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Neil 2010-05-06 16:41

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Thanks for your reply. I'll send him an email

nokiaboy97 2010-05-06 17:44

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I am an extreme noob at all this raw stuff, I'm used to fancy icons thatwhen clicked automatically configure things for you :/ Can some one post a walkthrough of how to get this working? I know NOTHING! Is there a program that I need on my computer in order for this to work? Thanks for any help.

d14_ 2010-05-06 19:25

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by nokiaboy97 (Post 646795)
I am an extreme noob at all this raw stuff, I'm used to fancy icons thatwhen clicked automatically configure things for you :/ Can some one post a walkthrough of how to get this working? I know NOTHING! Is there a program that I need on my computer in order for this to work? Thanks for any help.

you need nothig special, on pc side win 2k,xp,vista,7 and enabled remote access ( tutorial how to enable it -> ).
on n900 you need install rdesktop. On local wifi, in rdesktop client type ip of your pc, name, pass of user account on your pc,, and thats all.

If you need connect to your pc accross internet, you need forward rdp port (tcp 3389) on your router.

nokiaboy97 2010-05-07 08:40

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
So I've done everything step by step and all I'm getting is "unable to connect". In the command "ipconfig", which is the correct one to use? I tried them all but I'm just curious as to which one is the right one. What could I be missing? arrgh!

d14_ 2010-05-07 18:51

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by nokiaboy97 (Post 647642)
So I've done everything step by step and all I'm getting is "unable to connect". In the command "ipconfig", which is the correct one to use? I tried them all but I'm just curious as to which one is the right one. What could I be missing? arrgh!

ip add, you can check in Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections\ then click on your adapter right click, then status, then details and you see your ip.

Try ping that ip from your n900, and check firewall on your pc if is rdp allowed.

nokiaboy97 2010-05-11 05:13

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by d14_ (Post 648453)
ip add, you can check in Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections\ then click on your adapter right click, then status, then details and you see your ip.

Try ping that ip from your n900, and check firewall on your pc if is rdp allowed.

I have no idea what it could be :/ I successfully pinged my N900, changed the settings in the windows firewall and still nothing!! I'm almost ready to give up on this!!

[EDIT] Do I have to be logged in as the Administrator for this to work?

nokiaboy97 2010-05-16 18:26

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I've successfully connected to a friend's XP system but when I came back to my own windows 7 laptop, I realized that the "remote desktop" option is missing from the window.

In countless diagrams online and in the rDesktop help PDF file, it shows a checked box by a remote desktop option in the white area under the remote assistance box. Anyone have a clue where that box is or why it's missing?

imperiallight 2010-05-16 18:28

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
A physical mouse would be great for this set up

bro3886 2010-05-16 18:36

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
nokiaboy97 Windows 7 only bundles RDC with Professional, Business and Ultimate versions. I would recommend you untick Remote Assistance while you don't need it too, but maybe I'm just paranoid!

nokiaboy97 2010-05-16 19:03

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by bro3886 (Post 661204)
nokiaboy97 Windows 7 only bundles RDC with Professional, Business and Ultimate versions. I would recommend you untick Remote Assistance while you don't need it too, but maybe I'm just paranoid!

BUMMER!!! Good idea though with the remote assistance, you NEVER KNOW!!

bro3886 2010-05-16 23:01

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Well with anything, if you don't need the door open then it is usually best just to lock it if you see what I mean :p

Neil 2010-05-17 06:00

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Regards my earlier question about scrolling/panning of the visible area.

I contacted aimjournals. He is no longer the maintainer of the package. Others have now taken up the project.

The link for the project home page is


si_wardo 2010-05-19 13:12

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
hi i read on page 19 or 20 that its not possible to run this programme on windows vista home premium 64X due to it not having remote desktop and only remote assitance. i the read 'you can however install a VNC server on your Vista Home Premium box and use vncviewer on the tablet to connect.'. can anyone tell me how to do this and where i get it from and how i get it working please thanks in advance

bro3886 2010-05-19 21:36

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
si_wardo this patch ought to make life a bit easier for you:

totaltrash 2010-05-20 01:32

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 416679)
I'm not sure how to right click - I've not played with the viewer on the N900 much yet.

