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Posts: 118 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Sep 2007
1. Is there an easy, non command line, way to tell how much battery you have left in KDE?

2. How can I run regular maemo programs from within KDE?

3. Is there any way to keep the normal maemo contacts (or RTCOMM) open and available so I can receive instant messages from within KDE?

4. Is it me or is KDE less bright than the default maemo screen?
Posts: 118 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Why do so many KDE questions go unanswered here...
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Posts: 538 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Seattle
Originally Posted by MstPrgmr View Post
1. Is there an easy, non command line, way to tell how much battery you have left in KDE?

2. How can I run regular maemo programs from within KDE?

3. Is there any way to keep the normal maemo contacts (or RTCOMM) open and available so I can receive instant messages from within KDE?

4. Is it me or is KDE less bright than the default maemo screen?
1. Yes - there's a script for battery-status monitor that makes a small bubble come up giving you the percentage of battery. You can assign the script to either button(s) using the Input Actions on Control Center and/or you can create a menu item for it using Menu Editor and/or you can create a desktop shorcut for it by first creating the menu item and then dragging and droping it to the desktop or placing the icon in your task bar. I personally have the script assigned to Ctrl+B.

2. You can launch almost any Maemo app from xterm once you've determined what the command to launch from xterm is - then you can do the same things as I mentioned in #1 for launching.

If you don't want to add an icon to your KMenu first but still want to add the app to the desktop or task bar then do the following:

To specifically set up a desktop short cut: Open Konquerer -> /home/user/desktop -> Menu -> Edit -> Create New -> Link to application -> Tap on the icon to select an icon; give it a name - > Tap on the Application Tab and type in the Command that you used in Xterm to launch the application (eg: for XMMS it's simply xmms or for FOTAQ in scummVM it's usr/games/scummvm -f queen).

You can also set up a shortcut link to the system tray by doing a very similar set of steps: System tray menu -> panel menu ->Add Applet to Panel -> non-KDE application launcher -> fill in the blanks using the same method as above except here you type the xterm command in the Executable space.

3. Don't know about using the Maemo IM clients I personally use Kopete (KDE Jabber client) - I prefer it over the maemo clients anyways. Sorry can't be of more help here.

4. No I think it's just you - I don't notice any difference at all in the brightness of the screen. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps your color scheme is making things look more dim? Like maybe the background isn't set to WHITE but to an OFF-WHITE or something. To check this go to Control Center -> Appearance -> Colors.
When you wish upon a star, your dreams really can come true... Unless it's an asteroid hurtling towards earth that will destroy all life.

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Posts: 538 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Seattle
Originally Posted by MstPrgmr View Post
Why do so many KDE questions go unanswered here...
Cause there's only a few of us who regularly answer them and we have lives that don't allow us to spend all of our time on the forums answering your questions. Most questions do get answered within a day or two. It's not like we get paid or anything.

All of the questions that I answered for you here today (with the exception of #3 & #4) have been answered before in other threads in the KDE forum. If you are in such a big hurry - you could try searching the forums - to be perfectly honest that's exactly what I did to answer your questions. I searched and then copied and pasted the answers here in the this thread.
When you wish upon a star, your dreams really can come true... Unless it's an asteroid hurtling towards earth that will destroy all life.

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Originally Posted by PinCushionQueen View Post
1. Yes - there's a script for battery-status monitor that makes a small bubble come up giving you the percentage of battery. You can assign the script to either button(s) using the Input Actions on Control Center and/or you can create a menu item for it using Menu Editor and/or you can create a desktop shorcut for it by first creating the menu item and then dragging and droping it to the desktop or placing the icon in your task bar. I personally have the script assigned to Ctrl+B.
I tried it, it works in xterm, but I can't figure out how to map it to a key, please tell the steps you did so I can know how much battery my n800 has while in KDE.
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Originally Posted by 2timer View Post
I tried it, it works in xterm, but I can't figure out how to map it to a key, please tell the steps you did so I can know how much battery my n800 has while in KDE.
Please see this post here It was how to set up the hotkey for Right-Click Toggle but it uses the same Input Actions instructions that you can use to assign just about anything to a button. Of course for step #1 - you've already got the script so no need to grab it

I've got hotkeys to launch Wifi, Konqueror, Bluetooth toggle, battery status, control xmms, launch xterm, launch control center... You're only limited to how many shortcuts/key combination assignment you can remember
When you wish upon a star, your dreams really can come true... Unless it's an asteroid hurtling towards earth that will destroy all life.
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Originally Posted by 2timer View Post
I tried it, it works in xterm, but I can't figure out how to map it to a key, please tell the steps you did so I can know how much battery my n800 has while in KDE.
FYI - The latest version of KDE has the battery status link on the taskbar
To all my Maemo friends. I will no longer be monitoring any of my threads here on a regular basis. I am no longer supporting anything I did under maemo at If you need some help with something you can reach me at or I have disabled my PM's here, and removed myself from Council email and Community mailing list. There has been some fun times, see you around.
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Originally Posted by PinCushionQueen View Post

2. You can launch almost any Maemo app from xterm once you've determined what the command to launch from xterm is - then you can do the same things as I mentioned in #1 for launching.

If you don't want to add an icon to your KMenu first but still want to add the app to the desktop or task bar then do the following:

To specifically set up a desktop short cut: Open Konquerer -> /home/user/desktop -> Menu -> Edit -> Create New -> Link to application -> Tap on the icon to select an icon; give it a name - > Tap on the Application Tab and type in the Command that you used in Xterm to launch the application (eg: for XMMS it's simply xmms or for FOTAQ in scummVM it's usr/games/scummvm -f queen).

You can also set up a shortcut link to the system tray by doing a very similar set of steps: System tray menu -> panel menu ->Add Applet to Panel -> non-KDE application launcher -> fill in the blanks using the same method as above except here you type the xterm command in the Executable space.

Ok, I'll take a look at the battery status on the taskbar. BTW the link for the instructions is not working.

One more thing how can I find out what the execute commands to luanch a app in xterm are to make a menu icon for it in KDE?
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Try this: http//

I accidently had http://http://www... in the link.

as for how to tell what xterm command to use to launch an app - well usually it's the name of the app but not always. I usually just use trial and errour to figure it out. In general if you can find the app in your /usr/bin/ diretory then that's what you would use in xterm. Some games are found in /usr/games/ so to launch ScummVM you would type the following:


xterm automatically assumes /usr/bin/xxxx so that's why just the name of the app will work if it's found in that directory.
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Originally Posted by penguinbait View Post
FYI - The latest version of KDE has the battery status link on the taskbar
Where is it? is it the green bar (above the dark red bar)?

deprecated, kde, kde35

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