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eMHa 2009-12-08 15:26

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by Quindor (Post 362390)
Any chance of seeing an implementation of the Microsoft RDP protocol any time soon? With windows machines it's kind of redundant to install VNC.

Also, OpenVPN + RDP makes the ultimate roadtime server management tool! :D

For now you could do

ssh -X user@linuxdesktop
and launch there

This means you need another Linux box to run rdesktop on.

Another way would be to (compile? and) install rdesktop for and on the N900.

RDJEHV 2009-12-08 15:30

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 416679)
I'm not sure how to right click - I've not played with the viewer on the N900 much yet.

Copying files won't work - that's not a standard VNC feature (various VNC versions support it, but mostly in differing ways).

The square should indicate where the local cursor position is, with the pointer indicating where the remote cursor position is. The remote cursor display can lag the local cursor on slow links, but you should be able to assume it's at the local cursor position for any interaction purposes (i.e. if you click on something then it'll take action at the local cursor position, not the currently displayed remote cursor position).

BY scrolling the page while ousng down the stylus the square and cursor get misalligned. pressing the icon with the piece of paper with the pen corrects this.

Is there another way of getting files for my desktop to my n900? (without me actualy being near my desktop)

Chapbass 2009-12-08 15:33

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by RDJEHV (Post 416710)
BY scrolling the page while ousng down the stylus the square and cursor get misalligned. pressing the icon with the piece of paper with the pen corrects this.

Is there another way of getting files for my desktop to my n900? (without me actualy being near my desktop)

Does the N900 support any sort of FTP capability (maybe even in the mozilla browser)? If so, just set up an FTP server on your comp.

juaalto 2009-12-08 15:34

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by eMHa (Post 416699)
Another way would be to (compile? and) install rdesktop for and on the N900.

No need to compile. Take a look at Rdesktop 1.7-maemo1 here:

It will be also in Maemo Extras Devel tomorrow if not today ;)

atz6975 2009-12-08 16:19

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Hi juaalto,
it works perfectly.
I have two questions :
1) If correct the Ctrl key does the right-click: How do I multiple Ctrl-select items on Windows? If not possible, that's fine
2) Do you guys plan to implement some virtual size of desktop (say 1024x768, more....)? Not a big big deal, but super useful on some XP machines.

Anyway thank you.

PS: how to add(graphically) devel/testing on the source list, I mean what entries are necessary to fill and what values. Thanks again.

romanianusa 2009-12-08 16:24

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
With VNC...if you try to view or watch video from the remote won't display smoothly. It's capturing frame by frame. Is there a way to watch video as it is intended on the PC??

atz6975 2009-12-08 16:30

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
@romanianusa : sorry i've never seen such ability on small devices...I'm not sure it is meant for such usage

atz6975 2009-12-08 16:31

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
@juualto: rdesktop seems to complain when trying to use ssh tunneling.
Am I wrong?
Edit: I am...It actually works but doesn't support host : port only I guess I can only use the default (3389) port?
Can this (custom port support) change in some way?


Rob1n 2009-12-08 16:32

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by romanianusa (Post 416795)
With VNC...if you try to view or watch video from the remote won't display smoothly. It's capturing frame by frame. Is there a way to watch video as it is intended on the PC??

Not with VNC, no. You'd be better off looking at proper media servers if you're trying to watch video - remote control apps are usually designed for lower bandwidth connections.

RDJEHV 2009-12-09 11:26

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by Chapbass (Post 416716)
Does the N900 support any sort of FTP capability (maybe even in the mozilla browser)? If so, just set up an FTP server on your comp.

I've now set up a FTP (gFTP) but the user interface needs some improvement to make it workable.

Restap 2009-12-09 13:11

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Does anybody here want to make a short video to show how rDesktop looks like?
I'd like to compare it to VNCviewer.
Since I've never used a Maemo device before I want to see how things work before I buy one :P
Sounds reasonable right?

Here is my other request for a VNCviewer video
Thanks to cddiede I know how vnc works.

Hoping one of you can help me out on this one.

Thanks in advance

timwatt 2009-12-10 03:29

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by juaalto (Post 416718)
No need to compile. Take a look at Rdesktop 1.7-maemo1 here:

It will be also in Maemo Extras Devel tomorrow if not today ;)

So I downloaded the deb but i don't know how to install it.
any suggestions on how to install rDesktop for n900?

asidana 2009-12-10 08:38

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by Restap (Post 418783)
Does anybody here want to make a short video to show how rDesktop looks like?
I'd like to compare it to VNCviewer.
Since I've never used a Maemo device before I want to see how things work before I buy one :P
Sounds reasonable right?

Here is my other request for a VNCviewer video
Thanks to cddiede I know how vnc works.

Hoping one of you can help me out on this one.

