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podgeandrodge 2010-01-24 10:31

Re: Playback of Networked CCTV DVR over internet
Yes, there is a viewing program for the PC - but it would not be compatible with the N900..I think what would be needed is a similar program to the Eagle Eyes that would work on Maemo - or more likely, that a fix was found to allow the N900 browser play streaming .mov ..


podgeandrodge 2010-04-03 13:25

Re: Playback of Networked CCTV DVR over internet
anyone? Please?!!

zail 2010-04-03 13:47

Re: Playback of Networked CCTV DVR over internet
Just an idea but have you tested out streaming .movs from other sites? There is a possibility that it might be a codec issue not a format issue - I know this doesn't solve your problem but it's one more piece in the jigsaw...

podgeandrodge 2010-04-03 13:56

Re: Playback of Networked CCTV DVR over internet
Hi, thanks for that quick reply - I've been looking for a streaming mov file and cant find any lol, will continue to look! Cheers!

adam123 2010-04-03 15:52

Re: Playback of Networked CCTV DVR over internet
the video will be java, had the problem recently, you would need java runtime to view it and we cant do that on the n900

zail 2010-04-06 22:36

Re: Playback of Networked CCTV DVR over internet
Another thought - could it be viewed over a vnc session to your main pc?

bigamrck 2011-01-20 08:24

Re: Playback of Networked CCTV DVR over internet
hallo everybody.
Iuse to view my serurity cams on my nokia 5800 with a small program named dmss. its free and is available in several places over the internet.
I received it from the supplier of security cams.
I believe it can be a solution for most of the questions of the forum.
My problem:
I installed the same applet version 1.5 on the nokia n8-00.
it connect to the server but the interface does not work properly, i can see it only flashing sometimes.
i tried the eagleeyes on the 5800xm until now but it crashes.

any hint?

Pigro 2011-01-20 10:13

Re: Playback of Networked CCTV DVR over internet
bigamrck - this won't help with your N800 question, but may help others with general DVR access problems from n900:

I used to use my n900 to monitor a DVR over the net. The DVR's web interface was java based and so while it is designed to be accessible from any web connected PC, it wouldn't run on the n900 (no java support).

I installed easy debian from the repo's and I could access my DVR perfectly from debian firefox.

cocegas 2012-02-07 00:43

Re: Playback of Networked CCTV DVR over internet

Originally Posted by Pigro (Post 924452)
bigamrck - this won't help with your N800 question, but may help others with general DVR access problems from n900:

I used to use my n900 to monitor a DVR over the net. The DVR's web interface was java based and so while it is designed to be accessible from any web connected PC, it wouldn't run on the n900 (no java support).

I installed easy debian from the repo's and I could access my DVR perfectly from debian firefox.

What about running in n900 a DVR with activeX to view it remotely?

Is there any solution?

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