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I have just installed the Hamachi in my N800 using the following instructions, to make VNC more secure. But how do I ensure that it's properly installed.

Hamachi:Install on Nokia N800
From LogMeInWiki

Install xterm
Install dropbear SSH
In xterm, do a dbclient root@127.1 with password "rootme" (if rootme doesn't work, update your Nokia software to the latest version, at least the 3/2007 version.
Change the user password so sudo works "passwd user <password"
Change the root password (since SSH is now open to the network) "passwd root <password"
Download the Nokia 770 build of Hamachi and save it in the root of the file system
In terminal "sudo gainroot" (if this fails, see how to force gainroot to think it's in R&D mode all the time

"cp /home/user/MyDocs/hamachi- /hamachi.tar.gz
"cd /"
"tar -zxvf hamachi.tar.gz"
"cp /hamachi/hamachi /usr/bin/hamachi"
"cp /hamachi/tuncfg /sbin/tuncfg"
"chmod 755 /usr/bin/hamachi"
"chmod 700 /sbin/tuncfg"
"ln -sf /usr/bin/hamachi /usr/bin/hamachi-init"Install is complete. Commands are the same as in the normal linux verions

[edit] Notes
"sudo" gainroot needs to be run each time, because the permission base for the Nokia embedded linux filesystem is not the same as a default linux install. This means your hamachi config will be created in /root/.hamachi instead of /home/<user>/.hamachi .

You may want to change the keepalive time due to the fact that this is a wireless device, and has potential for higher latency.

vi ~/.hamachi/config
keepalive 20
<press enter>
<press "Back" button on device>

Thanks in advance.

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