Thanks in advance

When you use vnc you you can control/view it even if somene else logged in. Others in front of machine you logged on can see whats happening. This doesn;t happen with RDP, you actually logon to machine directly

Rob1n 2009-12-10 09:58

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by timwatt (Post 420104)
So I downloaded the deb but i don't know how to install it.
any suggestions on how to install rDesktop for n900?

If you've got the .deb file, then "dpkg -i" in the XTerminal will install it.

asidana 2009-12-10 21:27

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
how do you right clcik on a file?

hypnotik 2009-12-10 21:36

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by Restap (Post 418783)
Does anybody here want to make a short video to show how rDesktop looks like?
I'd like to compare it to VNCviewer.
Since I've never used a Maemo device before I want to see how things work before I buy one :P
Sounds reasonable right?

Here is my other request for a VNCviewer video
Thanks to cddiede I know how vnc works.

Hoping one of you can help me out on this one.

Thanks in advance

I just created a new blog entry detailing rDesktop. I'm sure I can do an entry on VNCViewer as well since I have that installed as well:

timomaemo 2009-12-10 23:49

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by N900_NEWBIE (Post 362385)

I am a part time trader and have to ocassionally manage my trades from office- is there any way I can use N900 to remote login to my desktop at home and access the trading platform and manage my open positions?

Your response appreciated!


After a year maybe, now it is just a demo for Linux programmers. For true use and avoiding any further headaches please find yourself with another phone (selected models of Samsung or iPhone, they will do the job for today's needs)

timwatt 2009-12-11 05:18

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 420441)
If you've got the .deb file, then "dpkg -i" in the XTerminal will install it.

thanks Robin, my Linux experience is my n810, so i am a biginer. I saw the "dpkg -i" post earlier however i am not sure how to find the file if it is in my "documents" folder.

What would be of great help to me is the "command line" i should type as it should appear in Xterminal.

so as not to be blunt, can you do it for me so I can cut and past.
thanks, Tim.

timwatt 2009-12-11 07:38

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Thanks to everyone who participated on these blogs.
I am liking my n900 a little more now that I have RDP back.

So to install first you need root assess:
then you need to know the location of your .deb file (here i cant help much)

I found one common folder in the "File Manager" "cities" its path is /home/user/MyDocs/cities/
I moved "rdesktop_1.7-maemo1_armel.deb" ( to that folder.
in Xterminal I used the "cd" and "ls" commands to locate it.

then I ran "dpkg -i rdesktop_1.7-maemo1_armel.deb" from the "/home/user/MyDocs/cities/" folder and rDesktop installed and it works well.

Now I need to know how to send an F4 key press through rDesctop from my N900 any help?

thanks to the people who do all this stuff.

Rob1n 2009-12-11 09:34

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
When you start File Manager, it begins by pointing to the MyDocs directory. A lot of the directories shown there are hidden (prefixed with a .) so will not show with a normal ls - you can use "ls -a" to see these though.

HugoSon 2009-12-11 16:24

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I installed Rdesktop 1.7-maemo1. But: as soon (the very second I click "Ok") as I try to connect the application tells me
"Rdesktop cannot work properly as there is some problem with the connection network"

Any hint? Connected via 3G vodafone (APN web).

hypnotik 2009-12-11 16:30

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by HugoSon (Post 423063)
I installed Rdesktop 1.7-maemo1. But: as soon (the very second I click "Ok") as I try to connect the application tells me
"Rdesktop cannot work properly as there is some problem with the connection network"

Any hint? Connected via 3G vodafone (APN web).

You're trying to connect to a publicly accessibly server? The default port for remote desktop is 3389, so you need to be able to access that port through whatever APN you use. One way to confirm this is to drop to a xterm and type:


telnet <your RD host> 3389
Of course you have to have the telnet package installed (through extras-devel I think).

HugoSon 2009-12-11 16:33

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by hypnotik (Post 423079)
...The default port for remote desktop is 3389...

The server does not use the default RDP port; so I'm entering the RDP IP in this way:

hypnotik 2009-12-11 16:35

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by HugoSon (Post 423083)
The server does not use the default RDP port; so I'm entering the RDP IP in this way:

Are you able to connect to that port using telnet?

HugoSon 2009-12-11 16:43

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Nope - "could not resolve telnet: Name or service not known"

HugoSon 2009-12-11 16:52

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
ok - entering the telnet command correct (with a blank instead of :) I'm connected to the server.

twoboxen 2009-12-11 17:16

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I just tested rdesktop (n900->win7) and vnc viewer (n900->snow leopard) and both work great (though vnc is SLOW for some reason) by IP address. In both cases I could not use the host name.

since you can't ping as a non-root user at all, I gainedroot and pinged both by hostname and ip. IP worked, and hostname did not. I then tried to ping and that worked fine.

