Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2012-06-11, 23:09
Replies: 251
Views: 145,655
Re: Chroot Scripts for Harmattan Open Mode
Hi, whenever I try to run Roxterm from within lxde I get an error saying "The new terminal's command failed to run" and so I can't get to any terminal.
How can I fix this? Thx
Forum: Multimedia
2010-02-16, 19:22
Replies: 103
Views: 29,953
Re: SiB - mplayer gui frontend
Hello, I have conflicts in updating to 0.0.4-2 with libqt4-maemo5-network 4.6.2...
Is there anything I can do? There's another app requiring this lib...
Forum: Applications
2010-02-08, 15:00
Replies: 151
Views: 42,900
Re: Dexter - Text-TV Reader
Hello, that's really a great program.
I was trying to configure it for Rai tv teletext.
I have some problems with previous/next predictions:
prediction link is like
<a alt="Pagina...
Forum: Applications
2010-02-01, 11:49
Replies: 214
Views: 109,326
Re: Stellarium
I love this app but I really miss GPS location: it would be very useful!
Forum: Applications
2010-01-16, 17:06
Replies: 214
Views: 91,528
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-01-15, 10:46
Replies: 1,571
Views: 754,468
Forum: Applications
2010-01-15, 10:02
Replies: 214
Views: 91,528
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-01-14, 10:59
Replies: 879
Views: 242,042
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-01-12, 09:29
Replies: 728
Views: 221,237
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-01-12, 00:10
Replies: 104
Views: 39,622
Re: 1.2009.44-1 Changelog?
I just updated with apt-get because no update showed up in application manager... But settings->about still reports old software version.
I think this update didn't perform the /dev/mtd1 update,...
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-01-11, 20:56
Replies: 728
Views: 221,237
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-01-11, 14:49
Replies: 728
Views: 221,237
Re: New firmware released!
I have updated manually with apt-get upgrade.... packages seem to be updated but I still get old software version in settings->about... Does anyone know where is it read from?
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-01-11, 11:33
Replies: 728
Views: 221,237
Re: New firmware released!
I have no update available. That's weird since I live in Italy and other italians already downloaded the update... Could it be a problem with other software installed?
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-12-14, 10:53
Replies: 107
Views: 25,140
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2009-12-11, 11:34
Replies: 1,571
Views: 754,468
Re: Mail for Exchange (MfE). Blame me here, pls
I've noticed that MfE account is not kept synchronized even after setting "Always on" in sych settings. It seems like it looses the actual connection with the exchange server after some time.
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-12-10, 13:53
Replies: 495
Views: 193,253
Re: N900 Unexpected reboots
Got a new one just yesterday. No reboot so far. It seems to run way more smoothly. My advice: get a new one. They're replacing for free so it is pointless to keep a defective device.
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-11-28, 15:08
Replies: 495
Views: 193,253
Re: N900 Unexpected reboots
I called them on thursday. I'm sending my N900 back for a new one.
I like it a lot and I'm just disappointed I have to wait longer to have it back in my greedy hands :D
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2009-11-26, 18:39
Replies: 1,571
Views: 754,468
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2009-11-26, 18:33
Replies: 1,571
Views: 754,468
Re: Mail for Exchange (MfE). Blame me here, pls
I have opened a new bug.
My problem is that whne you tap on a new email notification, the email doesn't open up, but it opens a blank email
If you...
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-11-26, 13:15
Replies: 495
Views: 193,253
Re: N900 Unexpected reboots
Uhm, I'm not that sure... Why the majority of people is not reporting this bug? I'm not doing anything special with my N900...
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-11-26, 11:15
Replies: 495
Views: 193,253
Re: N900 Unexpected reboots
I'm really thinking to send it back to Nokia Shop...
Could it be a ram related problem?
I noticed that the few logs I've seen show low ram available and swap file used just for a few megs.
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-11-25, 19:09
Replies: 495
Views: 193,253
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-11-25, 18:53
Replies: 495
Views: 193,253
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-11-25, 18:17
Replies: 495
Views: 193,253
Re: N900 Unexpected reboots
User Location Network Firmware version Push
Javajix-Italy-Vodafone(128k sim)-1.2009.42-11
kende Finland Sonera 1.2009.42-11
famusc Italy H3G 1.2003.42.11 Yes(Ex/NM)
Can I ask users to report...
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-11-25, 16:56
Replies: 495
Views: 193,253