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totololo 2009-05-30 12:22

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
:D I just wonder what word was under the ***** ... As a non native English speaker ... it's difficult to guess, and so less fun. :D

timsamoff 2009-05-30 12:52

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
Ahhhhhhhhh.... Relieved now.


YoDude 2009-05-30 12:59

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
Hey! How did my shoes get wet?

Texrat 2009-05-30 13:02

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
Sorry YoDude... I crossed streams with Tim.

mullf 2009-05-30 14:04

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 292113)
Sorry YoDude... I crossed streams with Tim.

Dr. Egon Spengler: There's something very important I forgot to tell you.
Dr. Peter Venkman: What?
Dr. Egon Spengler: Don't cross the streams.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Why?
Dr. Egon Spengler: It would be bad.
Dr. Peter Venkman: I'm a little fuzzy on the whole "good/bad" thing here. What do you mean, "bad"?
Dr. Egon Spengler: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.
Dr. Ray Stantz: Total protonic reversal!
Dr. Peter Venkman: That's bad. Okay. All right, important safety tip. Thanks, Egon.

BrentDC 2009-05-30 15:44

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks

Originally Posted by Unknown

Origin: Unknown (actually, I wrote the first one a few months ago, but I thought "origin: unknown" looks cool)

Revision 1: Dec. 2, 1987 by Joe Talmadge

In the time I have been posting to net, I have encountered flame wars of epic proportions (Brahms Gang vs. Tim Maroney), and flame wars of a more modest nature (MIT vs. CIT). Flaming has evolved into a highly-stylized art form, complete with unwritten rules and guidelines.

Here, I have attempted to document the Art of Flaming, in such a way as it will be interesting to old hands (flame masters) and novices (virgins) alike. Without a further ado, then, I present:

The twelve commandments of flaming

1. Make things up about your opponent: It's important to make your lies sound true. Preface your argument with the word "clearly." "Clearly, Fred Flooney is a liar, and a dirtball to boot."

2. Be an armchair psychologist: You're a smart person. You've heard of Freud. You took a psychology course in college. Clearly, you're qualified to psychoanalyze your opponent. "Polly Purebread, by using the word 'zucchini' in her posting, shows she has a bad case of penis envy."

3. Cross-post your flames: Everyone on the net is just waiting for the next literary masterpiece to leave your terminal. From rec.arts.wobegon to alt.gourmand, they're all holding their breaths until your next flame. Therefore, post everywhere.

4. Conspiracies abound: If everyone's against you, the reason can't possibly be that you're a ****head. There's obviously a conspiracy against you, and you will be doing the entire net a favor by exposing it.

5. Lawsuit threats: This is the reverse of Rule #4 (sort of like the Yin & Yang of flaming). Threatening a lawsuit is always considered to be in good form. "By saying that I've posted to the wrong group, Bertha has libeled me, slandered me, and sodomized me. See you in court, Bertha."

6. Force them to document their claims: Even if Harry Hoinkus states outright that he likes tomato sauce on his pasta, you should demand documentation. If Newsweek hasn't written an article on Harry's pasta preferences, then Harry's obviously lying.

7. Use foreign phrases: French is good, but Latin is the lingua franca of flaming. You should use the words "ad hominem" at least three times per article. Other favorite Latin phrases are "ad nauseum," "vini, vidi, vici," and "fetuccini alfredo."

8. Tell 'em how smart you are: Why use intelligent arguments to convince them you're smart when all you have to do is tell them? State that you're a member of Mensa or Mega or Dorks of America. Tell them the scores you received on every exam since high school. "I got an 800 on my SATs, LSATs, GREs, MCATs, and I can also spell the word 'premeiotic' ."

9. Accuse your opponent of censorship. It is your right as an American citizen to post whatever the hell you want to the net (as guaranteed by the 37th Amendment, I think). Anyone who tries to limit your cross-posting or move a flame war to email is either a communist, a fascist, or both.

10. Doubt their existence: You've never actually seen your opponent, have you? And since you're the center of the universe, you should have seen them by now, shouldn't you? Therefore, THEY DON'T EXIST! This is the beauty of flamers' logic.

11. Lie, cheat, steal, leave the toilet seat up.

12. When in doubt, insult: If you forget the other 11 rules, remember this one. At some point during your wonderful career as a flamer you will undoubtedly end up in a flame war with someone who is better than you. This person will expose your lies, tear apart your arguments, make you look generally like a bozo. At this point, there's only one thing to do: insult the dirtbag!!! "Oh yeah? Well, your mother does strange things with vegetables."
The Golden Rule of Flaming

My flames will be witty, insulting, interesting, funny, caustic, or sarcastic, but never, ever, will they be boring.

Here endeth the scriptures.


geneven 2009-05-30 16:03

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks

Originally Posted by GeraldKo (Post 292033)
A place to go to if you're inside a thread and you get into pissing contests or ad hominem attacks.




Ok, I will use this space here to respond. My comments in THAT thread are accused of being equivalent insults of those of a critic who accused me of being as paranoid as someone who thought that the mafia put a radio transmitter in his LSD.

Let's examine that.

Here are some quotes from my original post, that drew what I called insults:

"In some ways, these esteemed people are talking like they have conferenced and developed talking points to use against the supporters of the Nokia Internet Tablet as we knew it. It's kind of like political threads, in which people use pre-rehearsed arguments, obviously having learned the technique from Communist Party propaganda techniques back in the 1950s, even if they weren't around then.

Those of us who have supported Nokia here also have our talking points too, because we have been arguing for the Nokia Internet Tablet for years. But it's strange that there are so many of these aliens now.

(Disclaimer: I have nothing against aliens. It's those antennae that I find disconcerting.) "

Note that I used a number of qualifications. I said "in some ways" these "esteemed people" are talking "like" they have talking points.

The question is, is this equivalent to telling me that I'm as crazy as someone who thinks the mafia put a radio transmitter in his LSD?

I say it's not.

Is it impossible that people conferenced about the reaction that this announcement might draw and developed arguments against it?

No, it is not impossible.

Is it impossible for the mafia to put a radio transmitter in LSD and transmit someone's thoughts?

Yes, it is. So, if I am being paranoid, it is a much milder level of paranoia.

Did I attack some specific person?

No I didn't.

But my 'critic' DID attack some specific person, me.

The effect is that this critic is silencing me, and I am lumped with him as being in a 'pissing contest'.

Are we equivalent? No, I am not in a pissing contest with this person. I have not attacked this person. This person has attacked me.

totololo 2009-05-30 16:04

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
I hope there is a shower near the contest's place ... :p

... what ? ... why ? ... why don't you want me anymore in this contest ? It was goïng to be fuuuuuuun ... :(

penguinbait 2009-05-30 16:05

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks

pissing contest? we have a winner!!

totololo 2009-05-30 16:07

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
That's not me on the picture, I swear !

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