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Due to me (Mentalist Traceur) completely failing to keep up with them, the minutes did not get produced for the last month or so.

--- Minutes 2013-02-01 ---

Meeting held on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (log)

NOTE: It has been suggested that we include the names of councilors in these attending/absent lists if the individual councilors are fine with their names being included, so that those unfamiliar with our IRC handles know who is who. We will also be listing others who actively participate in the meeting. If people don't like this new way of listing those absent/attending, feel free to let us know.

Joerg Reisenweber / DocScrutinizer05,
Iván Gálvez Junquera / ivgalvez,
Michael Demetriou / qwazix,
Alexander Kozhevnikov / Mentalist Traceur
Frank Stern / warfare (Maemo Sysop) joined later
Craig Woodward / Woody14619 (ex-Council)
Ruediger Schiller / chemist (TMO Maintainer)
Jyri Hovila / jyrjyr
Niel Nielson / NielDK

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):
- Summary of Migration Situation
- HiFo's Migration Understanding And Information Sharing/Policy
- migration
- Autobuilder

- thedead1440 mentioned that Niel has been absent from almost every meeting, and that we don't want to set a precedent of Council members being able to do that.
- At least one meeting agenda item for next meeting is already looking likely: discuss referendum (if it's even needed, and if so, when to do it) for formally bringing Council in congruence with HiFo bylaws/rules.

Topic 1 (Summary of Migration Situation):
- DocScrutinizer05 announced the first formally accepted volunteer sysadmin/sysop: Falk Stern ("warfare").
- Nokia has paid for the interim infrastructure through the 28th of
February (it was known for a while that Nokia was paying for "two
months" of hosting as a gesture of good will, but the exact date was not clearly known to everyone involved in the migration)
- DocScrutinizer brought up dissatisfaction with insufficient clarity
of information from Board.
- wirr and others started figuring out what setup (OS, virtualization) we want for the next, long term (as opposed to the current interim) infrastructure.
- DocScrutinizer says his current plan is to run the infrastructure on the server HiFo is about to acquire, for as little time as possible while trying to figure out how to migrate the infrastructure for hopefully a final time, to an even more sustainable alternative. This is likely to take one to two months, but will cost ~400EUR per month instead of the current hosting on Nemein's xen-grid, which costs ~1300EUR per month.

Topic 2 (HiFo's Migration Understanding And Information Sharing/Policy):
- Dissatisfaction was noted (by DocScrutinizer, seconded by Mentalist Traceur) at the generally imperfect information transfer between Board and Counil.
-- HiFo says it's approximately 400 euro per month for the current
hosting arrangement; DocScrutinizer wanted to know where these numbers came from.
-- Apparently one of our Nemein contacts thought Nokia would pay through March.
--- Mentalist Traceur noted this is more to do with internal Nemein
information exchange, than Board.
- Discussion had to be paused so that we could do other topics on the agenda.

Topic 3 ( migration):
(This largely mirrors information from the Board's meeting minutes)
- Nokia has decided that they would be willing to have HiFo maintain Scratchbox.
- Hildon Foundation has decided that they want to maintain it and are willing to fund that as well.
- The scratchbox guy needs help from sysops/sysadmins/volunteers
- Ivgalvez proposed that discussion will be started between
DocScrutinizer, our volunteers, the scratchbox people, and with Nemein CC'ed, to get the ball rolling on integrating them into the stuff that the community will be maintaining.

Topic 4 (Donations):
- The total money pool is currently beeing updated (for community
viewing) regularly and frequently.
- The donation/donator list is not updated as quickly, because it is
difficult for Cosimo to keep up with it and it's not yet automated.
- HiFo still lacks a proper bank account for themselves, that Cosimo can access, so money is for the time being still being pulled by Cosimo.
- Bitcoins got suggested again by regulars attending the meeting on IRC.

Topic 5 (Autobuilder):
- kerio was curious when it would finally be available.
- Small discussion took place about how important it was.
- The consensus seems to be that while not a top priority (since it
alone cannot prevent malicious or damaging software), it has value, because it provides the guarantee that the binary package matches the source uploaded with it.

