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uTMY 2010-09-04 09:14

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
The desktop doesn't have a Windows log in, you just push enter on the username without a password and it goes through.

Not sure what more I can do! :mad:

Remote desktop requires your Windows user account to have a password or it doesn't let you remote connect.

(hint: you can create more than one account in Windows some with and some without passwords)

Otherwise anyone connecting to your router could access your home machine.

Which is probably not a good idea.


uTMY 2010-09-04 09:17

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Also once you have this working you may consider allowing an rdp session from the internet to your home machine is a bad idea, a really really bad idea.

Better would be to set up an encrypted tunnel to your machine using perhaps OpenVPN which is secure and then performing the RDP session over that connection. (hint search the forums for a walk through)


uTMY 2010-09-04 09:21

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Also if you are testing with the n900 on your local network via wifi then you will not need port forwarding for this just go direct to the IP address of the Windows machine.

Hint: not all routers allow you to connect from your local lan to the outside or internet IP address and then route back in via a port forward.

So you may need two RDP connections one for when you are on your lan and one when the n900 is connected directly to the internet.


zlatko 2010-09-04 09:56

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
First test rdesktop when N900 is connected to your LAN(wireless router) as uTMY had suggested. If this works, then you can proceed to attempt connection from outside your LAN.
For remote access to Windows machines in my office network I personally use ssh tunneling - it is really secure and easy to setup.

5spdvl 2010-09-04 14:26

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I was testing using the N900 over 3G.

I'll create a Windows log in to see if that makes a difference to what I've already done.

Once I've got it working, then I'll worry about making it secure. Thankyou again for your help guys, I really appreciate it and your patience. :)

uTMY 2010-09-04 16:01

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 806972)
First test rdesktop when N900 is connected to your LAN(wireless router) as uTMY had suggested. If this works, then you can proceed to attempt connection from outside your LAN.
For remote access to Windows machines in my office network I personally use ssh tunneling - it is really secure and easy to setup.

Hi Zlatko

Can you post the software you install on the windows machine and the command line you use to setup the shh tunnel here to help the OP?

I personally use OpenVPN since it provides a really nice gui connect facility and can handle mutliple concurrent sessions and services over a single easy to use pipe.


zlatko 2010-09-04 16:20

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

I use *nix machine to establish the tunnel. Our corporate network consist of many *nix machines(30+) and few Windowses(3-4).
I just start ssh on my N900 with -L option:

ssh -L 3389:<LAN_IP_windows>:3389 IP_unix
This command binds port 3389 on my N900 to port 3389 of the remote Windows machine on office LAN, with all communication flowing through the encrypted ssh tunnel established between N900 and remote *nix machine.

LAN_IP_windows: IP address of the Windows desktop on the LAN I want to remotely access.
IP_unix: real IP of a *nix machine connected to Internet and to the same LAN.

Then I just point Rdesktop on my N900 to localhost and I end up on the Windows desktop ;-)

uTMY 2010-09-04 17:16

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Thank you for following up, the main reason I suggested OpenVPN was because it has a Windows client but I bet the OP would like an exercise in creating a home Linux machine to act as a gateway via SSH.

I actually wondered if you had found an easy to use GPL based SSH service for a windows machine.




Saturn 2010-09-04 20:06

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by uTMY (Post 807242)
I actually wondered if you had found an easy to use GPL based SSH service for a windows machine.

There are several options. I have used OpenSSH in Cygwin and a friend proposed MobaSSH as simpler (but haven't tried that).

uTMY 2010-09-04 22:48

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I thought Cygwin was encumbered by various issues, patents, copyright etc.


5spdvl 2010-09-05 07:07

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I have created a Windows log in/password on the machine I am trying to access, and it hasn't helped. I have tried every combination of the above port forwarding options through my router, and used both the IP listed in a program I used to set a static IP for my internet connection, as well as the IP address given when I go to (in rdesktop).

Alas, still no connection.

uTMY 2010-09-05 09:21

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
you need to get it working on your local lan before you try to get it working via the port forwarding.

