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volt 2010-07-06 14:07

Re: how to install ovi map 3.0 on nokia n900 mannully?
No. The Ovi Suite that supports the N900 is new, the map loader is somewhat older. I could not get the Ovi Suite to install maps but I could get the map loader to.

Jayboy5 2010-07-06 19:14

Re: how to install ovi map 3.0 on nokia n900 mannully?

Originally Posted by lardman (Post 742416)
Is this the map loader within Ovi Suite?

If so, how does one enable compatibility mode as when I tried it this morning I was told that my N900 may not support maps or they may be corrupted. i.e. we don't like your phone.

no, this is the stand alone map loader installed from nokia's site... onced installed you'll have to make the maploader run in "windows compatibility mode" for an older version of windows (via "right-click" then "properties".... connect n900 in pc suite mode, wait for it to completely connected to pc suite, then start the nokia patient and it WILL read your n900 and allow you to add and remove all maps

deadlockprime 2013-10-18 14:39

Re: how to install ovi map 3.0 on nokia n900 mannully?

Originally Posted by ppriyank (Post 425207)
Actually I read somewhere, where people were able to download the ovi maps 3.0 on their N900 via mass storage mode, and it worked, and there was also a way to manualy do it. i'll look for the link where i read it at!

EDIT: here are the links...
http://handphone-solution.blogspot.c...0-without.html (got it from the link below, talks about downloadin ovi maps 3.0, but not sure if it would work with n900, it might just be for symbian phones). (i thought they were talkin about maps 3.0, but it looks like its still 1.0, so my bad for that)

The link/blog """' http://handphone-solution.blogspot.c...0-without.html """" is not listed. actually it has been removed.

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