Ctrl+fn = right click in my experience. In RDP fn = alt I suppose.

timwatt 2010-05-21 17:32

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 416679)
I'm not sure how to right click - I've not played with the viewer on the N900 much yet.

this has been frustrating me to no end so last night I figured it out.

you press the Blue arrow key (the one to assess the blue keys) pres it twice to lock it. now when you click "Sys/Ctrl key" in the top left corner in rDesktop and move the cursor over the position you wish to right click (remove the styles from the screen) and press the "Sys/Ctrl key" once. ( if you press it twice the cursor is locked in right click mode.) - everywhere you tap the screen will be a right click. to go back to left click just press "Sys/Ctrl key" once again.

keep in mind that sometime there is a lag so you can get get ahead of your self.

timwatt 2010-05-21 17:47

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by si_wardo (Post 666020)
hi i read on page 19 or 20 that its not possible to run this programme on windows vista home premium 64X due to it not having remote desktop and only remote assitance. i the read 'you can however install a VNC server on your Vista Home Premium box and use vncviewer on the tablet to connect.'. can anyone tell me how to do this and where i get it from and how i get it working please thanks in advance

Microsoft want you to fork out for vista or Win 7 ultimate to get RDP.
But VNC works well. I have used Ultra VNC server installed on the PC on your tablet you can install VNC viewer test it over your local network before configuring ssh port forwarding or opening remote ports on your router.

no need to install VNC on a mac or most Linux distro's its the dealt standard for desktop sharing.

JEP 2010-05-22 12:18

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Is there a switch for connecting to the console session on the GUI version? I've tested -console /console -admin /admin after the address to no luck.

Thanks for a nice application! :)

clovis86 2010-05-29 11:46

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Hi all
what about a NX client for the N900 ?
I already find out a project but was on maemo 4 only ... :(

badabing 2010-05-29 19:31

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
If u install X11VNC (on Maemo) should be enough if thought.
ANd this guide is way_too_long. Could be simpler, no?

clovis86 2010-05-30 10:34

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
no way to compare vnc and nx server....

shoaibsk 2010-06-06 09:42

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I tried all the below steps while trying to connect through the Rdesktop on my N900. I am on PR1.2. When I enter all my details in the login screen, it flashes a message... "Rdesktop connecting to 192.168.*.*" and after some time, it says "RDesktop cannot connect". Can anyone help me out please?

1 - set a static ip to your pc in your LAN See here
2 - Disable firewall on pc or allow remote desktop port 3389 See here
3 - Set password to your aco**** on your pc and make it member of Administrator See here
4- Go to your router's management page and forward remote desktop port to your computer's new static ip See here
5 - Enambe remote desktop on your pc See here
6 - Start Rdesktop 1.7 package on your N900 and type your computers internet ip you can get it from a site like

For easy use see if your router supports . If it does just open a free account and you won't need to remember your pc's ip all the time.

sufian 2010-06-09 03:06

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
can any one help me with the settings .its giving me error message when i am try connectinbg VNC viewer with my laptop "could not connect to server"

Rob1n 2010-06-09 08:13

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by sufian (Post 706522)
can any one help me with the settings .its giving me error message when i am try connectinbg VNC viewer with my laptop "could not connect to server"

Is this ovel WLAN or 3G? Do you have any firewalls in the way? Can you ping your laptop from the N900 (you'll need to be root to run ping on the N900)?

Mr. Incredible 2010-08-01 18:45

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I connected my N900 to my PC (Win 7) without a password (I changed the security policy on my PC) but I cannot access MyDocs on the PC.
I can see the network drive and I see the files in MyDocs for a very short time before Win7 says I have no permission.
What's the problem?

clovis86 2010-08-01 19:44

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
check for th share property on the folder or disk you need to share
right clik on the folder you need access to then choose 'property' or 'share'
then add 'anybody' or 'guest' to the agreed list of users allowed

Mr. Incredible 2010-08-01 21:38

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
2 Attachment(s)
I cannot get to the properties. Here is a screenshot from my N900.

waznboi03 2010-08-31 08:56

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
FYI for all those who do not have Windows 7/Vista Professional and are stuck with home premium versions - there is a workaround, and now I too have RDesktop working on my n900!

