to promote/demote any package is discussed.
  • The idea of being able to change project ownership from said account is discussed.
  • The option of making packages self-promoting after higher karma limits is discussed.
  • Woody takes AI6 to chat with X-Fade on Monday about LOE for options discussed.
Topic 5:

  • Topic of banner for Coding Competition is discussed.
  • Woody takes AI7 to contact Reggie about adding banner.
  • Topic of IRC cloaks is mentioned.* Rolled into Woody's AI6 for chat with X-Fade.
#Meeting is closed [20:04 UTC].

The next Council meeting will be held June 8th @ 18:00 UTC on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting


Action Items:
  1. Estel to create and post Council "opening blog".
  2. Woody to create and post meeting minutes on blog after internal review.
  3. Ivgalvez to create list of first-round eliminations for CA
  4. All review approve/comment/reject first-round eliminations for CA
  5. Ivgalvez to re-attempt contact with project maintainers before batch re-assign for promotion.
  6. Woody to contact X-Fade about various topics (project management, promotion, IRC Cloaks)
  7. Woody to contact Reggie about site banner for Coding Competition.

Link: Original article.

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