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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16 @ 0.01 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: tonypercy
Forum: Nokia N900 2015-02-17, 22:44
Replies: 8
Views: 5,382
Posted By tonypercy
Re: What is broken: LCD, main-flex-ribbon, or something else?

I have a spare n900 LCD you can have, if you want.

Just paypal me postage if you want it quicker than the cheapest way to you.

I had a similar problem, I'll try and dig out a photo. Drop...
Forum: Community 2015-02-14, 14:19
Replies: 595
Views: 227,097
Posted By tonypercy
Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?

Speaking as a recidivist n00b. This would be useful. It would save me some time. It's been a while since I have.

Maybe bringing it all together in a wiki crib sheet linked to a 'spare and repair'...
Forum: Community 2015-02-13, 13:59
Replies: 595
Views: 227,097
Posted By tonypercy
Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?

I'm inclined to think a BME defect. That's how it feels.The new battery could be at fault though.

My laptop usb might also be on low power mode.
Forum: Community 2015-02-13, 11:58
Replies: 595
Views: 227,097
Posted By tonypercy
Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?

@joerg_rw no I'm using my n810 to charge. That's not the problem. The PC detects it as mass storage. Doesn't charge from adapter, or at most the indicator goes yellow, the phone vibes, and 'pulses'...
Forum: Community 2015-02-13, 05:24
Replies: 595
Views: 227,097
Posted By tonypercy
Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?

I have been since 'dam in 2009 I guess, as I managed to 'make' one out of spare parts recently. This is pretty much the 4th one, due to 2 being returned, and being 'gifted' a 4th along the way.
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2012-07-11, 06:50
Replies: 6
Views: 2,324
Posted By tonypercy
Re: How to 'add' 4 hardware buttons to the back of a n900?

That's why I'm a fan of mnemonic systems like Cykey, 20 to 30 minutes to learn, 40wpm in a week one handed. (I'm guessing you already had used a qwerty keyboard for some time before the weekend of...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2012-02-22, 11:06
Replies: 2,355
Views: 1,216,076
Posted By tonypercy
Unhappy Re: Adobe Flash Player 10: When will the update arrive? Is it coming at all?

Flash critical vulnerability mentioned on the 16th in most version 11 and earlier players.
Forum: General 2012-01-22, 23:18
Replies: 8
Views: 3,329
Posted By tonypercy
Re: [HELP] Weird WiFi issue

Even if the disassembly didn't void the warranty. I suspect the soda did.

Anyhow have you checked if it's still under warranty anyway?

Meanwhile this tread and links might interest.
Forum: Community 2011-09-18, 16:58
Replies: 152
Views: 81,219
Posted By tonypercy
Re: Gary Birkett (aka lcuk) RIP

I was saddened to hear the news of the loss of Gary and my thoughts are with his family and friends.

Like a lot of people here I mainly knew him from his posts online, and meeting at events like...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2009-12-04, 23:12
Replies: 18
Views: 5,085
Posted By tonypercy
Re: Mobile sites not working

Both sites are running J Boss Web 2.0.1.GA

There seems to be a lot of nobr elements in the page, but mozilla is meant to be tolerant of that. Midora loads it, but gives an ugly block of text....
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-10-18, 22:28
Replies: 10
Views: 4,556
Posted By tonypercy
Physical damage to the n900

So one week in and I drop the n900. Resulting in a small dent to the metal bezel -- as it fell screen side down onto the edge of a step.

I'm wondering if it wise to pop this bezel off to tap the...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-10-18, 14:57
Replies: 30
Views: 9,227
Posted By tonypercy
Re: How does the GPS compare to other devices?

I've found the GPS hit and miss.

If there is a web connection it's fast, but I've not had the chance to try it on a 3G network yet though. So have no idea if the 'network positioning' through...
Forum: Community 2009-08-23, 16:41
Replies: 204
Views: 40,392
Posted By tonypercy
Re: Sponsoring participants to the Maemo Summit

I thought this might be of interest, and so would share.

The best index I know for budget EU and Northern African flights is;

Which gives a...
Forum: Games 2009-08-04, 11:51
Replies: 1
Views: 1,518
Posted By tonypercy
Re: How do you play real time games on a tablet?

Yes, I had to resort to the screen and stylus, and yes it was less than ideal for FPS like Duke.

Some form of on screen control would feel better, like used in the bomber man controls.

Forum: Applications 2009-03-29, 16:33
Replies: 0
Views: 2,615
Posted By tonypercy
why did gizmo video work on chinook but not diablo?

I mean the cam.

The explanations concerning port forwarding etc didn't seem right.

(Its only of academic interest though, as the kakaroto/n810 aMSN port looks like doing close to what I...
Forum: Applications 2008-07-09, 00:03
Replies: 6
Views: 1,936
Posted By tonypercy
Re: diablo upgrade issue: extracting emails

During the set up I'm pretty sure I opted for a pop3, but yes it looks and feels more like imap. So I could have done thqt. I'm going to reflash again tomorrow, having slept, and double check.
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