2. You can launch almost any Maemo app from xterm once you've determined what the command to launch from xterm is - then you can do the same things as I mentioned in #1 for launching. If you don't want to add an icon to your KMenu first but still want to add the app to the desktop or task bar then do the following: To specifically set up a desktop short cut: Open Konquerer -> /home/user/desktop -> Menu -> Edit -> Create New -> Link to application -> Tap on the icon to select an icon; give it a name - > Tap on the Application Tab and type in the Command that you used in Xterm to launch the application (eg: for XMMS it's simply xmms or for FOTAQ in scummVM it's usr/games/scummvm -f queen). You can also set up a shortcut link to the system tray by doing a very similar set of steps: System tray menu -> panel menu ->Add Applet to Panel -> non-KDE application launcher -> fill in the blanks using the same method as above except here you type the xterm command in the Executable space.