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Does anybody else have issues with installing apps/updates from Store or is my device only?

Yesterday when I came back home I turned on my Jolla (latest version, Laadunjärvi) and shortly after that I got notification of update available for two apps, quicklist and bluewhale, and I pulled-down the 'update all' option.
I didn't check the device during the updates but towards the end I briefly saw the top bar notifying an install failure.

Later I tried also to install a new app from Store: failure (store down?)
Note: wifi network was working ok, I could use browser, email, etc.

Wait until this morning: still failure to install apps. Hmm...

I'm not sure what commands to try from CLI, but e.g.:
[root@localhost nemo]# ssu ur
[D] NetworkService::setPath:447 - void NetworkService::setPath(const QString&) "Method "GetProperties" with signature "" on interface "net.connman.Service" doesn't exist
(Not sure which user I should be to run that command)
Similarly for "ssu lr" it does report all repos but in top there is the same network error message.


Last edited by minimos; 2013-12-14 at 19:20. Reason: Solved
Posts: 646 | Thanked: 1,124 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Espoo, Finland
It seems that somehow my device was not able to install anymore stuff from Jolla Store, for some reason.
The error I reported in previous post could probably give some clue.

I solved the problem by using the 'reset device' option: after that all is working.
The interesting discovery is that after the reset, the device was back to the original version and it had to download and run again the system upgrade to Coming from N9 experience, that was unexpected.

If anybody is interested in the upgrade details, before applying the upgrade, I saved the list of packages that have been downloaded, and uploaded it to pastebin:

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I read somewhere here on TMO that enabling developer updates when enabling developer mode breaks the store. Don't know if it was your case.
Posts: 646 | Thanked: 1,124 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Espoo, Finland
Originally Posted by Watchmaker View Post
I read somewhere here on TMO that enabling developer updates when enabling developer mode breaks the store. Don't know if it was your case.
Thanks, but unless developer mode itself breaks the store (as I did not enable developer updates), it must probably something else.
And just to clarify I didn't mangle with files or settings while logged via ssh.
Posts: 292 | Thanked: 294 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Milan, Italy
Originally Posted by minimos View Post
Thanks, but unless developer mode itself breaks the store (as I did not enable developer updates), it must probably something else.
And just to clarify I didn't mangle with files or settings while logged via ssh.
No, not according what I read. So the cause of your problem was most surely something else.
Posts: 498 | Thanked: 836 times | Joined on Jun 2012 @ Finland
Currently I have rhe same problem. I can't update nor install anything from store. No devrloper updates enabled and reboot not helping. Does not work in either wlan or gsm.

I dont want to do factory reset. Does anyone know how to reinstal store from terminal?

Will write care@jolla if some help could be got that way
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Have you tried running following commands from terminal: (it can be runned as root or nemo, I usually run it as nemo).

ssu domain sales
pkcon refresh

* This will change your domain back to normal end user mode and store will start to work after that. Reason for this bug (which will be fixed in future updates) is that if you ever press the devel updates field (and even if you enter wrong password and disable it afterwards, it changes your domain accidentally to devel repositories, and then pkcon will fail as currently only jolla employees have login credentials to devel repoes. And you need to switch back to sales domain to switch back to repositories that dont require devel credentials.

PS. that NetworkService::setPath debug line can be ignored, as its nothing to do with the problem itself ;-)

PS2. and second most common error, is that datetime is 1 minute behind the real time (and https certificate checking will fail in that case), so please double check that your time is correctly setup.
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Last edited by rainisto; 2013-12-15 at 17:54.

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I get:

Vakava virhe (fatal error): Autheticaton failed (is SSU set up corretly?)
Posts: 646 | Thanked: 1,124 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Espoo, Finland
Originally Posted by rainisto View Post
ssu domain sales
pkcon refresh
Can you explain a bit what the 'ssu domain sales' does, and should be run as nemo or root?

Last edited by minimos; 2013-12-15 at 08:57. Reason: additional question
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Originally Posted by minimos View Post
Can you explain a bit what the 'ssu domain sales' does, and should be run as nemo or root?
Do it as root. It switches the domain of package repositories to the package repositories that are open for sales devices, if for some reason you got the domain switched to development repositories.
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