Follow the directions on this thread:

Sorry if this has already been posted in this really long thread!

Remember to forward port 3389 in your router and/or firewall!

wurnz 2010-08-31 18:05

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
hm i cannot connect, although i got Win7Prof, Remotedesktop is activated and is possible from another pc. i'm using it for months.

any solutions? i am frustrated :/

5spdvl 2010-09-01 09:11

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Is it possible to use Rdesktop to connect to a desktop that is connected to the internet via a wireless router? My research shows that the desktop connected to the router doesn't have an IP. But I could be wrong!

zlatko 2010-09-01 09:26

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Every device that is connected to network has IP. In your case the local desktop is in the LAN and has false IP designated by the router(e.g. or 10.10.10.yyy). To use remote desktop to it you can either do ssh tunnel with port forwarding to a *nix machine on your LAN, or you can set up the router to map its outside port xxxx to port 3389 of the desktop you are trying to access.

5spdvl 2010-09-01 13:38

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Ok, these are things I've not done before. So bear with me!

The local desktop is the one connected to the router wirelessly that I'm trying to access via Rdesktop, and this has a false IP designated by the router? Meaning the router has it's own IP, which differs to the internet connection IP?

I know nothing of ssh tunnel, however I could possibly do the second option. What do I need to do to make this happen?

I apologise for the newb questions.

zlatko 2010-09-02 08:59

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Second option requires support from your router. You have to read the manual, it can be called different names(virtual server, port forwarding etc.) Here is how it can be done:

1. You have to know your router real IP(the one that is used to connect to Internet). Lets assume it is aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
2. You have to check your local desktop IP. Lest assume it is xxx.yyy.www.zzz
3. Rdesktop is using port 3389. If your router supports the needed feature you must configure it to forward connection attempts to its port3389 to the 3389 port of your local desktop. So if there is connection attempt on aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd port 3389, it will be forwarded to local desktop xxx.yyy.www.zzz port 3389, where remote services is listening.
4. To connect from your N900 to the local desktop you must setup Rdesktop to connect to aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.

suniltje 2010-09-02 19:27

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

i make music on my computer and since i'm able to control it with my n900 using rdesktop, i was wondering if there is a way to get the sound working. because everytime i try to say start a music program like fruity loops i get a error like couldn't create the Direct sound main object.

can anyone help me please...

uTMY 2010-09-02 19:35

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Just a basic guide


5spdvl 2010-09-02 22:37

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Thankyou zlatko and uTMY. I feel I have a good understanding of the concept now. Will try it over the weekend.

5spdvl 2010-09-03 12:43

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I have set my IP from dynamic to static, and I have enabled mh router to allow access for Remote Desktop via the Vista network manager. However, I have not been able to set the DMZ on my router to forward port 3389. The prgoram for my router (Linksys WRT120N) is different the one shown in the PDF manual shown in the web. Any thoughts?

Also. in rdesktop. I'm trying to work out what to put:
Server: IP (router or desktop connected to router?) :colon: 3389 (port)
Windows login
Domain: what goes here?

suniltje 2010-09-03 21:44

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Server: your desktop ip
user name/password: acount wich you want to log on
domain: empty

this is the way i have done it and it works;)

zlatko 2010-09-03 21:57

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Server: your router REAL IP

No need for port - rdesktop default port is 3389. But without configuring your router to forward its port 3389 to port 3389 of your local desktop you wont be able to do anything.

5spdvl 2010-09-03 23:15

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Ok, I managed to log into my router to make port forwarding changes (typed in the IP in the address bar, logged in with the wifi access username and password).

I have:
-Single Port Forwarding
-Port Range Forwarding
-Port Range Triggering

I have setup what I believe to be configurations to forward connection attempts via the router IP to port 3389, however rdesktop is still unable to connect. I have disabled firewalls on the desktop I intend to access (desktop connected to wirelessly to router), as well as enabling access via Remo9te Desktop (through Windows Network Manager). The desktop doesn't have a Windows log in, you just push enter on the username without a password and it goes through.

Not sure what more I can do! :mad:

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