- sell Jolla C phone
- technically and mechanically no issues
- condition as seen on the pictures
- the screen cover film has 2 scratches on the right-hand side
- the display itself has no scratches
- background camera lense wen't broken, while in the pocket,
so I put a tape on it
- offers via private msg
- shipping possible
Last edited by vilva; 2017-09-19 at 05:58.
Reason: sold
- technically and mechanically no issues
- condition as seen on the pictures
- the screen cover film has 2 scratches on the right-hand side
- the display itself has no scratches
- background camera lense wen't broken, while in the pocket,
so I put a tape on it
- offers via private msg
- shipping possible
Last edited by vilva; 2017-09-19 at 05:58. Reason: sold