Action Items
- Send e-mail to Niel, checking if he's okay.
- (Left over from last week) Mentalist Traceur will start on the ToDo list.

--- Minutes End ---

--- Minutes 2013-01-25 ---

Meeting held on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (log)

Attending: DocScrutinizer05, qwazix, Mentalist Traceur
Absent: NielDK, ivgalvez

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):
- Give okay to Nemein to go ahead and buy servers
- TMO Restructuring
- Update from HiFo Board
- ToDo List
- Nokia Repository Keys

Topic #1 (Give okay to Nemein to go ahead and buy servers):
- For those unaware of the current migration plans: This is to
purchase server(s) on behalf of the Hildon Foundation, on which
we will maintain the infrastructure on for a few months
until a more economically sustainable long-term hosting solution is migrated to.
- At that point the server(s) will be sold.
- But in the meantime, we need to tell Nemein it's okay to proceed
with purchase.
- All present councilmembers (3 out of 5) voted in favor.

Topic #2 (TMO Restructuring):
- [Post-Meeting Update]: The meeting held by the Board shortly after this meeting addressed this more.
- Qwazix brought up the fact that the TMO restructuring topic has
become rather popular.
- Joerg noted that it's more Chemist's domain, as TMO admin, than
Council directly.
- Decision made to tell people in the TMO thread that we will discuss the issue more when the various aspects of the migration are properly finished.

Topic #3 (Update from HiFo Board):
- Haven't heard from HiFo Board in a while (ivgalvez couldn't make it to the last two meetings).
- Decided to send e-mail requesting update.
- [Post-Meeting Update]: HiFo responded that evening saying they were just about to have their first meeting the next day; update should come shortly.

Topic #4 (ToDo List):
- Joerg requested that we put together a to-do list, so that we have a clear reference for what's left in migration.

Topic #5 (Nokia Repository Keys):
- There is a current issue with a Nokia repository PGP key, that prevents people from accessing the repositories.
- The expiration date can be extended on the key, allowing temporarily downloading packages from the official Nokia repos.
- However, the key cannot be changed in the repository UNLESS it is first changed on-device, particularly by updating the relevant
hildon-application-manager-settings-* packages, because if the devices still have the old key locally, they will no longer 'trust' the
- CSSU updates, and several other methods, can be employed to upgrade the local keys on the device, but there is a large demographic of N900 users who do not use CSSU, or, mailing list, or anything else, and who wouldn't install community scripts onto their N900s.
- So ideally, an update firmware package, updating just the new key, from Nokia could be pushed out.
- Nokia was informed about this by the time this meeting took place; still waiting for a response from them.

Action Items:
- (Left over from last week, to be done when wiki goes up Mentalist Traceur will update Council wiki page.
-- [Post-Meeting Update]: Another community member, sixwheeledbeast, got to it before Mentalist Traceur did.
- Joerg will negotiate with Eero to proceed with the server purchase.
- Qwazix will post to TMO restructuring thread that we will look at
the matter again when the migration is settled.
- Mentalist Traceur will e-mail HiFo Board requesting update.
- Mentalist Traceur will start on the ToDo list.

--- Minutes End ---

Last edited by Mentalist Traceur; 2013-02-04 at 20:24. Reason: Forgot to add IRC channel log links

The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Mentalist Traceur For This Useful Post:
Posts: 2,225 | Thanked: 3,822 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Florida
Forgot to add in the IRC channel logs, above post edited accordingly

The Following User Says Thank You to Mentalist Traceur For This Useful Post:
Posts: 2,290 | Thanked: 4,134 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ UK
Thanks for posting up the minutes and logs.

Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur View Post
Action Items:
- (Left over from last week, to be done when wiki goes up Mentalist Traceur will update Council wiki page.
-- [Post-Meeting Update]: Another community member, sixwheeledbeast, got to it before Mentalist Traceur did.
Happy to help.
One page that does need finishing is the CSSU-S Changelog page. I have made the columns but not certain on the package version for each update.
Can anyone finish this off or point me to the information, when they get a moment.

merlin1991 has done the Testing changelog wiki already.

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sixwheeledbeast's wiki
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