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gerbick 2009-09-03 02:48

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
You guys somehow found a way to suck even more than usual.

I'll have to write an iPhone app about how bad you suck.

Texrat 2009-09-03 02:58

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
now THAT sucks

gerbick 2009-09-03 04:22

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
#1 on my list of people to put in my app... Texrat. Torturous pain in the neck with vague hints in the past... you tortured me to actually learn more. That's a crime where I come from.

And that website... Tub o' Necronomicon? Bah.

Jaffa 2009-09-03 13:28

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 320550)
It amazes me that Nokia is actually calling the N900 a tablet now, after it was imperative that ITT be shut down because InternetTabletTalk is no longer an accurate description of what is going on here.

Eh? You're just spouting complete and utter tripe you've pulled out of some dark place on your body.


And if that's not why ITT was trashed, why was it?
ITT was "trashed"? It was "imperative"? Nokia effectively forced Reggie, at gun point, to rename the site and change the theme - but whilst continuing to have full autonomy and it still running on "his" servers?

I thought the braindead conspiracy theories had been laid to rest. Glad to see they're just lying dormant.

It's really frustrating when members of the community take time off their day jobs to try and increase the knowledge flow from Nokia to the community to be confronted with such stupidity. It devalues the community, it devalues our work and its disrespectful to all the people (including those in Nokia who post - and the more who read these fora) who are passionately trying to make Maemo, and the Maemo community, the most vibrant and open mobile device community and OS.

Sorry for the rant, but we're working really hard - and what you come up with is more groundless, baseless accusations with no correlation with reality.

Texrat 2009-09-03 13:43

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
That's the spirit!

Jaffa 2009-09-03 13:47

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
Feeling the raaaaaage :-)

Texrat 2009-09-03 13:55

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
I see your Shwartz is as big as mine.

YoDude 2009-09-03 14:22

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks

Originally Posted by JayOnThaBeat (Post 319898)
You guys suck.

I was hoping for ad hominem attacks.


Why you're just one of them dang ad homiphobes, aren't you? :mad:

ysss 2009-09-03 14:24

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
Tex was looking for it..
I'd say he's an Ad Hominiac..

Texrat 2009-09-03 15:30

Re: OUTSIDE: Pissing Contests and Ad Hominem Attacks
more like an Ad Nauseumophile

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