1. Connect your n900 to the lan via wifi, test it can browse the internet.
2. Create user on the windows desktop with password and add them to the group to allow remote access.
3. find the ip address on the windows workstation. start, run, cmd<enter>, ipconfig<enter>
4. run up remote desktop on n900 and create session for the workstation IP address.

make sure you turn off windows or other firewalls on your workstation first while testing.

hint: use the windows event log to locate any workstation related issues.


5spdvl 2010-09-06 03:01

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Ok, lthis is getting quite frustrating. I can only imagine what you must be thinking uTMY!

I can browse internet no problems via my wifi on my N900. Checked it anyway.

I created a new user with password of the desktop (Vista) that is plugged into the router.

I ran ipconfig and used the IP listed (which is the same one I have been using all along) in a new session on rdesktop. This was with the new user profile I created. I also ensured firewalls were turned off.

Rdesktop cannot connect. Arrrgghh!!

I searched "remote", and loaded the Windows Remote Access program, but it doesn't have an area to allow remote desktop; only seems focused on said desktop remotely accessing another computer.

I also made sure all port forwarding was disabled via the router. How do I find the Windows event log?

Ongoing thanks uTMY!

uTMY 2010-09-06 07:32

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Nope, not frustrating for me at all, my remote desktops all work fine, linux, windows etc.

Which version of Vista?


Pigro 2010-09-06 08:16

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
haven't read back through the thread to see whether you can RDP successfully from clients other than N900 - but ensure that your Vista version actually supports RDP host (I don't know about Vista but both XP and Win7 exclude host mode on the "home" versions).

for XP/Win7 there are hacks available to terminal services to circumvent the restriction so I'd imagine same will go for Vista too (google is your friend).

5spdvl 2010-09-06 09:09

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I wil check the version of Vista as soon as I can (not home).

Pigro 2010-09-06 09:20

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by 5spdvl (Post 808465)
I wil check the version of Vista as soon as I can (not home).

Just FYI, I checked the situation: As suspected, Vista home basic & home premium DON'T allow you to run RDP in host mode, so if you have either of those installed, that is your root problem.

Depending on your reason for wanting RDP,you may simply be able to run an alternative such as VNC to give remote access and forget about using RDP.

Like I said though, if RDP specifically is required, there are hacks out there that will get around this, you just need to find one that corresponds to your vista version & SP level.

"I have a friend" :D who's hacked both XP home and Win 7 home to allow RDP host in the past - pretty painless in both cases as long as you are happy to mess with the registry a bit & have a quick scan of any batch files you're asked to run to ensure they're kosher :-)

uTMY 2010-09-06 13:37

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Hence my question about which version of Vista.

I made the assumption he was using a version that should support RDP and then thought I'd query it just in case.


Mr. Incredible 2010-09-11 13:08

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I have a problem sharing the MyDocs folder. For a short time I can access the MyDocs and MMC but then the the N900 refuses the connection. It says that the network isn't available but rdesktop is running and I still can remote control the PC.

Here is a screenshot.

N900_NEWBIE 2010-09-11 19:22

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Ever since I upgraded to latest version of R Desktop, I cannot access from T Mobile 3G. It works fine if I am on WLAN.

Anyone else face same issue?


N900_NEWBIE 2010-09-12 16:40

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by 5spdvl (Post 807650)
I have created a Windows log in/password on the machine I am trying to access, and it hasn't helped. I have tried every combination of the above port forwarding options through my router, and used both the IP listed in a program I used to set a static IP for my internet connection, as well as the IP address given when I go to (in rdesktop).

Alas, still no connection.


1) Set up a static IP on your client - Set it same as your external IP
2) Make sure you turn all sort of firewalls off- including the one your router has for your PC
3) Set your user as the admin
4) I hope your OS is XP- Vista does not support RDP


pelago 2010-09-12 17:17

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
There hasn't been a new release of rdesktop for N900 for a while - has development stopped?

