Showing results 1 to 25 of 100 @ 0.02 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: aegis
Forum: SailfishOS 2017-12-01, 15:47
Replies: 41
Views: 12,572
Posted By aegis
Re: Zipper (Turn your smartphone into a blockchain powerhouse)

I've had very limited experience with crypto currencies and remain unconvinced. I enabled payment by bitcoin a few years back and all I got was 'people' wanting to host awful porn or stolen software...
Forum: SailfishOS 2017-11-22, 18:29
Replies: 196
Views: 92,989
Posted By aegis
Re: SailfishOS on Sony Z3 Compact Tablet

Sony seem to have given up with tablets as for that matter have most of the manufacturers making higher end Android tablets. My z3c tablet is still in use almost daily and when I've occasionally...
Forum: SailfishOS 2017-08-21, 12:47
Replies: 3,083
Views: 1,060,766
Posted By aegis
Re: Sailfish OS (officially) on Sony Xperia devices

You can't remove SwiftKey but you can disable it or just install another keyboard such as Google's gboard or the Hackers Keyboard which has no predictive typing. I'm sure there's a gazillion other...
Forum: Competitors 2017-05-16, 13:05
Replies: 26
Views: 13,203
Posted By aegis
Re: Tizen United States Launch!

But which dumb phone?

I'm finding it really hard to find something that has 3g (has to as many carriers are 3g+ only) and isn't designed for the elderly.

Since the rise of the smartphone, the...
Forum: Jolla Tablet 2017-04-10, 14:54
Replies: 1,396
Views: 419,597
Posted By aegis
Re: [Pre-Announce] Revival of Jolla Tablet

Call it anything you like. Just don't put the name on the hardware, especially not on the front. Also would rather not have the sailfish and Intel logos.
Forum: Jolla Tablet 2017-04-06, 00:21
Replies: 1,396
Views: 419,597
Posted By aegis
Re: [Pre-Announce] Revival of Jolla Tablet

How about just leaving the name and logos off?

The name is pretty awful. It sounds like a KIRF brand.
Forum: SailfishOS 2017-03-29, 18:52
Replies: 294
Views: 79,080
Posted By aegis
Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

CalDAV not working was why I stopped using my Jolla.

The thing is, I think they've mentioned 'CalDAV fixes' in almost every single release and in every single release it's not worked at all with...
Forum: SailfishOS 2017-03-02, 01:43
Replies: 3,083
Views: 1,060,766
Posted By aegis
Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia (official)

Apparently this is because HP have a US patent on power buttons that are also fingerprint readers.
Forum: SailfishOS 2017-03-02, 01:30
Replies: 3,083
Views: 1,060,766
Posted By aegis
Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia (official)

Not likely. It's Mediatek based and so far all the devices on the Sony Open Devices program have been Qualcomm Snapdragon based.
Forum: Competitors 2017-03-01, 01:15
Replies: 190
Views: 90,107
Posted By aegis
Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Nope. I definitely meant self-facilitating media node.

Though of course you'd be using a Wasp T12 Speechtool, not a Gemini PDA, if you wanted to be totally Mexico.
Forum: SailfishOS 2017-02-28, 13:39
Replies: 3,083
Views: 1,060,766
Posted By aegis
Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia (official)

Current list of Sony "Open Devices" is at btw

edit: note no Mediatek devices. Qualcomm only.
Forum: Competitors 2017-02-28, 13:34
Replies: 190
Views: 90,107
Posted By aegis
Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Only if you're a self-facilitating media node.
Forum: SailfishOS 2017-02-28, 13:00
Replies: 3,083
Views: 1,060,766
Posted By aegis
Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia (official)

What do you mean "begin"? :rolleyes:
Forum: SailfishOS 2017-02-28, 03:54
Replies: 3,083
Views: 1,060,766
Posted By aegis
Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia (official)

Nope. And if you want to keep their waterproof rating then if you do replace the battery you've got to make sure it's all sealed up again.

From the Z3 on they even have a service test that does a...
Forum: SailfishOS 2017-02-28, 03:40
Replies: 155
Views: 48,462
Posted By aegis
Re: Jolla at MWC 2017

I have an XA, bought as a spare while my Z1 Compact was in for repair.

The XA has a number of fatal flaws.

1) There isn't enough storage left from the 16GB after you've updated the built in...
Forum: Community 2017-01-12, 21:56
Replies: 317
Views: 169,360
Posted By aegis
Re: [Brainstorm][Maybe the real one?] Maemo Community Device

Just chipping in to echo a +1 for doing an Android device to pick up sales from people who want an Android device with a keyboard.

On top of that it may be then viable to have other OSs ported.
Forum: General 2016-12-04, 12:16
Replies: 38
Views: 15,039
Posted By aegis
Re: Nokia to return to the smartphone market in 2017

In that it's the only one I've found that has an acceptable mix of features and apps I need, decent relatively inexpensive hardware versus the pain of an ugly UI.

Yep, settling. If we had more...
Forum: General 2016-12-03, 23:19
Replies: 38
Views: 15,039
Posted By aegis
Re: Nokia to return to the smartphone market in 2017

Don't get me wrong, I have outright disdain for Android too. Unfortunately it's the only workable OS just now.
Forum: General 2016-12-03, 17:56
Replies: 38
Views: 15,039
Posted By aegis
Re: Nokia to return to the smartphone market in 2017

Not sure how you work that out. I would think the majority of people have an Android or iOS phone for practicality reasons. Plus if the new Nokia devices are well designed then they'd beer possible...
Forum: SailfishOS 2016-11-30, 19:08
Replies: 4
Views: 2,496
Posted By aegis
Re: Sailfish OS on Android tablet as alternative to Jolla Tablet.

IME the 2012 Nexus 7s were problematic. I had three. The first (32GB wifi model) suffered massive slow downs which got worse over time. A factory reset and restore would fix it for a while. It's not...
Forum: SailfishOS 2016-11-29, 12:21
Replies: 378
Views: 129,613
Posted By aegis
Re: Russian Open Mobile development based on SFOS

Sigh. So, it'll be two years to the next device which will be a fallout from a Russian government vanity project.

Can we have Nokia back in charge please?
Forum: SailfishOS 2016-11-15, 16:48
Replies: 43
Views: 12,936
Posted By aegis
Re: Best way getting into Sailfish OS?

If you need calendar syncing then iCloud CalDAV sync still works with the n9 but doesn't with SailfishOS. CalDAV is still a bag of hurt on Sailfish.
Forum: Nokia N900 2016-10-23, 23:48
Replies: 4
Views: 4,462
Posted By aegis
Re: Water damaged N900

Thanks everyone.

Halftux's suggestion gets a terminal up but as elros34 noted, you've got to also stop osso-startup-wizard from starting as it grabs keyboard focus.

Once you've got that...
Forum: Nokia N900 2016-10-12, 17:04
Replies: 4
Views: 4,462
Posted By aegis
Re: Water damaged N900

" is there a way of getting past the settings screen and launching the screen calibration tool or a terminal?"

Nobody know?
Forum: SailfishOS 2016-10-12, 17:02
Replies: 799
Views: 291,678
Posted By aegis
Re: Sailfish on Turing Phones?

Woah! Are you sure it's a guy or the WAG of a premier league footballer's account?

That's been hit by the bling stick so many times, natives of Essex would think twice about getting it out in...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 100

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