Awesome questions! Thanks a lot. Here are the answers: Can we expect open graphic/wireless drivers whenever/if the intel SoC comes out? The entire stack will be open.
-------------x-snip-x---------------- What are the lessons learned from MeeGo and Nokia? With the LiMo Foundation and WAC they have a number of industry players, not only just one partner. -------------x-snip-x----------------
-------------x-snip-x---------------- Also do they plan some Aegis equivalent (hope not!)? The same one used already in MeeGo (not Aegis from Harmattan) SMACK based.
Thanks for this discussion, am skipping the N9 then... I saw how such a mechanism killed UIQ3 on Symbian... the complete system lockdown that MSSF could enable. Device makers can use the facilities to require that only their signed kernels run on the devices, and that only approved applications get installed. .... Device makers may well have chosen to do that regardless of whether MSSF supported it, but its presence there certainly makes it easier to create freedom-hostile devices. One hopes that at least some device makers choose otherwise.