Showing results 1 to 25 of 100 @ 1.24 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: blackjack4it
Forum: Competitors 2018-11-16, 21:21
Replies: 3,489
Views: 651,814
Posted By HtheB
Are you Ready? F(x)tec Pro 1 HW Keyboard Phone

Are you ready? (

Register to get and stay updated!

Forum: Alternatives 2018-08-14, 14:54
Replies: 635
Views: 352,500
Posted By jukebox
Re: Arch Linux ARM on N900

Hi everyone,

I've been lurking on this form and mostly this thread for the last 5-6 months. I got very excited after reading the tales about people using this device to its fullest extend with...
Forum: Maemo 7 / Leste 2018-02-07, 14:49
Replies: 666
Views: 293,361
Posted By Wizzup_
Re: Maemo-Leste pre-alpha announcement

Virtual machine images are up (qemu and virtualbox). Also new N900 images (armhf and armel, armel is untested).

There are no changes on the N900 images, except that the repos now point to 'leste'...
Forum: Maemo 7 / Leste 2018-02-04, 10:52
Replies: 666
Views: 293,361
Posted By Wizzup_
Maemo-Leste pre-alpha announcement


We're happy to let you know about the pre-alpha release of "Maemo Leste" - an attempt to port/run large parts/bits from Fremantle on the latest stable Devuan/Debian.

There are currently...
Forum: Nokia N900 2017-11-14, 11:35
Replies: 2
Views: 3,754
Posted By akirakiteshi
Re: Outdated kernel in stock maemo: any solution?

Right now I'm far away from machine where all magic happened, so basically what I did:
0. Before any steps you should install u-boot from Maemo
1. Cloned repo from...
Forum: Applications 2017-01-27, 11:26
Replies: 42
Views: 43,335
Posted By hedayat
[UNUSABLE!][DEVEL] MeeTeleGram: Telegram Client for N9

Dear all,
Finally, I'm doing more work on my Telegram client for N9, but it is not ready yet. However, it does a few things, and I thought that it might be good for me if these few things are also...
Forum: Alternatives 2016-08-24, 09:57
Replies: 91
Views: 112,681
Posted By steward
Re: Kali Linux Rolling Edition armhf for Nokia N900

For shutdown issue, you can just rename "/sbin/shutdown" to "/sbin/_shutdown_" in order to debug this issue.
Forum: Alternatives 2016-06-26, 11:41
Replies: 91
Views: 112,681
Posted By jellyroll
Re: Kali Linux Rolling Edition armhf for Nokia N900

Since yesterday I noticed that my system stopped shutting after login when the phone is on battery power. It stayed up for 12 hours untill the battery was empty.
Can you please post a screenshot of...
Forum: Alternatives 2016-06-21, 21:59
Replies: 91
Views: 112,681
Posted By jellyroll
Forum: Alternatives 2016-06-21, 17:48
Replies: 91
Views: 112,681
Posted By jellyroll
Re: Kali Linux Rolling Edition armhf for Nokia N900

I don't know the cause of the shutdowns. I had the system up for 3-4 hours but soon after that period it shutdown even with a power cable attached. Uninstalling lightdm does help a little bit.
Forum: Alternatives 2016-06-19, 18:18
Replies: 91
Views: 112,681
Posted By endsormeans
Re: Kali Linux Rolling Edition armhf for Nokia N900

Ahhhh... so jelly... what you are saying....hinting at that it appears the shutdowns are quite likely linked to the system not being fully "awake" and prepared for usage when people start...
Forum: Alternatives 2016-06-19, 18:12
Replies: 91
Views: 112,681
Posted By jellyroll
Re: Kali Linux Rolling Edition armhf for Nokia N900

This image is much stable then the previous one. I do face the same shutdown errors that has been meantioned before. My soltution to this is, reboot a couple of times and wait for 5 min. until the...
Forum: Applications 2016-05-25, 19:17
Replies: 84
Views: 55,786
Posted By liar
[Announce] kodi for SailfishOS


i have just uploaded kodi to openrepos. You can download and install both on phones or the jolla tablet.

