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Forum: Nokia N900 2016-12-06, 10:22
Replies: 3
Views: 2,849
Posted By bencoh
Re: omweather update or replacement

I've actually noticed it stopped working a few months ago as well and never bothered fixing it (I thought it would be some ssl-related issue).
Upgrading omweather-weather-com-stations-db to latest...
Forum: Nokia N900 2016-12-06, 08:57
Replies: 3
Views: 2,849
Posted By Android_808
Re: omweather update or replacement

i had to switch to extras-devel version
Forum: Nokia N900 2016-12-06, 04:19
Replies: 3
Views: 2,849
Posted By robthebold
Re: omweather update or replacement

It's still working for me. I use as the source, and so far so good. Which source(s) are you using?
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2012-07-31, 21:57
Replies: 21
Views: 9,609
Posted By Estel
Re: Nokia quality control: a sad N9 story.

simply You can't - Nokia is dead, just like commodore was. Still using same name for completely different things - done with completely different people - isn't enough.

You may hope for Jolla to...
Forum: SailfishOS 2012-07-18, 21:54
Replies: 110
Views: 57,272
Posted By lma
Re: Jolla phones: not so open

Perhaps I'm getting old, but I can't get over how absurd that sounds :-)

It doesn't make any sense, but the thing is, if they did they wouldn't be the first ones, and such a move wouldn't be...
Forum: Off Topic 2012-07-07, 15:21
Replies: 3,260
Views: 1,073,420
Posted By lma
Re: JollaMobile : Jolla continues Nokia's excellent work on #MeeGo based smartphones

Without even going into ergonomics, tactile feedback etc, there's no way around this: an on-screen keyboard eats badly into display real estate, and a finger-friendly one doubly so. If all a user...
Forum: Off Topic 2012-07-07, 13:02
Replies: 3,260
Views: 1,073,420
Posted By benny1967
Re: JollaMobile : Jolla continues Nokia's excellent work on #MeeGo based smartphones

I don't even expect or demand high-end hardware or anything that's ahead of the market feature-wise. All I want is an open system that's not tied to a specific "cloud", to a specific "ecosystem", to...
Forum: Off Topic 2012-07-07, 10:56
Replies: 3,260
Views: 1,073,420
Posted By lma
Re: JollaMobile : Jolla continues Nokia's excellent work on #MeeGo based smartphones

Sounds a bit too phone-oriented for my taste, but if they can find the courage to respect my freedom (no aegis or other tivoization rubish) and privacy I'll probably give them money anyway.
Forum: General 2012-05-11, 18:38
Replies: 99
Views: 17,979
Posted By don_falcone
Re: Can you recommend a Linux version for beginner

Having several years of experiences with Ubuntu and OpenSUSE (both @home and professionally, a beginner couldnt possibly be more frustrated with their many (mainly through lazy QA) issues. Please...
Forum: Community 2012-05-02, 09:00
Replies: 88
Views: 38,712
Posted By Wonko
Re: How will introduce itself in 6 months?

Sorry, but I answer with a quote of mine:

I am not talking about not being willing to learn. It's just if there is a change there is always effort involved to follow/adapt to that change. ...
Forum: Community 2012-04-30, 23:55
Replies: 88
Views: 38,712
Posted By Estel
Re: How will introduce itself in 6 months?

Not much of a problem, as their work is 100% FOSS (everyone can buy device from somewhere else and put their stack on it, *legally*), so anyone else - including us - may open "shop" as soon as they...
Forum: Community 2012-04-30, 21:48
Replies: 88
Views: 38,712
Posted By olighak
Re: How will introduce itself in 6 months?

Well if Nokia aims to have any role, then Nokia has to release Nokia products that are suitable for us here, no?

I'm not going to be swept away by any WP7 or WP8 devices, so if that's all Nokia is...
Forum: Competitors 2012-02-28, 23:24
Replies: 160
Views: 67,860
Posted By Estel
Re: new, open source Linux tablet, 7" with kde plasma !!!

GrimyHR, if we're talking about annoyance, I'm annoyed that you keep to spam this thread with useless whining about "alternative", without commenting on meritocratic arguments by Stskeeps:

Forum: Competitors 2012-02-19, 10:51
Replies: 160
Views: 67,860
Posted By benny1967
Re: new, open source Linux tablet, 7" with kde plasma !!!

Oh pleeeze don't make this a Free Software vs. Open Source battleground (which it isn't). I consider myself what you'd probably call a "GNU person". I make a clear distinction between them (the open...
Forum: Applications 2011-10-25, 15:40
Replies: 124
Views: 44,225
Posted By pelago
Re: [Announce] QtComponents for Fremantle

I guess we need another repo for CSSU users.
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2011-08-13, 00:02
Replies: 193
Views: 41,935
Posted By unfuccwittable
Re: Orly? N9 not coming to USA

Ok, now you just sound like you don't want it to be good. People have used the N950 extensively say, the VKB is more than good, and you dismiss it as a different device, when, the firmware on the N9...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2011-08-09, 22:42
Replies: 193
Views: 41,935
Posted By lore
What's wrong with the USA?

When did Americans stop caring about competition and free markets? How come free Americans don't mind being screwed around by mobile phone carriers? I'm Italian and too many things are wrong in my...
Forum: Off Topic 2011-05-10, 11:08
Replies: 80
Views: 12,752
Posted By momcilo
Re: Microsoft to buy Skype

How nice...
How convenient...

1. yesterday it was nokia
2. today, the skype
3. tomorrow, the world

"One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the...
Forum: Competitors 2011-05-07, 17:43
Replies: 16
Views: 5,658
Posted By Capt'n Corrupt
Re: Samsung overtakes Nokia in Western Europe

With all of the hoopla around the Galaxy S series of smartphones, it's easy to miss the fact that Samsung is a major player in the featurephone category of devices. Smartphones seem as the 'sports...
Forum: Alternatives 2011-03-29, 13:31
Replies: 37
Views: 15,717
Posted By lma
Re: Nakio E900 spotted on the web!

Ctrl = Fn + Tab? Are you sure it's not a real Nokia? ;-)
Forum: Alternatives 2011-03-29, 13:04
Replies: 37
Views: 15,717
Posted By ArnimS
Nakio E900 spotted on the web!

we don't know when it will appear, but stay tuned to this channel for updates
Forum: General 2011-03-23, 13:31
Replies: 9
Views: 4,198
Posted By vkv.raju
Re: Nokia might shun Microsoft for tablet OS

To start with, we never wished Microsoft to be in the equation ever (including smart-phones)!
Forum: Nokia N900 2011-03-18, 20:57
Replies: 44
Views: 11,463
Posted By Aonsaithya
Re: How stupid can UI design get?

Hate this feature, too. I actually made a thread earlier, but since my topic wasn't nearly as provocative as yours, I got no replies.
Forum: Competitors 2011-02-24, 22:26
Replies: 297
Views: 72,185
Posted By Copernicus
Re: The future of your Nokia Windows phone

Been there (, done that. (

Cool, I can't wait to see the drivers Microsoft puts out to allow Windows CE to compete...
Forum: Competitors 2011-02-24, 03:40
Replies: 297
Views: 72,185
Posted By gerbick
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