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bocephus 2011-12-13 08:02

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by Netweaver (Post 954689)
quick update with new keyboard layouts :

I'm not the original developer so I'm not uploading it in the repositories.

As I needed a Belgian keyboard layout and it was not available in the gui, I looked in the code and I saw the following list of keyboards was remarked out :

I've put them back in now, recompiled into a deb file and it's downloadable here :

I've not changed the version as it's not an official one and the only change is the bigger list of presented keyboardlayouts in the gui.

Obviously the programmers didn't think anyone of these countries would ever use rdesktop gui on Maemo :)

Thanks to them anyway to make it available in the first place.

I've tested the install on my N900 and it works fine, with my Belgian (remote) keyboard.

Have fun !

It's been a long while since you put that file up now, so I'm not surprised I get a File not found message. Any chance you could put it up again? I need the Swedish keyboard.

jw461 2011-12-14 09:46

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by bocephus (Post 1136927)
It's been a long while since you put that file up now, so I'm not surprised I get a File not found message. Any chance you could put it up again? I need the Swedish keyboard.

This workd for me:

bocephus 2011-12-14 09:54

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by jw461 (Post 1137366)

Yes, but that would be the one compiled with half the keymaps marked out, would it not?

jw461 2011-12-16 00:04

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I have no seems to work okay though so I have no complaints.

bocephus 2011-12-18 16:31

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by jw461 (Post 1138078)
I have no seems to work okay though so I have no complaints.

Well, yes, it is. And of course it works ok as long as you don't need any of the keymaps that were commented out before the build was made. (Why were they, anyway?)

aapark 2011-12-25 20:49

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by Mr. Incredible (Post 813402)
I have a problem sharing the MyDocs folder. For a short time I can access the MyDocs and MMC but then the the N900 refuses the connection. It says that the network isn't available but rdesktop is running and I still can remote control the PC.

Here is a screenshot.

You may install "kernel-module-nls-utf8" to solve this problem.

skr4u 2012-01-24 05:06

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
the best way is using 'rdesktop' app. search into extra-dev. below is the youtube url.

Estel 2012-01-25 03:13

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
The best way for what? Are You referring to?... Or is it just useless spam-like post?

If You haven't noticed, this thread isn't only about connecting to windows desktop, and rdesktop was mentioned here *plentora* times.


fffffred 2012-09-13 04:25

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Does rdesktop support terminal service (TS) gateway?

Trying to get onto a network that requires traffic to go through a TS Gateway, but the GUI for rdesktop doesn't have any options for this.


miroslav_s 2013-11-12 21:22

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I need help. I installed vnc both on my n900 and my comp (windows 8 pro). The problem is I canīt connect to my comp from my n900. The otherway around is fine, I can connect from my comp to my n900. I checked windows firewall both outgoing and ingoing traffic. I have also disabled my antivirus firewall just to check if there is the problem but still I cannot connect to my comp from my n900. So where is the problem? The way I go when I want to conenct to my comp: First I start x11vnc then I start vnc in my n900, then I write the ip address and get the message: could not connect to server
Hope someone can help.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
miro / Serbia

handaxe 2013-11-12 23:27

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by miroslav_s (Post 1385872)
I need help. I installed vnc both on my n900 and my comp (windows 8 pro).

Presence VNC is prolly the best n900 vnc client.

This is cryptic: "First I start x11vnc then I start vnc in my n900". Meaning you start both x11vnc and vnc (which viewer?) on the n900? If so, you do not need x11vnc to view a vnc server on another device. x11vnc is a (the only) vnc server for the n900 and allows the Win8 device to connect to it, that is all.

You need to ensure that the Win8 vnc server is working. I like UltraVNC, as it provides both viewer and server packages, loads of options.

miroslav_s 2013-11-13 18:59

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Hi, I got it! It is working now. Like you wrote I Went to check ip adress for win8pro comp and I needed to add :2 at the end of ip address and it is now working.
Thank you
Best regards

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