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Showing results 1 to 25 of 49 @ 0.33 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: mrp
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2012-06-11, 17:14
Replies: 2,266
Views: 968,924
Posted By freemangordon
[ANNOUNCE] CSSU-thumb thread - stable Thumb2 on N900


Cortex-A8 SoC we have in our devices supports several ISAs (Instruction Set Architecture):

- Thumb
- Thumb2
- ThumbEE
- ...
Forum: Applications 2012-06-07, 20:59
Replies: 904
Views: 407,921
Posted By taixzo
[DEVEL] Saera: Siri clone for Maemo5, Harmattan and Sailfish OS

I couldn't find one, so I decided to make my own. Saera can do some tasks (such as setting alarms etc) and make some conversation, although not very well (might someone be interested in helping with...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2012-05-25, 12:53
Replies: 845
Views: 357,348
Posted By marmistrz
[Announce][Dead] MeeCoLay - run Harmattan apps on Fremantle!

This project is dead.

Why? I'm sick of fighting with the outdated software stack, examples here (

The aim of this project was to run...
Forum: Design 2012-02-25, 19:30
Replies: 559
Views: 329,212
Posted By TransTech
[Announce] - [New] MaeMeeMo 2.0 - A Meego/Nemo User Interface for Maemo5 |V2 .deb Now Available|

Finally, after about 15 to 20 days of hardwork in my spare time (edit: and further 8 days of typing the guide), I have something really beautiful thing to give to my most loved community.

So this...
Forum: Multimedia 2011-11-17, 19:38
Replies: 1,111
Views: 411,772
Posted By aenbacka
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

Finally version 1.0.0-1 of QSpot is available from extras-devel (and the project garage page), including offline support..:) Detailed changelog can be found below:

* Added support for offline mode...
Forum: Multimedia 2011-10-09, 19:34
Replies: 1,111
Views: 411,772
Posted By aenbacka
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libopenspotify

Thanks a lot for the feedback, I definitely think lyrics could be added to the client; I will add it to the todo list..:)
Forum: Multimedia 2011-09-30, 11:42
Replies: 1,111
Views: 411,772
Posted By aenbacka
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libopenspotify

Yes, ultimately offline mode will be added, probably very soon..:)
Forum: Community 2011-08-31, 08:08
Replies: 321
Views: 83,830
Posted By abill_uk
Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?

There needs to be some real progress on Meego for this community to recognise it is going somewhere.

While i sympathise with you on your work the real answers are in the progress being made and as...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2011-07-16, 13:25
Replies: 707
Views: 275,506
Posted By arcean
[Announce] Hildon desktop portrait mode

Please keep in mind that this is still work in progress :).

Main features of this modified hildon-desktop are:
- auto-rotation of the desktop
- widgets also rotate
- widget postion is stored...
Forum: Applications 2011-06-23, 14:07
Replies: 306
Views: 111,623
Posted By demludi
[ANNOUNCE] Tv Player for Nokia N900

Click on the image to see the youtube video. (

Forum: Community 2011-06-09, 16:41
Replies: 111
Views: 28,556
Posted By Stskeeps
Cool Stskeeps says bye! o/

Hi guys,

Think it's enough by now. And this isn't going to have one of those drama comebacks. I've been on here since a long time, helping out with your devices, problems - and it's stopped being...
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan 2011-06-08, 09:24
Replies: 49
Views: 15,320
Posted By onethreealpha
Re: MeeGo 1.2 Release?????

"we're on a road to nowhere" lol
while I agree that open source comes with a responsibility to give back, it doesn't stop corporations from profiteering.

i don't ...
Forum: Applications 2011-05-05, 08:47
Replies: 8
Views: 4,656
Posted By N900L
Greasemonkey : One of the best plugins for microb

Hi Community

First of all im a noob like others here.

And there are so many apps that you dont understand or dont know what to do with it.