Also, I notice that the most recent comments in the subversion repository ( say "Moved to other place". Does that mean it's been moved to gitorious or something?

Tripledrop 2010-09-12 21:02

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Is there a way to shutdown your PC through RD? Seems to be only able to log-off, and occasionally would like to completely close down...

Saturn 2010-09-12 23:37

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by Tripledrop (Post 814398)
Is there a way to shutdown your PC through RD? Seems to be only able to log-off, and occasionally would like to completely close down...

The only way I could find was to open the command line (run > cmd) and use the shutdown command.
> shutdown -s -t 0


Usage: shutdown [-i | -l | -s | -r | -a] [-f] [-m \\computername] [-t xx] [-c "comment"] [-d up:xx:yy]

        No args                Display this message (same as -?)
        -i                      Display GUI interface, must be the first option
        -l                      Log off (cannot be used with -m option)
        -s                      Shutdown the computer
        -r                      Shutdown and restart the computer
        -a                      Abort a system shutdown
        -m \\computername      Remote computer to shutdown/restart/abort
        -t xx                  Set timeout for shutdown to xx seconds
        -c "comment"            Shutdown comment (maximum of 127 characters)
        -f                      Forces running applications to close without warning
        -d [u][p]:xx:yy        The reason code for the shutdown
                                u is the user code
                                p is a planned shutdown code
                                xx is the major reason code (positive integer less than 256)
                                yy is the minor reason code (positive integer less than 65536)

elipsoid 2010-09-14 13:42

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
I seem to be having a problem with Rdesktop that it appears nobody else in this thread is having. For me the app starts fine but the process is killed instantly when connecting, it gives no errors when running through the gui, just crashes back to desktop.

I've tried running it from the command line, with various options, however the same thing happens every time, but I recieve the error:


ui_maemo_init: Cannot initialise osso!
I've also ssh'd in, this way I get far more detailed information and it appears that it actually does connect but dies when trying to build the UI:


main: ** connecting: srv=192.16xxxxxx, flags=59, domain='' pass='xxxxxx' shell='/bin/sh' dir=''

connect_server: server = '192xxxxxx', port = 3389
EINPROGRESS in connect() - selecting
done completeNokia-N900-51-1:~#

I'm running the latest PR on an N900 with the power kernel installed. Anybody have any ideas?

IcyAirs 2010-10-01 21:08

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Not sure if anyone's still working on this, but found this earlier, think it would fix that problem where maemo grabs the volume controls and forces rdesktop out of fullscreen mode:

Would be nice to implement it if anyone is there.

uTMY 2010-10-04 13:26

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by Quindor (Post 362390)
Any chance of seeing an implementation of the Microsoft RDP protocol any time soon? With windows machines it's kind of redundant to install VNC.

Also, OpenVPN + RDP makes the ultimate roadtime server management tool! :D

Try using the search facility here, OpenVPN and Rdesktop is already available for n900.

They are both in the package repo's and they work fine.


gokuman56 2010-10-13 19:58

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
How do you get sound working?

filbert 2010-11-11 10:02

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by elipsoid (Post 815808)
I seem to be having a problem with Rdesktop that it appears nobody else in this thread is having. For me the app starts fine but the process is killed instantly when connecting, it gives no errors when running through the gui, just crashes back to desktop.

I had a problem when trying to connect to my Windows 7 box which had Network Level Authentication turned on. It seems that this client doesn't support it and, as far as I recall, it seemed to exit very quickly. When I turned NLA off, it went in OK.

However, the error messages make it look like something more at the N900 end.

miniscalope 2010-11-28 15:52

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
i can't find remote desktop in the app manager....

i want it to access my Win server

James_Littler 2010-11-28 16:01

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by miniscalope (Post 885038)
i can't find remote desktop in the app manager....

i want it to access my Win server

It's called 'RDesktop'

miniscalope 2010-11-28 16:44

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by James_Littler (Post 885042)
It's called 'RDesktop'

I know and i dont have it... is it in extra devel? i heard extra devel doesn't exists anymore...

