Showing results 1 to 25 of 100 @ 0.38 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: joerg_rw
Forum: Nokia N900 2025-02-22, 18:17
Replies: 322
Views: 178,344
Posted By torsen
Re: Nokia N900 A-GPS Not Working Anymore

Happy to confirm that this is still working, at least for me, in 2025.
Thank you ric9K
Forum: Community 2023-11-30, 08:52
Replies: 0
Views: 2,799
Posted By CommunityCouncil
Post [Council] Maemo Community e.V. - Invitation to the General Assembly 2023

Maemo Community e.V. - Invitation to the General Assembly 2023

Dear Member,

The meeting will be held on Friday, December 29th 2023 at 12:00 CET on channel #maemo-meeting.
Forum: Community 2022-02-11, 14:51
Replies: 1
Views: 5,513
Posted By mosen
Meeting Minutes - Maemo Community General Assembly meeting on thursday February 10th at 20:00 CET

Maemo Gemeinschaft eV. Jahreshauptversammlung 2022-02-10 20:00 CET

Themen (entsprechend der Tagesordnung):
1. Begrüßung durch den Vorstandsvorsitzenden
2. Festsetzung der ordnungsgemäßen...
Forum: Applications 2021-10-13, 14:38
Replies: 1,387
Views: 453,873
Posted By biketool
Re: [Announce] BackupMenu - OS backup & restore | New version - Jul 9th(v1.1)

Joerg_rw, it is very good to see you again; we have missed your learned input. What are you working on now?
Forum: Nokia N900 2020-03-31, 20:27
Replies: 322
Views: 178,344
Posted By ric9K
Re: Nokia N900 A-GPS Not Working Anymore

AGPS is still working. But it needs a working internet connection. Try with gprs and/or wifi if you can.
Repeating the previous pages, trying to sum, a bit:

If [ you care about privacy stuff,]...
Forum: Neo900 2019-05-18, 01:42
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By dr_frost_dk
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

anybody into 3D printing?, would not be hard to make a case like N900 to fit and android phone without battery, but battery in base and speakers etc

i am looking into it, but after i saw the cosmo...
Forum: Neo900 2019-05-14, 00:53
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By Wikiwide
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Thank you! That's great news! Just make sure public git repository doesn't go down like Gitorious did...

RISC-V sounds interesting, what are the specific requirements for a plausible embedded...
Forum: Neo900 2019-05-13, 20:30
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By pichlo
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

We are getting hopelessly off-topic but I have to chime in with my +1.
The top-heavy weight distribution was my main beef with Jolla+TOHKBD.
So much so that I never learned to like it and...
Forum: Neo900 2019-05-13, 19:43
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By chenliangchen
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

That is very interesting. Have been working with both Moto Keyboard Mod and Pro1, my personal feeling for the detachable keyboard, the biggest problem is the weight balance. Because the phone itself...
Forum: Neo900 2019-05-11, 13:34
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By t-b
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Skip to 14 minutes. Pyra phone: unfortunately no keyboard (and only proof of concept) but at least something tangible and ticks the box mentioned above.
Forum: Neo900 2019-05-09, 07:18
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By biketool
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

The FxTec is still a closed Android blob driver device as far as I can see. As long as that is true we are pretty much screwed on getting a real GNU-Linux backend including x11 UI onto the device...
Forum: Neo900 2019-05-09, 07:01
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By Android_808
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

It's a shame and I agree that any work done should not be lost in terms of schematics, design concepts such as modem isolation etc. Unfortunately as we all know, it's a common issue made worse by...
Forum: Neo900 2019-05-09, 05:31
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By Wikiwide
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Out of curiousity: What would have been STEP2 like? Not like N900, because components are unobtainable (and not powerful enough to run modern websites) by now. Not like N950 because Fxtec is...
Forum: Neo900 2019-05-08, 17:34
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By biketool
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

So what are the possibilities that you can open up everything, even the Gerbers etc.
I know many components were EOL but it might be something that can live on like Arduino does on they grey market...
Forum: Neo900 2019-05-08, 13:35
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By reinob
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

I only hope that at least you're OK in terms of health.
With your know-how I think you'll be able to dodge that dead end, professionally speaking.

Neo900 was a good dream, and will remain a...
Forum: Neo900 2019-05-08, 13:28
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By pichlo
Forum: Neo900 2019-05-08, 13:21
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By sulu
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Thanks for the clarity and your efforts in the past!
And good luck for whatever comes next!
Forum: Neo900 2018-01-29, 00:47
Replies: 2
Views: 10,971
Posted By Wikiwide
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Comments: cannot FSF provide RYF certification for BeagleBoard_xM "brainboards"? Unlike Neo900 boards, they don't have cellular modem to argue about, correct? Or is the PowerVR graphics processor...
Forum: Neo900 2018-01-27, 17:19
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By meego_leenooks1
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

I have bad news for you, hope you are subscribed to this thread and my email was delivered.
Meanwhile I'm trying to fix things myself.

EDIT: can't fix it myself as there are...
Forum: Neo900 2018-01-27, 09:37
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By theonelaw
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

in a bullet list format,
remains to be done ?

If the objective (shipping devices)
can be summarized in some stepwise fashion
there are people who may be able to help.

It could...
Forum: Neo900 2018-01-27, 05:17
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By Wikiwide
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Raspberry Pi isn't exactly a pocketable phone with a keyboard. Sure, mods are available, like #ZeroPhone (which is 2G-only), but 3G-capable Linux with hardware keyboard, resistive touchscreen, and...
Forum: Neo900 2018-01-26, 21:49
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By peterleinchen
Forum: Neo900 2018-01-26, 10:46
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By pichlo
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Neither did I, though it may have come across that way.
I'm just sad, that's all.
Forum: Neo900 2018-01-25, 19:36
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By biketool
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Joerg, Sorry didn't mean that to come out $#!tty towards you, I have been bugging him to use his louder voice for years for a pager-smartphone, I turned RMS onto the idea. I am also disappointed in...
Forum: Neo900 2018-01-25, 12:21
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,404
Posted By sulu
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

While I agree with you on the point of businesses and achievable goals in general, I do not agree with you on the Neo900-specific "mission creep".

I don't care about the "better infrared" or the...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 100

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