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Posts: 6 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Oct 2010
Hello everyone.

I am looking for a way to turn my N900 into a rescue disk for my PC.

I am out of my country now with a laptop and my N900. I need to install a printer driver in my XP, but I couldn't do that without adm rights.
I used to have a bootcd to boot my linux partition in the laptop, but i forgot it at home. (Since I lost my bootmenu after an upgrade, I cannot acess my linux without my usb bootdisk).

Other solutions:
1 - use another pc and unetbootin to create another bootdisk;
ok, but I don't know anyone here that could help me (I am in another country, remember?)

2 - Buy a linux bootcd.
I did not found that easy anywhere here in France.

Since I think that would be a nice tool to carry along (I aways forget my USB disk, but never my phone), I need some help at using my N900 to create my bootdisk. I found how to use sfdisk (and even cfdisk) to build the partitions at the microSD card and make it bootable, but I didn't manage to prepare the bootmenu.

Did anyone know how to do that using only N900?
I miss unetbootin for N900 so much right now...

If there is a good solution, it would be a nice addition make a downloadable tool in the N900 repositories (or even android, as I do have here a galaxy S3 but it's not rooted yet).

Thanks in avance.

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Posts: 451 | Thanked: 424 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ England
The easiest way is to create a bootable SD card and place that in the N900.

You could probably use the internal eMMC, but you'd have to mess around with partitioning, and you may face issues with the phone not working if the first partition is not an N900 based one.
Posts: 282 | Thanked: 220 times | Joined on Aug 2011
the best option is to install lili usb creator (search google for it)
and that makes 2 options available for you

1- to install the boot disk on the internal memory (My Docs) without messing with the system files or anything also you can delete it with a click (bat file)

2-or you can install the boot disk to SD card also bootable and with your files on it .

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