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juaalto 2009-11-18 15:40

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Hi all,

We have ported Rdesktop to N900. It is based on version 1.6 for Diablo. It has the UI and backend together unlike the latest split packages rdesktop-cli and pyrdesktop.

We have implemented a few additional features like
- keyhandling to enter numbers from N900 keypad
- full screen to normal mode toggling
- etc.

We will contact Bobby Graese, Hallyson Melo and Kemal Hadimli to share the implementation. Hope they will be interested :)

Kieron 2009-11-21 19:53

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
LogMeIn has an addon for N800/810

Wondering if this can somehow be ported? I can't download it from their site, i get refused on the n900 saying its not supported.

LogMeIn Nokia N800/810 Browser Plugin Preview
Updated: 06/30/2008
The Nokia browser plugin allows you to access LogMeIn computers from a Nokia N800 or N810 device

You must download and install the plugin directly to your Nokia N800 or N810 device.

Download and Install




* Visit the LogMeIn Labs page using your Nokia N800 or N810 and click Download and Install
* You will need to restart your browser after installation
* Ensure that plug-ins are enabled under Menu > Tools > Plug-ins (N800) or Menu > Tools > Components (N810)
* The Nokia N800 will only be able to connect to LogMeIn hosts running LogMeIn build 680 or later


* Switch the on-screen keyboard on and off using the icon on the toolbar
* Switch between right and left mouse button emulation using the icon on the toolbar
* Scroll using the scroll keys on your device
* Press the center of the scroll key to enable or disable "touch scroll"

Known issues:

* Chat does not function at this time
* Nokia N810: during remote control, characters which require an Fn modifier key on the hardware keyboard can only be entered using the on-screen keyboard

If you have questions or comments about the LogMeIn Nokia browser plug-in beta, please write to

Please remember: this is Beta software and is in no way meant to be used in a production environment.

ewan 2009-11-21 20:12

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by juaalto (Post 380866)
We will contact Bobby Graese, Hallyson Melo and Kemal Hadimli to share the implementation. Hope they will be interested :)

Could you just publish this one somewhere and worry about the integration afterwards? This looks really, really useful.

hypnotik 2009-11-21 20:39

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Yes, this is definitely useful, pls share.

asidana 2009-11-21 20:42

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
please post it publicly

Juzna 2009-11-22 23:35

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by juaalto (Post 380866)
Hi all,

We have ported Rdesktop to N900. It is based on version 1.6 for Diablo. It has the UI and backend together unlike the latest split packages rdesktop-cli and pyrdesktop.

It would be great to have this!

Saturn 2009-11-23 00:05

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by juaalto (Post 380866)
Hi all,

We have ported Rdesktop to N900. It is based on version 1.6 for Diablo. It has the UI and backend together unlike the latest split packages rdesktop-cli and pyrdesktop.

We have implemented a few additional features like
- keyhandling to enter numbers from N900 keypad
- full screen to normal mode toggling
- etc.

We will contact Bobby Graese, Hallyson Melo and Kemal Hadimli to share the implementation. Hope they will be interested :)


Million thanks.

Couple of questions though; from the screenshot (don't have the device myself) it seems that there is no options to store/choose profiles. Is this the case?
Also, will it be possible to use this version without a gui? I remember the first port in OS2008 was popping a gui when called from xterm - really awful when used in scripts.


lmerega 2009-11-24 16:24

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by juaalto (Post 380866)
Hi all,

We have ported Rdesktop to N900. It is based on version 1.6 for Diablo. It has the UI and backend together unlike the latest split packages rdesktop-cli and pyrdesktop.

We have implemented a few additional features like
- keyhandling to enter numbers from N900 keypad
- full screen to normal mode toggling
- etc.

I did not found any ink to download it :(
Am i Wrong?

Fargus 2009-11-24 16:29

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by juaalto (Post 380866)
Hi all,

We have ported Rdesktop to N900. It is based on version 1.6 for Diablo. It has the UI and backend together unlike the latest split packages rdesktop-cli and pyrdesktop.

We have implemented a few additional features like
- keyhandling to enter numbers from N900 keypad
- full screen to normal mode toggling
- etc.

We will contact Bobby Graese, Hallyson Melo and Kemal Hadimli to share the implementation. Hope they will be interested :)

Guys thank you SO much for this. This was the last real reason I had for carrying my N810 around with me! I can now clear it down and start using it for playing around with and use my nice fast N900 for server support when needed!

Very happy lad here :D

mklass 2009-11-24 16:41

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
So where can I download the RDP application from ?

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