I have already talked to MohammadAG and he said this thing shouldn't be a problem.
First things first, We need Unrestricted System UI and some coding which direct the applet to Music Player.
- It should be great if it only appears if Music Player app is open.
- Showing the song name and Album Art will make it more beautiful but a bit spacy!
- Take a look at N900's Music Player Widget for instance.
I have already talked to MohammadAG and he said this thing shouldn't be a problem.
First things first, We need Unrestricted System UI and some coding which direct the applet to Music Player.
- It should be great if it only appears if Music Player app is open.
- Showing the song name and Album Art will make it more beautiful but a bit spacy!
- Take a look at N900's Music Player Widget for instance.
Anyone interested or volunteer to do the job?
Source on GitHub by MohammadAG : https://github.com/harmattan/quick-status-updater