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bachagabriel 2010-02-26 17:01

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Guys I got it to connect but it crashes directly
I'm using windows 7 x64

What can I do?

Pigro 2010-02-26 17:20

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by bachagabriel (Post 547833)
Guys I got it to connect but it crashes directly
I'm using windows 7 x64

What can I do?

I can't help you, but you should clarify whether your query relates to the new version of rdesktop that was added earlier today (1.7-maemo2), or to the previous rdesktop (1.7-maemo1) or rdesktop-cli. This thread covers all those variants, so best to be specific if you want some help :-)

bachagabriel 2010-02-26 18:15

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I tried both and they both crash instantly after pressing enter or connect

edit: i might need to clarify that I'm using windows 7 home premium and I added termsrv.dll in system32

ZeeD 2010-02-26 19:14

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Is there a possibility to use rdesktop-cli with emulated resolution?
I mean like MS terminal client does, e.g. to connect to the server with 1600x1200 from a PC which has a 1024x768 resolution I use "mstsc /v:host /w:1600 /h:1200" and can scroll vertically and horizontally on the local PC and do not change remote resolution.

magnuslu 2010-02-27 00:59

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

I've got rdesktop to work with my Vista laptop. On the laptop I've got VirtualPC. I launch it and I can see it alright, but it will not react to any input. Should this at all be possible? Could I configure rdesktop to connect directly to the Virtual PC without going through my Vista system? What would the settings for that be? I've tried to ping the IP's of device and VPC O/S from each other with no success. I know this might not be a question specific to the Maemo implementation of rdesktop, but I'll raise it here anyway as it's on my N900 that I'd like to see this working.

atz6975 2010-03-07 10:28

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by ZeeD (Post 548058)
Is there a possibility to use rdesktop-cli with emulated resolution?
I mean like MS terminal client does, e.g. to connect to the server with 1600x1200 from a PC which has a 1024x768 resolution I use "mstsc /v:host /w:1600 /h:1200" and can scroll vertically and horizontally on the local PC and do not change remote resolution.

I've been using rdesktop on N900 and I'm dying for this aswell. 800X480 is never enough for so many apps. We need virtual desktop size!!!

Soap77 2010-03-07 10:51

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I would like some form of "phonebook"
I have tried the commandline version, and an alterative is to use rdesktop-cli and create scripts for it.
However when I connect with cli I cannot see the windows machines startmenu. It seems that it dont go into full screen mode.
I use rdesktop-cli -u USER - p password hostname (no domain on my home computer)

Pigro 2010-03-07 12:22

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
use -f to put rdesktop in fullscreen. However, once you start it full screen, the only way to exit AFAIK is to log out of the remote machine, or end the rDesktop (via end task" if you ned to keep the session running after you exit) - can be annoying if there is info in another local n900 app that you want to look at during the rDesktop session..

baron von bubba 2010-03-07 16:34

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by casper27 (Post 543360)
You can if you install termsrv.

could someone elaborate on this please?

trying to get rdesktop working with windows 7 home.
i had it working fine with XP, no luck yet on 7 tho! :0/

sherifsabry1 2010-03-08 00:35

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
plzzz can anybody help. i entered the ip n my user n password but it says couldn't connect due to a network error...

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