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Hmmm Oulu... I've walked there once during a holiday. Looks like you ran via the main street and not used the park
Of course it works on both desktop and mobile devices since basically it's a html5 page.
Background: I use meeTrainer to log my running/bicycling/rollerblading tracks, but up no now I have not really ever viewed the data on a map, I just collect info on how long I ran and what time it took.
I used to have SportsTracker long time ago, but as it is propietary-closedSW-PoC I have dumped it.
However, SportsTracker did have one useful feature though; ability to view tracks on top of a map.
Now, meeTrainer is lots better and it saves the tracks on CSV format so I thought I'd have a go at deciphering the GPS data from the track files.
I already sync my meeTrainer data along with the rest of my phone's personal data to my own server via so I thought, maybe I could present that data from the server via a web page to any device I'd like to view it on...
I have never before thought that you can plot paths via Google Maps API, but that seemed a nice solution when I researched it. Turns out it's fairly easy to generate a page that shows custom data over the map.
Solution: I created a set of scripts that clean up the track data from meeTrainer's CSV files, and a PHP script that checks for user credentials and presents the track to the user.
The scripts are stored on my svn server:
The main logic is in the file map.php
Additionally, you need a password file and key file like the files runningmap_passwords.template and gmap_key.template
To gather&cleanup track data, you need the script and the launcher script
You can see a demonstration what it looks like here:
Just log in with (username:demo, password:demo1)
Select one of the allowed tracks and hit "Draw"
(I have delibrately selected tracks that do not show up where I live)