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I was an N900 user, but I switched. Now, I'd like to come back. I don't have the money for Jolla phone, so the choice is either N9 or N900. Which one is better (better as in better community support, wider choice of software, usability etc., not tech specs)?
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N900 .
Proud coding competition 2012 winner: ρcam
My other apps: speedcrunch N9 N900 Jolla –– contactlaunch –– timenow

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Originally Posted by qwazix View Post
N900 .

ten chars
Never fear. I is here.

720p video support on N900,SmartReflex on N900,Keyboard and mouse support on N900
Nothing is impossible - Stable thumb2 on n900

Community SSU developer
kernel-power developer and maintainer


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N900 is cooler than both n9 and Jolla.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

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everything about the n900 is MUCH MUCH better:
-fenix email client on n9 BLOWS SO HARD
-open nat modules {foss mobilehotspot}
-modrana {harmattan port doesnt have nav yet}
-meecolay for anything else, i guess, but havent used it

-keyboard, obv
-storage {32gb+64gb microsd > 64gb}
-radios and sensors {fm transmitter}
-way more accurate resistive touch screen
{also, usb port isnt an issue if you deal with it before board breakage}

-various kernel update projects
-neo900 / fremantle task force

....except for two killer features that both push me over the edge.
1) no low power screen. i LUUURRRV my lps on the n9
2) cpu and ram
~ teleshoes ~

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oh yea, and removable batteries and dedicated camera button. and no closed aegis kernels making life hard.

jesus why do i even own an n9.
~ teleshoes ~
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lens cover, stylus, el-v1.db instead of tracker.db {n9 has serious tracker bugs that seemingly affect everyone someday}

i feel like i could keep this up forever
~ teleshoes ~
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why not both ? They don't cost that much right now ...
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N900 is (nowadays) more geeky.
N9 is 'nicer' and 'more mainstream' (than N900; mainstrem == Android).

The problem: N9 is slowly dying (because of it's 'mainstreamness').
N900 absolutely not (Neo900, CSSU, etc.etc.).

So: N900. for sure...


Last edited by lexik; 2013-11-14 at 19:57.
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N9? It was really an afterthought, while N900 was a gradual evolution from N700 and above.......If only NOKIA developed N1000.............

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