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daperl 2009-05-30 16:12

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
Well, I was just about to sit down and enjoy my breakfast. Some of that enthusiasm is gone.

totololo 2009-05-30 16:16

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
:D... Sissy ! :D

penguinbait 2009-05-30 16:40

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
Let's see you beat this

OK, elephant wins the pissing contest in the "quantity" division, and Santa wins in the "writing in the snow" division

Thesandlord 2009-05-30 18:09

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks

Originally Posted by qole (Post 292058)
What is this ridiculous thread? I can start better threads in my sleep.

What's with the all-caps first word in the title? Don't you KNOW you're not supposed to use all caps? It's like you're shouting!!1

Use your inside voice!



The internet is the outside. Get with the program...

Benson 2009-05-30 18:59

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 292152)
Is it impossible for the mafia to put a radio transmitter in LSD and transmit someone's thoughts?

I don't think it's impossible -- I'm pretty sure they did it to me, too....

GeraldKo 2009-05-30 19:02

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 292152)
Ok, I will use this space here to respond. My comments in THAT thread are accused of being equivalent insults of those of a critic who accused me of being as paranoid as someone who thought that the mafia put a radio transmitter in his LSD.

I figure I'll give a little context to THAT thread and this thread.

munky261 2009-05-30 19:38

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
3 Attachment(s)
LOL, lets see if anyone can beat these.

qwerty12 2009-05-30 19:41

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks

daperl 2009-05-30 21:20

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by totololo (Post 292159)
:D... Sissy ! :D

Enjoy your dinner!

Attachment 3555

totololo 2009-05-31 00:08

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
:eek: Daperl : disgusting, wicked, perverted ... sissy. :D

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