Individual development is fail? The vast majority of applications for the NIT seems to be developed by individuals. While passion and being part of a community is wonderful - a single developer for an application is also a recipe for disaster.
The person gets bored, moves on to something else, 'real life' takes over, he has to sell his device, freemantle looks shiny - you name it - and poof...the development is in 9/10 cases now dead. Forget about future enhancements, upgrades, support when issues comes up.
1) Put pressure on Nokia to support the base applications that were part of the reason we [I] bought the device in the first place (Skype just one example).
2) Be open to selling/purchasing applications. There are tens of iPhone applications I can think of that I would pay for to have on my NIT. People should be more willing to sell their applications. If you have committed to accept payment for your development three things can/will happen; a) The developer, gains a sense of responsibility to maintain the application and not drop it as soon as something seems more fun,
b) If the application is good and gains a user-base it may very well be possible and even desirable to hand it over/sell it to someone should the initial developer have to phase out,
4) Specifically to developers here: Once you have a sufficient user-base - meaning a lot of people that really enjoy and use your application. Start taking some responsibility if you are the only person developing it. What is your contingency plan if you get bored with the application/NITs next week?