So that seems to be the crux of the issue. Perhaps the n900 is using the data connection for DNS resolution instead of the WLAN? I KNOW my router properly resolves the local hostnames with DNSMasq. Anyone have any idea as to a fix?

timwatt 2009-12-11 17:57

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Anyone know how to press "F4" in rDesctop from the n900?

nstavr 2009-12-11 23:22

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I would also like to know this as well. Also is there a way to do ALT+F4? I use this key combination to put my pc into hibernation when I am finished. Thanks

jkq 2009-12-11 23:42

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by nstavr (Post 423787)
I would also like to know this as well. Also is there a way to do ALT+F4? I use this key combination to put my pc into hibernation when I am finished. Thanks

If you just want to hibernate your remote PC, you could create a desktop shortcut to do that.


nstavr 2009-12-11 23:47

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Hmm. i googled this last night but didn't come up with anything. I will have to take a closer look at it again. thanks for the reply! :)

jkq 2009-12-11 23:58

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by nstavr (Post 423810)
Hmm. i googled this last night but didn't come up with anything. I will have to take a closer look at it again. thanks for the reply! :)

It just occurred to me that I'm already doing this on my laptop. Oops. :o

Go here: and grab their "PsTools Suite". Unzip it in a directory somewhere, then create a shortcut to psshutdown.exe. You can experiment with the options if you want -- I'm using "-h -t 00".

I believe the first time you run it, there's some pop-up about a license or something (it's been a while for me, so my memory's a bit foggy :)). After that, it never re-appears.


nstavr 2009-12-12 00:06

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by jkq (Post 423826)
It just occurred to me that I'm already doing this on my laptop. Oops. :o

Go here: and grab their "PsTools Suite". Unzip it in a directory somewhere, then create a shortcut to psshutdown.exe. You can experiment with the options if you want -- I'm using "-h -t 00".

I believe the first time you run it, there's some pop-up about a license or something (it's been a while for me, so my memory's a bit foggy :)). After that, it never re-appears.


I will have to check that out as soon as I get in tonight and am able to sit in front of the pc. I will let you know if I am able to get that to work. Thanks again!

nstavr 2009-12-12 02:31

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
jkq, it works great! I'm now able to hibernate from within my rdesktop session on the N900. :)

HugoSon 2009-12-12 03:00

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
telnet works for me - even with a different port. The app itself not - any hints?

jkq 2009-12-12 04:24

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by nstavr (Post 423956)
jkq, it works great! I'm now able to hibernate from within my rdesktop session on the N900. :)

Cool, glad I could help! :)


N900_NEWBIE 2009-12-12 16:13

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Thanks, I am now going to buy N900.

dreixel 2009-12-12 16:55

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Ok, I installed rdesktop-cli from the catalogue and using ssh I can now connect to my home WinXP machine running WinSSHD, establish a tunnel and then rdesktop-cli through the tunnel for a safe remote desktop session :-)

1) This is not really rdesktop related, but how do I prevent the ssh client from opening a shell? I just want to use it to establish the tunnel.
2) I use rdesktop-cli in fullscreen mode, because else I can't see the taskbar. However, I don't know how to terminate the program without killing it (using the power button), since I can't get away from the remote desktop. How should I do this?
3) Any tips on how to (safely) store passwords? I use keyboard (username/password) and public key authentication for ssh. After this I have again to input username/password for rdesktop. I'd like to know how to bypass typing these passwords, if at all possible.

jkq 2009-12-12 19:08

Re: N900- Remote Desktop


Originally Posted by dreixel (Post 424545)
1) This is not really rdesktop related, but how do I prevent the ssh client from opening a shell? I just want to use it to establish the tunnel.

I have no idea, sorry.


Originally Posted by dreixel (Post 424545)
2) I use rdesktop-cli in fullscreen mode, because else I can't see the taskbar. However, I don't know how to terminate the program without killing it (using the power button), since I can't get away from the remote desktop. How should I do this?

Create a shortcut to "%windir%\system32\tsdiscon.exe". That program disconnects your terminal session.


Originally Posted by dreixel (Post 424545)
3) Any tips on how to (safely) store passwords? I use keyboard (username/password) and public key authentication for ssh. After this I have again to input username/password for rdesktop. I'd like to know how to bypass typing these passwords, if at all possible.

If you have ssh keys, you should be able to put your public key in the remote computer's authorized_keys file. If you didn't use a password on your private key, you should be able to login to the remote computer without entering a password. See for a step-by-step tutorial.

I don't have any ideas for the rdesktop password, as I don't have my N900 yet.


Kieron 2009-12-12 19:55

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by jkq (Post 423826)
It just occurred to me that I'm already doing this on my laptop. Oops. :o

Go here: and grab their "PsTools Suite". Unzip it in a directory somewhere, then create a shortcut to psshutdown.exe. You can experiment with the options if you want -- I'm using "-h -t 00".

I believe the first time you run it, there's some pop-up about a license or something (it's been a while for me, so my memory's a bit foggy :)). After that, it never re-appears.


Actually, right click on desktop, click create new > shortcut, type in shutdown -h as the location. Much easier, no need for psshutdown... shutdown is built in to all windows anyway. (i think)

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