Forum: Off Topic
2010-07-02, 03:03
Replies: 89
Views: 22,085
Forum: Off Topic
2010-07-02, 02:35
Replies: 89
Views: 22,085
Forum: Competitors
2010-06-25, 09:13
Replies: 744
Views: 153,149
Posted By
Re: iPhone 4
I doubt that person (or most in this thread) was really interested in the iPhone to begin with - this is a Nokia based forum and the tags for this thread sorta explain the position of most.
Forum: Community
2010-02-15, 19:06
Replies: 267
Views: 88,905
Re: Fedora based MeeGo = NoGo!
That you ndon't have much idea about what you are talking about.
RPM is just a packaging system, as mature as dpkg is. It has nothing to do with Fedora, since it was just RedHat in 1996.
deb and...
Forum: Competitors
2010-01-29, 22:11
Replies: 59
Views: 17,245
Forum: Nokia N810
2009-03-29, 14:29
Replies: 337
Views: 64,294
Re: N810 is totally useless.
I'm somewhat with you on this.
The overall impression I get from my experience of using the N810 is that, it can do things, but do them slow, really slow. For example, video playback is not...
Forum: Nokia N810
2009-03-29, 14:09
Replies: 337
Views: 64,294
N810 is totally useless.
I can't believe how much of a disaster this device has turned out to be. I just flashed my N810 with "RX-44_DIABLO_5.2008.43-7_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin", and when I go to refresh my package list, it...
Forum: Competitors
2009-03-19, 07:26
Replies: 21
Views: 5,617
Re: IPhone adds Copy and Paste - Welcome to 1989
oh come on, don't point fingers. the maemo community right now is celebrating a new browser (fennec) that can't do copy/paste, either, and nobody cares as long as it moves and blinks. some day in the...
Forum: Nokia N810
2008-11-18, 15:07
Replies: 43
Views: 10,724
Re: Nokia N810 Frustration
Don't you idiots get it!? I am a user who is really trying to appreciate a device that I basically love and think is superior. But the current state of 3rd software won't let me!
Forum: News
2008-07-26, 00:28
Replies: 35
Views: 87,405
Re: Thunderbird on Maemo
I'll make a build available soon; there's a couple of annoying bugs I'd like to look at squashing first...
Forum: General
2008-03-27, 00:09
Replies: 182
Views: 32,809
Forum: Applications
2008-03-20, 15:21
Replies: 194
Views: 87,110
Re: Irreco - Ir Remote Controller
There is now. I took some time to write one.
Tell me if theres any problems and ill try to improve it.
Also you might want to make sure...
Forum: General
2008-01-13, 22:42
Replies: 51
Views: 12,433
Finger or stylus, PLEASE make up your mind!
I'm really disappointed about the interface on OS2008, mainly because it has so much wasted potential.
It is really bothersome that it seems like the interface is designed 50% for finger...
Forum: Nokia N810
2007-12-06, 11:14
Replies: 466
Views: 104,573