EDIT: Alright it was, thank you...

teamer 2010-11-28 16:49

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by wazza747 (Post 566026)
hi all.

have managed to get rdesktop working with my home wifi but cant seem to get the setting correct with my 3 data connection. have read this whole thread but cant seem to find the answer. can someone please assist? thanks in advance.

You're probably trying to access your desktop computer through a router ? this way you are accessing the router while connected from ur 3G , try entering the router settings and route the port of the remote desktop to your desktop PC and use ur WAN address to connect through rdesktop (or try

Sin 2011-01-03 20:14

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
here is the situation,

1) If I am on wlan, I can connect my pc which has Win7 Ultimate as an OS. My Kaspersky was on, no probs.

2) If I am on 3G, I cannot. I created an account on, downloaded its' client app, created a domain, added the domain on client, everything is ok for now. (if I go to my no-ip domain when I'm on pc, my modem login window welcomes me. But it can be because my pc is on same network with my modem.) So tried it with my n900 over 3G, rdesktop says, cannot connect. Tried my no-ip address on browser, it couldn't establish connection, waited, waited, waited....... Nothing. My modem is Airties RT205.

What is wrong?


BTW, how to look around of my desktop? I see my desktop, but cant scroll, go left or right. Is there any combination to do it?

5spdvl 2011-02-08 05:05

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by N900_NEWBIE (Post 814230)

1) Set up a static IP on your client - Set it same as your external IP
2) Make sure you turn all sort of firewalls off- including the one your router has for your PC
3) Set your user as the admin
4) I hope your OS is XP- Vista does not support RDP


I will be giving this another crack soon. Currently running on XP.

5spdvl 2011-02-08 08:28

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Thanks guys! I had it right all along, except for the IP, and that the computer I was originally testing it on was Vista and connected to the same network as my target computer over wifi as well. This awesome!

strongm 2011-02-08 09:01

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
>Vista does not support RDP

Yes, it does - except on any of the Home editions, where it was deliberately crippled. And there are plenty of websites that will happily tell you how to bypass this restriction on the Home editions

5spdvl 2011-02-08 22:48

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
Not sure who maintains RDesktop (aimjournals perhaps?), but a magic packet/remote turn on feature would be very cool. Otherwise I have to remember to leave my desktop on.

Saturn 2011-02-09 01:18

Re: N900- Remote Desktop

Originally Posted by 5spdvl (Post 939460)
Not sure who maintains RDesktop (aimjournals perhaps?), but a magic packet/remote turn on feature would be very cool. Otherwise I have to remember to leave my desktop on.

Are you referring to the Wake On Lan (WOL) feature? If yes there are a few dedicated tools for that in the downloads section.

Netweaver 2011-02-24 16:57

Re: N900- Remote Desktop
quick update with new keyboard layouts :

I'm not the original developer so I'm not uploading it in the repositories.

As I needed a Belgian keyboard layout and it was not available in the gui, I looked in the code and I saw the following list of keyboards was remarked out :


{ "Icelandic", "is" },
{ "Hungarian", "hr" },
{ "Lithuanian", "lt" },
{ "Latvian", "lv" },
{ "Dutch (Belgium)", "nl-be" },
{ "Norwegian", "no" },
{ "Faeroese ", "fo" },
{ "French (Belgium)", "fr-be" },
{ "French (Canada)", "fr-ca" },
{ "French (Suisse)", "fr-ch" },
{ "Slovenian", "sl" },
{ "Swedish", "sv" },
{ "Turkish", "tr" },
I've put them back in now, recompiled into a deb file and it's downloadable here :

I've not changed the version as it's not an official one and the only change is the bigger list of presented keyboardlayouts in the gui.

Obviously the programmers didn't think anyone of these countries would ever use rdesktop gui on Maemo :)

Thanks to them anyway to make it available in the first place.

I've tested the install on my N900 and it works fine, with my Belgian (remote) keyboard.

Have fun !

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