Thanks to Blueslee and Schturman for...
Forum: Alternatives 2016-02-14, 18:09
Replies: 5
Views: 13,378
Posted By robotanarchy
Lightbulb Introducing penguinphone

Hello there TMO,

I have started writing a replacement user interface for what Maemo ships with on the N900. It runs completely without Maemo, on a normal Debian (debian900...
Forum: Nokia N900 2014-12-01, 08:17
Replies: 191
Views: 163,165
Posted By Estel
Re: Broken MicroUSB idea: Creating a new connection

Is this dear having external USB port for charging? Nice! Just don't try to get into plane, with it. I'm glad you found suggestions of cable placement useful. By using more thin, or special flat...
Forum: Nokia N900 2014-11-28, 12:30
Replies: 191
Views: 163,165
Posted By Estel
Re: Broken MicroUSB idea: Creating a new connection

Strange, I could swear that I have, already, answered to your post, few days ago. Nevermind - it seems that you have located the chip itself.

Using kernel-power charging module (see BME...
Forum: Nokia N900 2014-11-22, 03:13
Replies: 191
Views: 163,165
Posted By Estel
Re: Broken MicroUSB idea: Creating a new connection

Testpads beneath battery are 100% functional - in fact, even the lack of ESD is kind of a FUD, as USB chip itself have internal ESD protection rated 7kV (or 11 kV, can't remember numbers now, from...
Forum: Nokia N900 2014-11-21, 14:13
Replies: 191
Views: 163,165
Posted By nokiabot
Re: Broken MicroUSB idea: Creating a new connection

Well charging that way no good idea as protection electronics is bypassed btw good job now you can flash and move data !

Use external charger to charge battery
Forum: Brainstorm 2014-06-06, 01:18
Replies: 454
Views: 219,360
Posted By shawnjefferson
Re: [NEEDED] Appealing ideas for next CSSU

IMO, CSSU shouldn't add any apps, it should strip them out and allow the user to install them via repos. (ie. start stripping stuff out of the large meta package.)

Beyond that, I'd like to see...
Forum: Nokia N900 2014-06-02, 21:54
Replies: 2
Views: 7,510
Posted By mtvoid
Nokia N900 modem driver coming to Linux kernel

Found this news item at Phoronix: Years Later, Mainline Linux Supports Nokia's N900 Modem (

From the article:
Forum: Nokia N900 2012-09-16, 14:22
Replies: 191
Views: 163,165
Posted By Estel
Re: Broken MicroUSB idea: Creating a new connection

Get the Ohm (resistance), at the lowest value (200). Put one probe (doesn't matter which one) at USB D+ of broken port pads, and another probe on testpad's USB D+, beneath battery. Ensure, that You...
Forum: Nokia N900 2012-09-16, 14:22
Replies: 191
Views: 163,165
Posted By Estel
Re: Broken MicroUSB idea: Creating a new connection

Get the Ohm (resistance), at the lowest value (200). Put one probe (doesn't matter which one) at USB D+ of broken port pads, and another probe on testpad's USB D+, beneath battery. Ensure, that You...
Forum: Nokia N900 2012-09-07, 21:39
Replies: 191
Views: 163,165
Posted By Estel
Re: Broken MicroUSB idea: Creating a new connection


To the ground, or nowhere - I prefer soldering it together with ground, as it's more proper and clean design, but it won't hurt, if You leave it unconnected at all.

Nowhere, it's...
Forum: Nokia N900 2012-08-25, 18:17
Replies: 191
Views: 163,165
Posted By Estel
Re: Broken MicroUSB idea: Creating a new connection

If You mean reflashing, with testpads under battery, you're able to use USB just like "normal" way.

Forum: Brainstorm 2012-07-04, 20:45
Replies: 69
Views: 43,457
Posted By vivmak
Re: Brainstorm: Porting maemo to other devices instead

Can it be ported on HP Touchpad, that will be a killer, I will sleep with it each night next to me in my bed :)
Showing results 1 to 25 of 100

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