Because of that im trying to find out what the...
Forum: Multimedia 2011-04-14, 19:47
Replies: 1,717
Views: 818,674
Posted By MohammadAG
[ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Open Media Player is a full free open source rewrite of the stock mediaplayer.
While I started the project, my current free time slowed down updates a lot, so OMP is currently maintained by gidzzz....
Forum: Multimedia 2011-03-12, 20:08
Replies: 44
Views: 15,535
Posted By somebody
[ANNOUNCE] SomeCover - Album art manager for SomePlayer and TPlayer

This program is useful for downloading or removing album art for SomePlayer and TPlayer.
It downloads art using LastFM API to ~/.covers directory, thumbnails also saved in ~/.covers/.thumbs

Forum: Multimedia 2011-03-09, 18:14
Replies: 1,137
Views: 430,198
Posted By nicolai

I made a clone of the builtin camera application and need some testers.
This is for testing only at the moment. Thats why I put the binary here,
insted of uploading a packege. You should at...
Forum: Multimedia 2010-11-24, 02:12
Replies: 94
Views: 41,264
Posted By mr id
[Announce] Fillmore multitrack recorder (maemo5 port - pre-alpha)

I've been working on writing a multitrack recorder for the N900 in Vala ( using gstreamer as a backend. Recently I got sidetracked by starting to port Fillmore...
Forum: Ubuntu 2010-10-16, 18:16
Replies: 494
Views: 209,045
Posted By artron
Re: [WIP] Ubuntu 9.10 on the N900

i was mount raw
mount -t ext3 -o loop image.raw /mnt

and copy to /dev/sdb4
cp -pr

,still can boot,freeze at bootmenu
Forum: Applications 2010-08-20, 07:55
Replies: 1,291
Views: 582,392
Posted By digitalvoid
Exclamation [Announce] SMScon (control your device with SMS)



SMSCON provides complete control of your Nokia N900 device by sending SMS messages...
Forum: Applications 2010-07-28, 16:26
Replies: 275
Views: 134,067
Posted By attila77
[ANNOUNCE] Tweak Flash Version

We all know there are more and more web sites all too eager to lock people with Flash 9 out, even though their content does not really require Flash 10.x.

Well, Ladies and Geeks, the days of...
Forum: Nokia N900 2010-07-21, 22:30
Replies: 144
Views: 50,320
Posted By roger_27
FCAM thing in a nutshell for non-developers...

FCAM thing in a nutshell for non-developers...

Okay, well, everyone is talking about how stupid this news is. Lemme see if I can break it down to make this pill a little easier to swallow.
Forum: Ubuntu 2010-07-15, 11:35
Replies: 494
Views: 209,045
Posted By MohammadAG
Re: [WIP] Ubuntu 9.10 on the N900
MD5Sum: a76ada218fac7d014115f38d7dfb14b3

(First of all, thanks to xnt14 ( for allowing me to host the file...
Forum: Alternatives 2010-06-18, 09:40
Replies: 1,229
Views: 309,609
Posted By kingoddball
Talking [Android] NITDroid V2 Help/Tutorial Topic - Updated

This thread has been started to help members install Android on their N900 and to (attempt) to help answer questions and solve some issues.

This is not a thread for Bugs - All bugs should be...
Forum: Community 2010-06-11, 16:08
Replies: 346
Views: 103,306
Posted By ndi
Re: Maemo Missteps, your thoughts?

That's why big ships have little ships on board. I don't know what exactly part of "beta" makes Nokia run for the hills.

Google has betas. Half of what they do is Beta for a year, open to public....
Forum: Community 2010-06-11, 15:47
Replies: 346
Views: 103,306
Posted By GeneralAntilles
Maemo Missteps, your thoughts?

Texrat has posted an interesting article on the (numerous) missteps Nokia has made with MeeGo this year and how it's slowly killing off much of the inertia and enthusiasm they had managed to...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 49

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