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Posts: 883 | Thanked: 980 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Bern, Switzerland
(Make sure to have Python/PyMaemo installed first!)

I've updated my clock application for the Nokia N800 (maemo) and transitioned from alpha to beta release... The app now includes a more efficient algorithm when running in full-screen mode (big clock), so that the screen is only updated once per minute. World map with day/night gets updated every two minutes to keep accuracy.

Upon program load, the current season is calculated and the appropriate season background is loaded. You can also use D-Pad left/right to manually flip through the season backgrounds.

Finally, I've added a power-waste mode to keep the device display turned on. D-Pad up activates this, and displays a red battery icon to warn you of the consequences... Unfortunately, this function might or might not work on your device: I had BIG problems with the osso.context and the D-BUS, and it doesn't work on my device right now - however, it SHOULD :-) Glad for any feedback/fix from a more advanced developer!

You can download the .deb right here (mclock-0.2.0.all.deb)

Last edited by twaelti; 2007-09-21 at 22:06.

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to twaelti For This Useful Post:
debernardis's Avatar
Posts: 2,142 | Thanked: 2,054 times | Joined on Dec 2006 @ Sicily
I like it very much, but can't find a way of closing the app, apart from a rude killall.

Last edited by debernardis; 2007-09-21 at 19:11.
zeez's Avatar
Posts: 341 | Thanked: 68 times | Joined on Aug 2007
I don't know if that background has anything to do with my original request for it in some other thread but : AWESOME! Thank you!
Posts: 883 | Thanked: 980 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Bern, Switzerland
Originally Posted by debernardis View Post
I like it very much, but can't find a way of closing the app, apart from a rude killall.
Just use the ESC key, that should work! (the left-rotating arrow button right below the D-Pad, the topmost of the "navigation pad" or whatever that is)
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Oct 2006
Terrific little clock app. Thanks. I installed it on the 2007HE and it works great.

Doesn't show up in the taskbar though. As for the 'always-on' mode I could have sworn it worked the first time but hasn't since.
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Really nice application but I found a little bug, it does not display correctly the accents, i.e in Spanish Saturday is Sábado and when the app tries to display Sáb instead of it I get sáb

Hope you can fix it soon

But anyway congratulations!

PD: show when the next alarm will ring could be nice
Posts: 883 | Thanked: 980 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Bern, Switzerland
mClock updated to 0.3.0
-fix bug of app not being displayed in task navigator
-correctly display sun in eastern hemisphere
-Include a large icon for finger-based navigation in TN
-Include a package-icon

see Homepage
Posts: 64 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Any one tried with OS2007 on N770?
Posts: 148 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Works fine for me on the latest 2007he on the 770.
I have to add this is great app the just keeps getting better!!!
Posts: 472 | Thanked: 107 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ Texas
Fan-freakin-tastic!! Thank You Thank You

1. What is the little yellow dot for?

2. Any way to opt for a 12 hr clock instead of 24 hr?

Other than that this is fantastic!

Last edited by rcadden; 2007-10-11 at 23:45.

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