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sdesai 2010-01-29 07:06

Re: how to install ovi map 3.0 on nokia n900 mannully?

Originally Posted by IZOKAO (Post 465270)
I have tried ovi map 3.0 and didnt work for me . Ovi 1 sucks !! and no google maps????
i was so excited to get my n900 and use navigation ,internet , phone etc... but everything had some problem... it was woow and also disappinted. personelly i didnt love it and return my n900 ... its better to wait little longer and get something works in many way better....
no google maps , no ovi 3.0 map (ovi 1.0 doesnt do anything just driving crazy ) , w/tmobile poor signal cant do anything (fort myers , florida)... is there fm transmitter ?? yes but doesnt transmit well... get a fm transmitter for $20 better than n900.... thick like computer and battery life is poor... touchscreen is okay but still not comparable to iphone .... trying to return it and delete all the data but didnt have factory resetting... dont pay for something is not complete... there is more bad stuff about it ... you will see when you pay it and use it.
i just returned my n900 and using n95 .. still happy :)

i dont at all agree with you. N900 is the best phone i have ever used. Yes i agree its a bit thick but cmon we all knew that when they had mentioed 180gms in the specs itself...then also u bought it ....i think more of a personal choice rather than anything...u cany judge a phone good/bad dependin on what u want. For mee its da best.

bunanson 2010-01-29 07:20

Re: how to install ovi map 3.0 on nokia n900 mannully?

Originally Posted by sdesai (Post 500486)
So if we deny the connection request ...does the gps work offline ? like searchin location and route and all.

I used the map loaded method and it doesnt allow me even if i deny the connection. Will using manual method make any difference?

Yes. gps works offline.
No. Searchin location needs online, but you can set it manually on the map when offline
route. yes, you can set route manually offline, as long as you can set point A and point B and press route. When offline, point B would have to be set on the map, not by search.

If using Ovi maps has problem with connection, remove sim card and try. No. This is NOT a solution, but you can at least got a feeling of how it work. Without sim card, it would ask for connection only ONCE.

Hope this helps,


erkk 2010-02-15 00:43

Re: how to install ovi map 3.0 on nokia n900 mannully?
i really like my n900 but the map implement should of been way better..I agree ovimaps are garbage & i want garmin back but they are not supporting maemo. what is the deal with forcing a-gps when i do not have a data plan i do not want to connect i want stand alone with ability to disable assisted. so basically useless thanks nokia. garmin can figure it out and use the same navteq maps nokia recently acquired and still manage to make horrible software. what gives ??? when do us n900 users get what we paid for? chumps.

mrcoder 2010-02-19 12:46

Re: how to install ovi map 3.0 on nokia n900 mannully?

Originally Posted by un-named_user (Post 428531)
I have loaded additional maps, but without using the map loader.
Went to this link(also given in the post)

1. Downloaded a map of New York from the link on the page.
2. Unzipped the map file, which contained these folders.
3. Connected the n900 in mass storage mode.
4. Opened the folder Cities\diskcache, which contained folders like these
5. Copy pasted the downloaded files(the unzipped NY map files to the above folder on the n900)
6. Windows popped up a message saying these folders exist, etc etc. Just selected replace with the new items I'm copying.
7. Disconnected the phone, opened up Ovi Maps and the maps were there.

Disclaimer: I have no clue if this is the correct way to do it. But it worked for me :)

BTW the website has better instructions than I gave here.

Edit: I'm running Vista 64, so had to use this method because the map loader didn't work with either the PC suite mode or the mass storage mode.

I believe the link mentioned is for OVI maps v3, and N900 has v1 application. Will copying these v3 files worked in N900. I m asking this (even you mentioned that it worked for you) coz once I tried copying the v1 files manually. When I open the maps app, it caused the app to crash. :confused:

Eagerly waiting for the response.


Rob1n 2010-02-19 13:58

Re: how to install ovi map 3.0 on nokia n900 mannully?

Originally Posted by mrcoder (Post 536476)
I believe the link mentioned is for OVI maps v3, and N900 has v1 application. Will copying these v3 files worked in N900. I m asking this (even you mentioned that it worked for you) coz once I tried copying the v1 files manually. When I open the maps app, it caused the app to crash. :confused:

The data files are exactly the same for the two applications, so this should work with both.

mrcoder 2010-02-22 10:18

Re: how to install ovi map 3.0 on nokia n900 mannully?

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 536574)
The data files are exactly the same for the two applications, so this should work with both.

Thanks :) I'll try that

kazuki 2010-02-22 10:52

Re: how to install ovi map 3.0 on nokia n900 mannully?
i really don't get n900's ovi maps... if they're not going to let us search offline, at least let us save locations/places.

avinashsonee 2010-02-25 12:04

Re: how to install ovi map 3.0 on nokia n900 mannully?
This worked for me also. I downloaded the whole India map content. Thanks! :)

ossipena 2010-02-25 12:32

Re: how to install ovi map 3.0 on nokia n900 mannully?

Originally Posted by erkk (Post 526676)
when do us n900 users get what we paid for? chumps.

when you take the device out of the box. all your claims are invalid in a perspective that n900 is mostly an internet tablet, not dedicated navigator..

Straycat 2010-02-25 12:45

Re: how to install ovi map 3.0 on nokia n900 mannully?

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 545734)
when you take the device out of the box. all your claims are invalid in a perspective that n900 is mostly an internet tablet, not dedicated navigator..


Your N900 is an internet tablet. The mine is a truck of 650$ that came with GPS.

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